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Stiff legged DL vs DL

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 7:14 pm
by doolee
Out of the three lifts big lifts, I've always wanted to work on my deadlifitng. There is no doubt in my mind that progression with stiff legged DL will also increase DL progression. I was just wondering how correlated the lifts are... ? So would a 20 pound increase in SLDL also increase DL by approximately 20 pounds or more?
Also, would it be beneficial to do DL set following SLDL in my feast workouts?

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 8:08 pm
by scump
imo SLDL + DL would be overkill.

are you doing Romanian DL in your edt block afterwards anyway (if not you will be once you enter loading pattern).

there is a correlation between the 2 lifts but you cant really say how much you will gain from this, for someone who has 100% maxed their DL's you would see a slight increase, but for someone who is no where near peaking there DL will see the ability to continue on a lot further.

dont sweat it man, i love DL's aswell and was sad when i saw they weren't a part, but you will forget about them quickly.

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 8:52 pm
by RobRegish
I wouldn't do a DL set after SLDL's, no way. Your back will be prefatigued and you'll be open to injury.

Romanian Deadlifts for the win! Check them out in my sig stickie below!

Hope that helps..

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 1:41 am
by doolee
Ah k. What is the reason reason why the EDTs change from feast1-5 to GLP1? Also, pdf of BP says dumbbell pullovers are a preferred stretching movement in GLP1. But the sample GLP in your sticky does not include them. Are pullovers still included followed by the decline db and seated cables? (similar to feast 1-5 which has db pullovers followed by EDT)

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:03 am
by Big.jazayrli
I'm a BIG fan of RDL's

or if you want to try something totally unconventional but VERY popular among elite powerlifters - give good mornings a shot.

be careful though, they're a very difficult move.

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:15 am
by scump
hey man the stickies are an updated version of the E book.

i kept the db pullovers in, a lot of others dont though.

you get to do more EDT blocks in GLP is all i meant.

forgot your RDL'ing during 1-5 anyway lol

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:28 am
by Big.jazayrli
i'll put in another bit for the DB pullovers here

talk about an amazing movement for overall back development.

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:42 am
by doolee
haha k. I'm already doing 2 PR zones per workout so I guess there is no need to change. Thanks for the input guys!