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Turbo's Back!! Run #2

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 4:07 pm
Hey all my BP friends!! It's good to be back!
I'm gonna be running the periodic all the way through this time, and as always...expecting big things!! But as most of you know by now, big things happen here!!

I kicked off the famine yesterday after taking a full week off from the weights. I have established a resting heart rate, and have a good portion of my stack ordered and ready to go. This is gonna be a KILLER run boys, I'm gonna give her all shes got!!..
For those of you that dont know yet, I have rescently purchased my very own gym since the last time I ran the BP. And it is a dream come true!! It allows me to put SO MUCH focus into my fitness goals, my job is to run this gym, and get into as good as shape as humanly possible!! Could you think of a better job?...I didnt think so!! I am a VERY blessed man and I thank God for it everyday!!...
I'm gonna put my heart and soul into this, and squeeze every last ounce of strength and muscle that I possibly can outta this run. Hop on board boys cuz I'm ridin this train to Gainsville and I'm bringin a PR storm wit me!!

Starting weight: 195
BF: 12-13?

Current Bench PR: 295 ( not sure where I'm at now 285?)
Old squat PR: 405x3 ( that was to parrallel, this time where gonna get that ass down where it should be, no more pussy squats!!)
*Also I should note that I havent squatted much atall since the last BP run, and thats been awhile now so..I'm no where near that strong right now :( But where gonna fix that real quick 8)*

Squat and Bench will be my focus lifts for the first loading pattern. I will also be using EDT Blocks, for the EDT blocks I will incorperate a variety of exercises thoughout the entire run.

^^ Those 5 will remain staple supp thoughout the entire run..

The following I have on hand and will find there place along the way:
cbol creatine
40 single serving samples of Size on
40 single serving samples of 1.M.R
Kre-Ex V2
There may be more added thoughout the run, it's gonna be a long one but for now thats what I'm working with..I'd like to add a test booster in there somewhere along the way if I can afford to..

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 4:14 pm
It felt really good to hit the weights again yesterday, despite being hungry as hell!! But I got one day in the books, and I'm ready to get in the next workout tomorrow. So far I'm down 2lbs since yesterday morning, putting me at 193, so everything is on track so far!!

I went to the Chiro this morning and got adjusted and had some deep tissue therapy afterwards. I am hoping this will get my lower back issues lined out and I will soldier on in my lifts!! I have a deal worked out with my Chiro to where he gets a free membership, and I get free treatments 2x's a week, including adjustments and tisue therapy!!.. yea I got the good end of that deal!! And I couldnt be happier about it, I've been needing to get my back lined out for a LONG time, but there is NOWAY I could afford the treatments not having insurance and my wife being in school.. so once again I am a very blessed man!!

By the way thank you to anyone who has or is serving our country!! We solute you!! Happy Vetrans day!!!

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 4:39 pm
by JlCh
You're the man that got me to look into the BP. Looking forward to your 2nd run, as I feel I'd completely devastate a 2nd run with ecdy's.

Good luck and I'm sure I'll check in here and there.

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 5:08 pm
by deserran

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 5:46 pm
JlCh wrote:You're the man that got me to look into the BP. Looking forward to your 2nd run, as I feel I'd completely devastate a 2nd run with ecdy's.

Good luck and I'm sure I'll check in here and there.
Thanks, glad you are part of the crew!! you're 2nd run antwhere in the near future?

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 5:56 pm
by RyannayR
Good luck TURBO!

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 7:23 pm
deserran wrote:In!
Welcome aboard!

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 7:24 pm
RyannayR wrote:Good luck TURBO!
Thank you sir!

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 8:31 pm
by RobRegish
This is the man that opened up the BP door for many. I knew from his first workout, that he'd do well. In fact, I referred to him as "Textbook Turbo" given all the planning he put into his inital posts.

This is going to be one for the ages guys. Let's all sit back, watch it unfold and of course help where we can. There will be challenges as with any run, but we're loaded for bear and the fire's back.

It has all the makings of setting a new bar for the BP. And the first bar Turbo set well, it was MIGHTY high.

Here to support you 100% Turbo. Anything you need, just ask.


Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 8:54 pm
RobRegish wrote:This is the man that opened up the BP door for many. I knew from his first workout, that he'd do well. In fact, I referred to him as "Textbook Turbo" given all the planning he put into his inital posts.

This is going to be one for the ages guys. Let's all sit back, watch it unfold and of course help where we can. There will be challenges as with any run, but we're loaded for bear and the fire's back.

It has all the makings of setting a new bar for the BP. And the first bar Turbo set well, it was MIGHTY high.

Here to support you 100% Turbo. Anything you need, just ask.

thanks Rob!! Feels soooo good to be back!

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 9:18 pm
by JlCh
JlCh wrote:You're the man that got me to look into the BP. Looking forward to your 2nd run, as I feel I'd completely devastate a 2nd run with ecdy's.

Good luck and I'm sure I'll check in here and there.
Thanks, glad you are part of the crew!! you're 2nd run antwhere in the near future?
Unfortunately, more than likely not. I just don't have the 160$ to dump on supplements currently (would go with the MASS for the sake of it). Between family issues and sales dropping during the winter months it becomes a bit hard on me financially.

Enough of the saddening bs though, will be looking forward to your run.

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 9:46 pm
by Hank!

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 10:41 pm
Hank! wrote:Subbed
Hank!! How goes it brother?!..when does your next run start?

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 8:02 am
by RobRegish
JlCh wrote:
JlCh wrote:You're the man that got me to look into the BP. Looking forward to your 2nd run, as I feel I'd completely devastate a 2nd run with ecdy's.

Good luck and I'm sure I'll check in here and there.
Thanks, glad you are part of the crew!! you're 2nd run antwhere in the near future?
Unfortunately, more than likely not. I just don't have the 160$ to dump on supplements currently (would go with the MASS for the sake of it). Between family issues and sales dropping during the winter months it becomes a bit hard on me financially.

Enough of the saddening bs though, will be looking forward to your run.
No worries JlCh, completely understand.

Tell you what, share with me what you do have and I'll help you make the most of it. Even if you have nothing, recall my opening statement on page 1 of The Blueprint:

"Let's be up front about this; The Blueprint protocol is what is at the forefront here, not the supplements. If you do choose to use adaptive supplements, this protocol will maximize their impact and accelerate your results. Indeed, ecdysterone in particular needs to be positioned appropriately to reap the unique benefits they convey and this is what Blueprint was designed for. It is a happy coincidence the plan also works well without it."

BP never was nor will be about pushing product. It's about making gains. There are MANY who have run BP successfully with nothing more than a multi-vitamin. Lovehasrisen's training partner is just one.

Either way, I can get you there. Anything I can do, just let me know...