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test levels, do they dip?

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 1:30 pm
by tufluk
hi guys

wondering if anyone can help me out here.
when you take a test booster, how long do your testosterone levels rise for?
im told your body will naturally reduce your test levels to balance your system out, so why do they work? also MACA supposedly balances the body hormone supply so isn't this going to be counter-productive?

Thanks in advanced

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 6:16 pm
by RobRegish
Good question but it depends upon the type of test booster, how it's cycled etc..

Generally speaking, I like to run my Adaptogen N like this:

First 3 weeks, 3 caps/night every night
Next X weeks - 2-3 caps night M-F, Sat and Sun off

Doing so seems to impart just enough of a break to down regulate the body's eventual balancing effect. This cycle originated with a group of powerlifters in MI or somewhere in the midwest. Very, very effective..

Finally, MACA is a balancing adaptogen yes. It's for this reason I recommend it during Cruise and not Feast. It's also the reason (partially) Suma is used in Adaptogen N and not MACA.

Using both in back to back fashion as I espouse is fantastic IMO and perfectly suites the Blueprint!

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 12:52 pm
by tufluk
thanks again rob

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 2:15 pm
by RobRegish
My pleasure.

Anything else you need, just let me know...

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 2:34 pm
by DaCookie
So if you use burn it up alongside adaptogen N will it negativly downgrade its effects?

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:08 pm
by RobRegish
No, those two would be fine to use together..

I rather like Burn It Up for Cruise. It just seems so ideally suited. For example:

1.) PeakATP

Nice source of ATP/phoshpagens if dis-continuing Kre-Anabolyn or any creatine product. Improves the uptake of all other actives. Nice impact on the brain circulation too.

2.) MACA

Broad spectrum adaptogen that normalizes the system vs. muscle specific as found in KreAnabolyn's RCE. Recall the goal of Cruise; establish a new homeostasis. Fits it like a glove.

3.) Phosphaditylserine

Squelches extress cortisol, some of which you still likely have due to running hard and heavy for 6 weeks in Feast. Presumably, you're coming off of 1RM's where the CNS is taxed HEAVILY.

When you add it all up it just speaks to "Cruise". Hey, that's not a bad name for it?

Seems to impart a cruising like effect. Not a jolter, great focus agent and puts you in the groove both physically and mentally. Would be easier than typing Burn it Up! all the time lol..