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Reread Blueprint Many Times, Still Have Some Questions

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 12:14 pm
by jm1080
Hey guys, new here, I talked with Rob through pms regarding blueprint, but I should post here to get more feedback.


There are 4 WORKOUTS in the blueprint:

It says Bench Press for as many as you can for 8-10 reps, then immediate pullovers then squat for 8-10 reps and then deadlift 8-10 reps. So that is the entire workout for Monday (for example)?

Then there is WORKOUT 2, which is 6 reps, then WORKOUT 3, 2-3 reps, then DELOAD WORKOUT. Now are these considered to be done all in one day?

There are still more questions, but will separate them in posts, thanks again!

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 12:56 pm
by RyannayR
Yes, that would be the entire workout #1 of feast.

No, they are all separate workouts. You do workout #1 after your 3 days of eating directly following your famine. I needed at least two days rest after each workout.

Famine 5 days
Feast for 3 days(no lifting)
Continue feast for about 5 weeks

Might look something like this....

Sat, Sun, Mon (feast, no lifting)
Tues (feast workout #1)
Friday(feast workout #2)
continue that up to you your 5th workout where you max your bench and squat.

After that period rest two days then start German Loading Program with your new 1 rep max in hand.

Hope this clears it up. If you need more help look through some logs, consult this stickie ... .php?t=730, or post another question here.

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 3:25 pm
by jm1080
Hey thanks for response. Yea I read that sticky, but still left a bit confused. So WORKOUT 1 will be Monday, WORKOUT 2 wednesday, WORKOUT 3 friday, WORKOUT 4 (DELOAD) sunday? or monday? Those exercises are main compound exercises, what about biceps, triceps, shoulders, calfs, etc?

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 3:44 pm
by pmartinez78
No, jm1080. If you start WORKOUT #1 on a Monday, your next workout should fall on Thursday. Then WORKOUT #3 should land on Sunday and so on. There should be 2 days rest between the next workout. Don't worry about the other body parts. You can add them as your EDT's when you start the GLP. Hope that helps.

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 4:01 pm
by Big.jazayrli
there is no set amount of rest between workouts, it really depends from person to person.

I recover quickly - which leads me to typically take 1 day between workouts.

If you want to do workouts for smaller muscle groups (i.e. biceps, triceps, etc) feel free to do so in EDT fashion FOLLOWING all of your workouts

never do them beforehand.

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 6:28 pm
by scump
yeah mate you left out your EDT blocks... this is what your first 5 workouts should look like:

bench X
pullovers X

upper body EDT block

Squat X

lower body EDT block


some people save both EDT blocks till after squatting.

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 8:00 pm
by xlb57
scump wrote:yeah mate you left out your EDT blocks... this is what your first 5 workouts should look like:

bench X
pullovers X

upper body EDT block

Squat X

lower body EDT block


some people save both EDT blocks till after squatting.
I've noticed this too Scump - What's your preference?

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 8:03 pm
by Big.jazayrli
xlb57 wrote: I've noticed this too Scump - What's your preference?
I always like to squat first.. that's just me though

I put everything I've got into squatting, an EDT block (when done properly) should be a pretty big drain of energy

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 12:45 pm
by jm1080
Thanks for the responses, but I just looked and there are a total of 4 workouts not 5. Workout 4 is DELOAD.

A. Not sure what you're looking at but from page 15 of The BP:

"Workout #5

Shoot for a new 1RM on BP!
Finish with a good, clean set of pullovers for a 5 rep max

Shoot for a new 1RM on SQ!
Finish with a good, clean set of stiff legged deads for a 5 rep max"

Now it is true we've added EDT blocks to compliment these big BB lifts. For more insight on that, please see these two stickies (although you guys helping here are doing a FANTASTIC job..) ... .php?t=441 ... .php?t=437 ... .php?t=378

Hope that helps!

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 12:51 pm
by Big.jazayrli
jm1080 wrote:
Now after this, there is still 4 weeks remaining, what do you do in those 4 weeks? Why doesn't it specify this? No offense, but I just wish the book went into specific detail for what I paid. Other than that the book is good, if I knew exactly everything in detail.
the idea of this program is to NOT be cookie-cutter style in terms of what you have to do

there are 4 loading patterns specified in the book, and multiple other styles of training to complement them (EDT, for example)

Get your one rep maxes, pick a loading pattern, plug in the numbers to the calculator provided here and LIFT!

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 4:38 pm
by jm1080
Ok I think, I'm starting to get it, thanks for responses, I relooked at pdf and yes I see workout #5, I summarized everything into a word document to make it easier to see and I must of skipped that workout #5.

Anyways to clarify:

Mon: workout 1

Thur: workout 2

Sun: workout 3

Wed: workout 4

Saturday: workout 5, one new 1rm right?

This consists of two weeks. Then you guys state EDT, but in the pdf it states German Loading Pattern #1 and states 6 workouts of %'s. Now that is extremely confusing..I have no idea there, is that considered EDT? Then it goes onto intake of ECDY and does not specify. Anyone care to clear it up? Thanks again! Im on feast phase now, but did it completely wrong, actually using the exercises from famine phase. Oh well, next time :)

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 7:14 pm
by RobRegish
Wow, sorry to hear you're that confused. Here's what I'd do..

If you haven't already, run workouts 1-5 as specified. You seem to have a good grasp on that. Include 1-2 EDT blocks as outlined above. 2 EDT blocks for the upper body workouts and 1 for the lower body.

Focus on that and JUST that for the next 2 weeks. Deal?

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 7:49 pm
by Big.jazayrli
RobRegish wrote:Wow, sorry to hear you're that confused. Here's what I'd do..

If you haven't already, run workouts 1-5 as specified. You seem to have a good grasp on that. Include 1-2 EDT blocks as outlined above. 2 EDT blocks for the upper body workouts and 1 for the lower body.

Focus on that and JUST that for the next 2 weeks. Deal?
just thinking in regards to my (tiny) knowledge of Mentzer style training, if coming off a high volume program - wouldn't a full BP run of just HIT be a great way to get results?

obviously not a 8-10 week run, but 4 weeks of single sets to failure?

I may have to put this to the test in future

A. In THEORY yes. I tested this though, and while absolute strength increases tremendously, hypertrophy doesn't keep pace (a flaw in HIT).

SUSPECTED REASON: Total tonnage plays a BIG part muscle hypertrophy. The likelihood of knocking off all of the Type I, IIA and B fibers etc in just 1 set (no matter how intense) isn't the same.

It was for that reason then, I elected to build a template that boosts absolute strength (HIT + loading patterns - various) along with EDT.

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 10:29 pm
by scump
Hey OP regarding my preference, i done the EDT block before squatting... but then i had a 10 min rest before squatting, because that EDT block nuts you, but gives me the most insane pump ever (feel like i could take on a lion).

also, have you read any logs? i think this would be beneficial to you man... have a look at a couple, mine is straight forward and you can see the workout template.

i will abbreviate some here but read some logs.

1st 5 workouts = working out new 1 rm max (with 2 edt blocks 1 upper 1 lower) LISTEN to your body on this one, regarding structure of workouts, a lot of us needed 3-4 days rest before the 1rm max.

from that point on you take on a loading pattern, lets say German Loading Pattern 1.

if your doing 2 lifts lets say bench press and squat, this works out to 12 workouts... so.

workout 6-17=





did that help or make things worse?