Mass Pro vs ON Whey

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Mass Pro vs ON Whey

Post by jcs52 »

I have been a devoted Optimum Nutrition Whey consumer for about 5-6 years. I enjoyed reading different BP posts/write-ups on protein comparisons and I have since considered making a switch to Mass Pro when I order my BP stack. However, I would like a comparison of the two and how they stack up against each other before making the switch.

Could someone help disect this for me?

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Post by dracotdrgn »

There are countless reports in this section that talk about this. I only went a few pages deep and found one of the main ones for you. ... sc&start=0

A lot of people use ON because it's cheap and tastes good. Wow 5-6 years! I'm sure MASS will chime in here but this has been talked about a lot. Just scroll through the sup pages.....good stuff in there.
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Post by jcs52 »

Wow, very imformative and depressing, thakns Draco! I have been using ON for so long thinking it was a good choice only to find out I have been missing out and wasting my money! I guess I can take solace in the fact that I wasn't using walmart brand?! LOL

So it looks like I am going to go with MASS PRO, however, I woudl like some feedback on the best times to supplement protein. I used to take 3 protein shakes a day (mind morning 10AM, post workout, night time). I never took protein supp intra workout, but saw one of Rob's posts about that will get the most out of the supplement for me. Can someone explain what to do?

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Post by bigpelo »

I use proteins first thing in the morning, 30-45 minutes before work out with waxy maize and right after work out with waxy maize again.

On day I don't train, I only take 1 shake first thing in the morning.

I prefer whole food at 9h30-10h00am has it satisfied me longer before lunch and I don't eat after 7h30pm as I tend to stock fat very easy.
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Post by jcs52 »

Thanks Big
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Yes, first thing in the morning is great, post workout, and at night.
Here's the problem with protein before a workout. Energy is needed to digest/assimilate protein, just like eating right before a workout....your body is using energy to digest/ that could be used to make your lifts better. (short version)
Also, casein has been recomended at night time because of its slow assimilation rate, cottage cheese can be a good addition. Somewhere in here is Mass' reply to a "Casein" thread. More info there.
Personally I use MassPro MVP. Especially good to mix with juice right after a workout to spike up that insulin.
Don't sweat the past, I've tried ON for the same reasons, heck I even bought some stuff from Wal-Mart once when I was on holiday and needed my protein fix. :x Six Stars of yuck!
Side note~Try to get at least half of your protein intake naturally, from foods, lean meats, Dead Red MEAT etc.....
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