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Last day of famine...timing of supplements

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 8:25 pm
by oliverparsons
Hey guys, quick question, couldn't find an exact answer on the forum. Today is my last day of famine, workout was pretty brutal and looking forward to eating a ton tomorrow.
I have ordered the BP Mass Stack, and have a quick question about dosing. I'm 190-195 pounds, ectomorph, looking to do gain a lot of weight (i'll be going for well over 7,000 calories a day).

1)Since my first feast workout won't be for 3 days (until Friday), when is my first dose of Adaptogen N, Kre-Anabolyn and BCAA's? Do I wait until Friday?

2) According to page 38 of the BP, Adaptogen N is 2-3 caps everyday before bed, nothing had changed with timing/dosing for version 3.0 correct?

3) Kre-Anabolyn, recommended dose is 3-6 caps per day, since I'm taking Adaptogen N, should I stick to maybe 4 caps a day of KA? On workout days is this spread evenly throughout the day? And should I take 1 or 2 caps with my BCAA drink prior to workout? On off days I understand I take it with my highest carb meal, is 2 caps with breakfast and 2 with dinner ok?

4) BCAAs - take 25-40 grams 3 days on, 3 days off. Should my first dose come during my first feast workout (Friday)? I know that I take 1/3 before, during and after workout, mixed with sugar (does the type of sugar matter if i'm bulking?) and crystal light. On non-workout days does it matter when I take the BCAAs?

Sorry for all the questions....thanks for all the help!

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:49 am
by RobRegish
First, congratulation on making it through! The hard part is now OVER and it's time to board the train to Gainsville baby!

1)Since my first feast workout won't be for 3 days (until Friday), when is my first dose of Adaptogen N, Kre-Anabolyn and BCAA's? Do I wait until Friday?

A. First day of Feast!

2) According to page 38 of the BP, Adaptogen N is 2-3 caps everyday before bed, nothing had changed with timing/dosing for version 3.0 correct?

A. Suggest running AN as follows: 3 caps/night 45 min prior to bedtime for 3 weeks. Thereafter, 2-3 caps/night M-F with weekends off. This cycle was pioneered by a bunch of powerlifters in the midwest and is a fantastic way to run the product. It should last you the remainder of Feast too (just one bottle). Stuff is absolute gold IMO. It's so good, I almost built The BP aorund it!

3) Kre-Anabolyn, recommended dose is 3-6 caps per day, since I'm taking Adaptogen N, should I stick to maybe 4 caps a day of KA? On workout days is this spread evenly throughout the day? And should I take 1 or 2 caps with my BCAA drink prior to workout? On off days I understand I take it with my highest carb meal, is 2 caps with breakfast and 2 with dinner ok?

A. Such a solid stack. You'll likely only need 3/day of KA due to the fact it's been dosed to the max with RCE. Highest per cap now on the market, I think. On training days, suggest one an hour prior to the workout, one immediately after with the remaining bit of your intra workout drink and one with a solid fuel meal (heavy on the carbs) about an hour later. On off days, consume one with 3 of your highest CARB based meals. Ideally breakfast, lunch and dinner. Some protein should be included of course but for various reasons (it contains 4 hydroxysioleucine, Ldopa, Kre-Alkalyn etc) KA is ideal with your highest carb based meals.

4) BCAAs - take 25-40 grams 3 days on, 3 days off. Should my first dose come during my first feast workout (Friday)?

A. 3 on 3off protocol begins first day of Feast. If your workout happens to fall on an off day, feel free to still include them in your intra workout drink. Yeah, you'll go through them quicker but well worth it IMO. Recovery is lightening quick and really delivers in the LBM department when using that protocol. MANY have had success with it, happy to say :)

I know that I take 1/3 before, during and after workout, mixed with sugar (does the type of sugar matter if i'm bulking?) and crystal light. On non-workout days does it matter when I take the BCAAs?

A. On non-workout days, try to get them between meals. I'm going to make the following a stickie b/c I've think we've moved FAR beyond dextrose as a carb base for that drink. Here's the NEW intraworkout drink recipe:

50-75g of Pure Karbolyn
25g of MassPro cold processed whey inclusive of di-tri peptides
20-25g of BCAA

Here's why Pure Karbolyn is so vastly superior to dextrose:

- Moves incredibly fast through the stomach, into the duodenum/small intestine and into the bloodstream MUCH faster than dextrose.
- "Drags" all of our friends (amino's, creatine if using that etc) along with it for the ride to your muscle tissue
- Does all of this WITHOUGH the bloat, energy rise/crash seen with dextrose AND deposits more of that blood sugar as glycogen within the muscle tissue

I've verified all of this via the glucometer. Pricier than dextrose? Yes, it is. However, used solely on training days it's well worth your dollar. If that's still too much look into a product called Kwik Karb. 2nd best but WAY better than dextrose IMO.

Hopefully, we'll have an even better solution for you here at some point. That, (amongst other things) is in the works :)

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 9:19 pm
by oliverparsons
Thanks Rob, always a great help. Ate a ton today during first day of feast.

Quick follow-up question for the BCAAs. I'm taking Mass Pro, which has 30 servings in the entire bottle (240 gram total bottle). I'm a little confused because when you say take 20-25g of BCAA, that would only mean the whole bottle has ten servings for the whole bottle. Or do I assume one serving of MassPro actually has 20-25g of BCAA?

Sorry for the annoying question. Thanks!!

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 6:20 am
by RobRegish
When I specify BCAA, I'm speak of pure BCAA's outside of an entire protein formula like MassPro.

Now it's true MassPro is loaded with them, but BCAA powder is what you want to add on top of this. MassPro's real value lies is the di-tri peptides which are absorbed incredibly fast and act moreso as "singaling agents" for greater growth factor expression.

The stand alone BCAA go directly into circulation by passing the normal route of digestion through the stomach. They are incredibly important so do try to incorporate if budget allows..

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 10:10 am
by oliverparsons
Hi Rob, sorry for the follow-up but when I metioned "Mass Pro" I was refering to referring to "Mass Pro Amino" not "Mass Pro Whey".

Since I got the BP Mass Stack, my understanding is that the Mass Pro Amino was sufficient for BCAA and I didn't have to add a BCAA powder on top of this?

If Mass Pro Amino is sufficient, my question is about dosing. One serving is 8 grams, so is it safe to assume that 8 grams of Mass Pro Amino equals exactly 8 grams of BCAAs? Therefore, 3 servings of 8g would get me to the 20-25g needed (which I then split 1/3, 1/3, 1/3).

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 7:36 pm
by RobRegish
Correct. Sorry, I misunderstood.

MPA is all you need for your BCAA's. That and a whole lot more in a very specific ration. You've got the gold standard there my man (IMO)..

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 7:39 pm
by oliverparsons
Awesome, thanks again!

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 6:54 am
by RobRegish
My pleasure :)