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Jesse's 1st BP Run!

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 2:53 pm
by Jacos5
What’s up guys, will be starting my first run of BP tomorrow (Monday, October 18.). Was originally going to wait 2 weeks to prepare but I’ve been very organized coming into this and think I’m about ready.

Weight – 153 (as of this morning)
Height – 5’5”
BF % - 20.5%, based on an electronic scale. I don't really take this cout seriously just using it to track my progress.

Lifting Stats (1RM):
Bench – 245
Squat – 325 (parallel…don’t hate)

The Diet:
1. Famine – will be eating about 1200 calories for the 5 days as recommended.
2. Feast – will start 72 hours after my famine (as recommended). During the 72 hourse I will be eating 3000 and there after will be eating 2800-2900 calories.
3. Cruise – I suppose about 200 above maitnance.

The workouts:
These will not be altered, will follow everything recommended.

Will not be using the recommended supplements but I do have my own variation which Ron himself has helped me out with.
Orange triad - multi
Fish oil
zinc (before bed)
Orange triad - multi
fish oil
Purple Wraath - EAA/BCAA
Green Magnitude - Creatine
White flood - Pre workout
GlycerGrow - Pre workout pump
Green tea extract
Scivation/myofusion - whey
Animal Cuts (will be running during my cut...obviously.)

So after a week off I’m excited to get back in the gym. I really have some high hopes for this cycle. Enjoy.

*EDIT* Will be bulking on this cycle and perhapes cutting on my next. Sorry for not clairifying that before.

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 8:16 pm
by scump
looking good mate, will be interesting to see another run absent of adaptogens.

a suggestion for your cruise calories, maybe something cyclic, aim for 200-300 above maintenance on workout days, i also believe they day after you should have maybe 100-200 above maintenance and then any rest days (not workout/day after) take in about 200-300 under maintenance.

seeing as you plan on cutting during this cycle.

would pay to start something similar during the later stages of feast too (after the first big 14-21 days).

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 8:43 pm
by RobRegish
Welcome aboard!

Scump, I love you man :) I'll feel a lot better tomorrow getting on that plane knowing you, Hank, Draco, Brain etc are watching this place for me...

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 10:35 pm
by Jacos5
[quote="scump"]seeing as you plan on cutting during this cycle.[quote]

Actually, I'm bulking this cyclel. Will maybe cut during the next. But thanks though.

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:26 pm
by Jacos5
Well its about 7 where I'm from so I figured I'd post my 1st day of famine.

Famine, day 1:
Well the diet was something I wasn't used to. Was hungry throughout the day, in fact I'm hungry right now. But I suppose that means I'm doing it right.

Squats: 225x8 reps, 235x6, 235x5
Pull downs: 140x8 reps, 160x6, 160x6
Barbell curls: 60x15 reps (no more weight to go up)
Seated dumbell curls: 35x6 reps
Preacher: 65x6 reps (bar was approximately 25 pounds.)

Anyways today wasn't tooooooo bad. Dreading day 3 already though.

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:53 pm
by xlb57
Looking good so far man. I hear you on the fact that eating this way is a struggle! I am at the end of Day One Famine myself, so you have a BP partner in crime in me!

Let's hold eachother accountable and push eachother to take this to the limit! You can see the log that I am keeping as well if you are interested.

Best of luck.

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:20 pm
by Jacos5
So I finished Famine workout #2
Benchpress: 185x7
CG BP: 135x10
Incl BP: 135x10
Decli BP: 155x10 (could have done more)
Shoulder presses: 55x8 my first, then second only did 55x4 and switched to 50x4 more, third I tried 45s and failed at 5 so dropped to 40. Last time around I didn't bother and went for 35x9. Wow, I felt week.
Skull Crushers: 60x10
cable pressdown: 135x10 (can't remember exactly but around there)

Notes: today was hard as hell, harder than I expected in fact.FAMINE IS CRAZY. I'd hate to have to do this more than a week but I've toughed it out so far.
Progress so far: Weight 149 as of this afternoon. says 20%bf but it said 19% yesterdays(?) I don't know if this is necessarily progress considering fat loss is not what I intended. But this is what the famine has asked for, and it eems like I'm delivering. Seriously, can't wait for saturday so I can take down some FOOD.

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:42 pm
by xlb57
Way to push through - Agree with you entirely. I gassed out quick on my workout and I can't wait for Saturday! Just a couple more days for us, then we get our grub on!

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:57 pm
by Jacos5
xlb57 wrote:Way to push through - Agree with you entirely. I gassed out quick on my workout and I can't wait for Saturday! Just a couple more days for us, then we get our grub on!
Yea man. I'm so ready for that. Just gotta stay focused for the time being.

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 11:38 pm
by dta1984
Good work man, you're almost to the point you can start planning your first feast meal. I know I was.

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 1:20 am
by Jacos5
Workout 3 (famine):
Squats: 155x15 (all 5 sets)
Lat Pulldowns: 100x15 (all 5)

Tbar Rows: 45x15 (all 5)
Seated Cable rows: 85x15 (all 5)

Standing barbell curls: 50x13
Incline dumbell curls: 25x14
Preacher curls: 45x15 (assuming the bar is 25 pounds)

Anyways, this was a crazy workouts. Towards the end of my sets on squats especially. It would feel like my heart was trying to pound out of my chest or was crazy. Starting my feast phase tomorrow, gonna eat big ;) Here's how I have it outlined so far (feel free to leave input):
1-3: 3000 cals
4-14 (extending): 2800 cals
15-the end of my feast: 2600 cals

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 1:21 am
by Jacos5
Oh yea, wanted to ask you guys something. When should I start taking my creatine? Wasn't sure if it was prefered to start on my first workout day or just to start straight away tomorrow. Thoughts?

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 7:19 am
by RobRegish
You start your creatine the very first day of Feast!

Hope that helps...

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 9:47 am
by xlb57
Way to hit it bro! Now it's time to eat up and lift hard (in a few days)!