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A work on Piracy, Stealing and End Game

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 9:07 pm
by RobRegish
Recently, The Blueprint has been stolen and copied by internet thieves.

Some of you have seen/alerted me to this, others have done their best to stop it. For this, I profoundly thank you.

Let there be no mistake: This is stealing and it is wrong.

Lost money though, isn't the issue. The Blueprint never was about money - it was about you.

When I sat down to write this book I wrote it for you - it was the book I wish I had when I started 25 years ago. I became a rich man the very first day Brainsquirt wrote me to say "I've put on 8lbs in the last few weeks and I can guarnf'n tee you it ain't fat!!"

I didn't have to hear excitement in his voice nor see it in his actions. I went to bed that night knowing I had accomplished what I set out to do. Leave someone's world a better place. There were many more to follow.

-MSR9889- may have been the first to speak favorably about BP over on Persch889, Draco, Turboflex and many others followed. Big.Jaz, UWbodybuilding etc all achieved goals they set for themseleves in short order. Hell Big.Jaz just walked away with 3 state records in his first PL meet. They could put me into the ground today and I'd be a happy man.

I hung the phone up with Dr. Scott Connelly last night and paused for a second. Thought about where this Blueprint thing all started, who I just spoke with and how much has happened. Thought about Draco, Brain, Hank, BigJaz, Matt and alot of you other guys. If you don't see your name here don't take offense. I know all of you and think of you often. You may not believe that but its true.

There are terrible people in the world doing terrible things guys. Things that we can't control. I can tell you this though; do not give up or let these things deter you. Share what you learn with others. Enrich other people's lives with the gifts you have been given. Bad things will happen along the way, but do not stop - not once, fighting the good fight.

They can steal my work, my ideas and my money. But they will never, never steal my resolve to dig deeper, research further and go to greater and greater lengths to help you get better results. More muscle will be built, more fat will be lost and more PR's will be set.

There is not a gym in the world where you can buy a 500lb squat, a clear conscience or personal integrity. All of these things (hard work, loyalty and doing the right thing) strengthen you physically, mentally and spiritually. Money does not buy these things. Money can however, destroy them.

Money and greed are destroying lives, families and our nation right now - as we speak.

Mark my words - you will all benefit from staying true to yourself, the man upstairs and the values we live by here. And I will use the pirates as fuel to make The Blueprint (and by extension - you) bigger, better and badder than ever before.

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 7:57 am
by Hank!
Very sad to hear Rob, though it was only a matter of time. Good thing is you can control who comes to these forums and to me these boards are worth the price of the book alone.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 4:40 pm
by RobRegish
Here's the latest from body building dot com's pirating crew..

Dipman00 here thought it'd be fun to post a link to a free 2.0 download. I thanked him for being dumb enough to document his support of pirating and prompted notified a mod. I asked he remove it and he did. Here's his PM response and my reply...

Originally Posted by Dipman00

K man ill delete them but anyone with half a brain would think searching that before buying a document or a book

Originally Posted by Mixelflick

Since you have half a brain, try filling the other half with a conscience..

"Conscience is an aptitude, faculty, intuition, or judgment of the intellect that distinguishes right from wrong".

Try that on for size some time.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 4:59 pm
by Hank!
Rob there should be a way to lock , or somehow serialize these ebooks so that you could find the originator of the file.

Have you considered publishing via google books, there may be some recourse that way..n

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 5:57 pm
by elephino
Sorry to hear it, Rob. But I gotta say, if they're missing out on the BP family, and your stellar support, they're only ripping themselves off.

If you want me to look into some DRM options for BP#3, I'll be happy to. But, as you know, pirates will be pirates and they'll always find a way. It's just a matter of how much of your time you want to spend making it more difficult for them.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 6:08 pm
by RobRegish
I'll take you up on that elephino.

Please PM me about what I need to do..

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 1:20 am
by seasoned
GOD, PLEASE don't do DRM or whatever.

In the 1980s, copyprotection got out of hand! EVENTUALLY people wised up. Lotus, etc... are not locked anymore. Lotus 123 USED to even require a KEYDISK! You HAD to keep the floppy in the drive EVEN if it was installed on a hard disk drive, etc... IMAGINE what would happen if the floppy wore out. That happened with a friend of mine JUST as he got a new contract and the details were in lotus 123! He nearly LOST the contract!

Some even had RS232 D25 or D9 Dongles! Do ****YOU**** know what DB25 or DB9 even mean? I'm betting 98%+ of the people here would say NO! Well, they were THE way computers connected with many peripherals for over TWENTY YEARS! They were THE main connectors for a protocol known as SERIAL. IBM even used the DB25 for a protocol known as PARALLEL. So WHY do so few remember them? About 10 years ago they all but vanished! So what about the dongles?

