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Dta1984's 2nd Blueprint Run

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 11:10 pm
by dta1984
Hi all this will be my second go around with the Blueprint. Last run, I did well and had a nice recomp. Before and after pics are in my other thread. I plan to start famine tomorrow (Monday) eating a measely 1300 calories. My baseline heartrate will be 59 bpm based on a 5 day average. I will get beginning weight tomorrow am.

I am more focused than ever and looking to add size. I am not going to be too concerned with fat gain. Another goal of mine is "focus" and determination. There were times last run where I took 4 days off between workouts. Ya it was nice to rest, but that was too much. 2 days max rest if needed will the theme this run.

1. Increase strength (mainly with benchpress and squats)
2. Add lean mass

Specific Goals;
This is something new I am going to do to help keep me motivated throughout the run.

Goal BP 1 rep Max = 225 lb (Current 1rm = 200lb)
Goal Squat 1 rep max = 225 lb (Current 1rm = 200lb)
Goal lean weight gain = +7 lbs (I think this is reasonable)

Orange Triad Multi's
Superpump 250 (1 scoop pre wo)
Whey Protein
BCAA (3 on 3 off during feast)
Bev's Liver Tabs (I have some left I am going to finish during feast, may last 2 days)

Workout Routine;
I am debating running the Periodic. I re-read the blueprint and also a few logs by others who have done the Periodic. I am really intrigued and thinking about giving it a go. I will make up my mind sometime this week haha. Any suggestions to this are welcome!

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 7:07 am
by RobRegish
Run with The BP Periodic!

You will NOT be dissappointed!!

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 9:32 am
by dta1984
Day 1 Feast

Weight 161
Heart Rate 59 bpm

Breakfast consisted of a glass of milk, cup of fruit and a bowl of oatmeal. I will get the workout in later tonight.

Rob, on the periodic..... do I need to do the 5 workouts of feast first, or should I just start the periodic right away and use my 1rm from last feast? Also, if I am wanting to target 3 big lifts (bench, squat and deadlift) do I do all 3 during 1 workout? Like on GLP 1 I would do 6 sets of each.

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 6:56 pm
by RobRegish
Wow great question.

Ideally, you'd execute Famine and the first 5 bridge workouts first. Establish your new 1RM's and BOOM, off to the periodic.

Others dedicate one day to maxing, use those #'s and jump right into it. Ultimately though, with that approach you'd probably need the mid-periodic famine break. Some do, some don't entirely up to you.

Lastly, peaking all 3 lifts is a TALL order. You'd be much better served to focus on two (say, the SQ and BP) and work something like Romanian Deadlifts into your EDT blocks or otherwise.

You'll be pleasantly surprised as to their carryover into the full range movement, particularly if your reps are cycled appropriates.

BP periodic is incredibly powerful stuff, as Prototyp3 demonstrated over on Check out this thread "Comprehensive Review of The Blueprint Periodic" in the Product Reviews section.

Then (and you better do this!) ask me a question (any question) to make sure I can answer it later :)

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 11:38 pm
by dta1984
Thanks Rob! I thought all 3 was just too much. Squats and Bench seem like a good idea. I just re-read Prototypes log and saw he had a link in the first post where he tracked some of his workouts. I will read over that one and see if I have any questions.

I will do the first 5 Feast workouts first before beginning Periodic.

On EDT blocks, when can I change them up? I see there are 4 different breaks in Periodic, would this be where I could change things up?

Today's workout went well. Felt good to get back to the weights. Just a little hunger, not too bad......yet.

BB Squats (175x5x3)
DB Rows (50x5x3)
BB Curls (80x6x1)
Incl DB Curls (30x6x1)

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 8:26 am
by RobRegish
Yes exactly. I'd change your exercise template as soon as

1.) You stop making progress
2.) You become mentally bored

Doing so will benefit you greatly. Seek those movements in which you are weak. Chain is only as strong as its weakest link so we aim to strengthen that :)

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 11:50 am
by dta1984
Day 2 Famine

Heartrate 60 bpm (+1)

Went to bed hungry, woke up not so hungry. Had a small bowl of oatmeal and some fruit.

Instead of taking my weight everyday, I will be taking it 3 times per week (M, W, F).

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 6:37 pm
by RobRegish
Good man, good start. Good documentation.

Terrific work. I like you already :)

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 6:45 pm
by dta1984
Thanks for the support!!

Mmmm highlight meal of the day......small ceasar salad :roll:

Lol I love famine

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 5:13 am
by RobRegish
Yes that's grand isn't it :)

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 9:14 am
by dta1984
Day 3 Famine

Weight 158.5 (-2.5 lbs)

Heart Rate 62 (+2 bpm)

It's just crazy how hungry I can be at night when I go to bed, then wake up all normal and not hungry.... odd Anyways, small bowl of oatmeal, cup of fruit and glass of milk for breakfast.

Today should be workout #2. I have to drive 4.5 hours for a job interview, so I will do the workout when I get back later tonight.

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 7:54 pm
by RobRegish
OK, good luck on the interview AND the workout!

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 10:56 pm
by dta1984
Interview went well, and I just got done with workout #2. Felt really weak. Long drive in the rain and staring at the windshield wipers all night probably is part of the reason..

WG Bench - 155 x 10
DB Press - 30 x 8

CG Bench - 135 x 8
DB Press - 30 x 6

Incline Bench - 120 x 7
DB Press - 30 x 5

Decline Bench - 120 x 8
DB Press - 30 x 6

Decline CG Bench - 120 x 6

Skullcrushers - 40 x 10

Tricep Pressdowns - 50 x 8 x 2

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 12:55 am
by dta1984
One question while I am thinking about it. We talked in my other thread about trying to have some of my "weight gain" shake intra workout on my workout days. Where should I incorporate my BCAA drink? I know ideally you would mix it with the shake, but the stuff I got is watermelon flavored....

Just read the BCAA article in the Supp section so got me thinking about this again...