Well, in the 1990s to several years ago they had locked ebook files, etc... XP SP2 ended up breaking MANY! And most wouldn't work on MACs. And what about the new ebook readers?

And NOW, with some DRM variants, various ebook readers can't use them, etc...

And a good cracker WILL eventually break them or whatever.


Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 7:54 am
by RobRegish
I'm pretty distraught over this.

I can't do a hardcopy as that'll incur mailing costs and I promised it to you guys for free. Even then, they'll take digital photos to pirate it.

I'm working on it. There are people in the world like this, I understand that. I'm exploring other strategies but if anyone has other ideas, please weigh in.

I'm pretty IT ignorant and need the help...

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 8:00 am
by elephino
seasoned wrote:GOD, PLEASE don't do DRM or whatever.
I'm working with Rob to help him understand the options, and the pros and cons of each. Like you said, DRM can be a trade-off, and can ultimately punish the people who pay more than it discourages the pirates.

I'm sure that whatever Rob chooses, like everything else he does, it will be with the best interest of the customer in mind.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 8:38 am
by RobRegish
Yes, it will.

Let me be clear: Pirates will NEVER keep me down. They will not match my zest for researching, testing and refining optimal use protocols to bring all BP Believers better results.

Going forward, one of the strategies I'm considering is mentioning key formulas, tips and tricks in 3.0 and sharing them via PM with people who I KNOW who've bought The Blueprint.

Any other ideas, let me know. You're already seeing this with "The Formula" I've shared with a few. If you're a BP Believer and want that, by all means PM me.

It's just one of they ways I'll be protecting your investment going forward. Guys like thebuffer, dropthebeats, Draco, Brainsquirt and you elephino have given back to BP more than I could imagine. I look to protect your work too...

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 10:12 am
by bigpelo
This board worth way more then e-book. You do need the e-book to start somewhere though. If you needed to be a blueprint e-book buyer to have access to this board, then I prefer to pay! (I did anyway before even knowing about this place...)

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 2:45 pm
by RobRegish
I've considered that idea but I'm afraid others would take offense. Maybe I'll start a poll....

Nothing onerous of course. Some guidance though, on what you'd think may be fair per month would help. Would HATE to do it but these pirates have given away what you all invested in... to say nothing of 25 years of my life.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 2:57 pm
by askmass
We've been looking into ways to combat the hacks for a while and something occurred to me over the weekend that would place several additional fire rings for them to have to jump through.

As others have stated, in the end nothing can stop a dedicated and knowledgeable hacker. The biggest, brightest and best IT companies know this, too. But, we can sure as shooting make it very difficult, hopefully to the point they move on to easier prey.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:18 pm
by seasoned

I should have said before, but a person started a site where he had the VERY audacious plan to distribute a new WORTHWHILE piece of software each month for the MEMBERS to be able to resell.

I was one of the members.
I saw the potential and knew about the first product he released.
I fixed a LOT of the bugs, and created some new features.
All of the others that fixed bugs, added features, etc... started with MY version.

Heck, one guy ran a service that was similar, and claimed the original software was copied! I ended up getting BOTH copies, and compared them. They were NOT the same code.

MY plan was to work with all the other members and they would find bugs, etc... and I would fix them. We would ALL have a great version to start from, and I would build from there for a version I would not sell.

Well, some JERK started reselling with the claim that they could resell, and full support would be provided. The terms given to him were that HE could sell, but they COULDN'T. So he was like a pirate creating other pirates.

I didn't like that at all. And I never even made a penny off him anyway. Frankly, I ended up trying to determine a fix and the method I found was not great. Of course, every variant of the idea included no longer providing communal support, or new public improvements.

That software may still be sold, but I'm not supporting it, and there is no longer any communal activity. That audacious software plan is no longer out there.

The version I sold sold QUICKLY! I sold it because they BEGGED me! From the moment I started selling, it was just processing sales. I sold it for 2-3 times the price others were, but it was certainly better. It was encrypted also. AND, to add insult to injury, I couldn't really decrypt it because it used an advanced encryption/decryption mechanism to make sure credit details could be used by customers, but could NOT be stolen. If I decrypted that, thieves could determine what to steal, etc... and decrypt the data. If people stole the data, they would generally steal the wrong stuff, and have no hope of decryption.

Long story short, I ended up refunding people, and pulling it, since they weren't happy with the encryption, asked for a lot of changes, wanted support on platforms I even specifically said I wouldn't support, etc...

I hope to soon sell a couple ebooks, that I wrote. Mostly on software consulting. Unlike the one and only one I tried to sell(active-ebook EXE using a simple key), a book to avoid the pitfalls of buying a home, THEY will simply be PDFs. I'm sure people WILL steal them. But the active-ebook concept I used only ran on windows, and the key distribution had to be managed, etc...

Gee, people still steal MS software, and P90X, so you know there isn't a simple fix.
