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Just another first run thread - by BigPelo

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 2:41 pm
by bigpelo
So I bought the BP program some time ago, read it and find it very interesting but I wasn't ready for the famine phase. Even more, I was having nice gains with a program in both mass and strength. But for 3 weeks now, gains have stopped.

So last week I when through the program again, read on this forum a lot and now I feel like I'm ready for it!

I have design my plan and will expose it right here right now. I would like your inputs/comments/suggestions. I will also have couples questions for you veteran blueprinters. Main goal is recomp.

Preparation: I have stop drinking coffee and using stimulants since monday. Last time I when to gym was friday. But I stopped because of a cold, not because I want to start famine this week... :(

I ordered the BP stack from Muscle MASS plus masspro protein and vitamins. Still waiting for it to arrive. Hopefully, Canadian custom won't keep it for too long... I will start the process when I have my mass product on hand.

Famine: I will be fellowing the famine training program as it is. For the nutrition part, I figured out that my body fat didn't need to be consider for the total calories intake. So (245 lbs - 18% BF) * 8 = approx 1600 calories/day with minimum protein. Not sure if I will take lecithin granulates...

Feast: I will be fellowing the muscle gaining secret by Jason Ferruggia instead of the German loading pattern. I had great success with this program and I think it will perfectly fits the BP. I will also add 1 or 2 session of 16 minutes of HIIT cardio per week. Calories will be:
4400/day for day 1 to 7 with 360g protein
3800/day for day 8 to 15 with 315g protein
3200/day for day 16 and on with 270g protein
I will try to take 450 mg of ecdy per day to obtain the 5mg/kg of lean body mass. (can someone tell me how much kre-anabolyn I need to have 450mg of ecdy?)
I will use mass pro amino for the first 3 days at 3 serving of 8g (24g total/day) and then 24g around workout.
Adaptagen N will be use at 3 caps/day on a 5 on 2 off manner.
I will try to feast for 6 weeks.
I will also use hemp protein and green as snacks.

Cruise: Training on cruise will be pyramid type split in 2:chest/shoulder/triceps and legs/back/biceps/calves. 1 or 2 exercises per body part for 3 sets of 12-10-8 reps with 90 seconds rest in between, 2 or 3 times / week with 1 or 2 HIIT cardio every other day. I will focus on increasing the number of reps, not the weight.
Diet will be 2800 calories / day with 200g of protein. I will use burn it up pre workout and hemp protein as snacks.

Tell me what you think of this slightly modified BP program. My plan can be modify as I don't have a starting date yet. But I want to begin famine a Sunday, so on Friday I go out with my girl at a restaurant and then eat all week-end and then on Monday start to train! :D

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 9:10 pm
by RobRegish
First, welcome aboard! This is most interesting and I'm eager to see how it plays out!

Very intrigued as to the workout modifications during Feast. If you wouln't mind sharing more about this muscle gaining secret thing, please do. I like secrets :)

With respect to your question: "I will try to take 450 mg of ecdy per day to obtain the 5mg/kg of lean body mass. (can someone tell me how much kre-anabolyn I need to have 450mg of ecdy?)"

You've done your homework so nice work on that. One wrinkle though: The 5mg/kg of bodyweight is based on rat studies, not humans. To get the human equivalent dosing you would divide that by 6.2.

450mg/6.2 = 72.58mg of Ecdy a day. Surprised? Yep, that's what it is. Not difficult to get IF you're getting the real McCoy, and KA for sure has it.

Now as to how much the formula is proprietary. I can tell you this though... last I knew the current formula had more RCE per cap than any other. Again, that's total RCE per cap. Other formulas add more total Ecdysterones in the form of isolated ecdy's, ecdy analogs such as 25R, etc.. Is this better? It may be. I know AskMass and I are from the same school of thought on this; best not to meddle with nature's fingerprint.

Now we could be wrong... and you may well realize better results adding more Turk in there or something. But if you look at Rx drugs for example...they play this out to the nth degree. Meaning they zero in and include ONLY the ingredient they feel has effects for a particular condition. Most of the time it'll cause the biological effect they're looking for. SIDEBAR: So too, do the side effects increase.

Again, two schools of thought. You should use quality products only, and use the ones that work best for YOU.

Two caps/day of Kre-Anabolyn have you MORE than covered. As in WAY more. Some go higher but 3/day is my sweet spot. And that held true when I was 240+ (a bit lighter now).

Fire away with any additional questions :)

Muscle gaining secret by jason ferruggia

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 8:12 am
by bigpelo
you can buy is e-book on the net, search for muscle gaining secret on google.

Basically, the program consist of multi link/joints movements, with the an emphasis on weight increased for workout to workout and almost no isolation movements. Load stretching is part of the program and weight lifting part of the program shouldn't take more than 45 minutes for an hormones balance question. Most of exercises are 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps and one set of 10 except for legs (third set of 20 reps on squat on calf 15 to 20 reps). You start with a weight you can hardly push 5 times (to failure) and when you can do 7 reps, you increase to weight. Very effective for mass AND strength gains. The set of 10 reps pumps blood to the muscles and activate red fibres.

I am not a big fan of 1RM, so this way I get the strength increase without the risk of injuries and CNS burn out.

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 8:12 am
by bigpelo
officially starting famine Sunday October 17th.

I would have start the 10th but I am going to football on the 11th so there will be beer and fast food.

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 8:26 am
by RobRegish
ha ha!

Smart move :)

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 9:42 am
by bigpelo
Tonight I will be training for the first time since September 24th since I am not feeling the sore throat anymore. Should I be taking another week off before the famine that start on October 17th?

I was thinking of doing HIIT cardio and light weight lifting, sets of 15 or so, until friday the 15th. What do you think?

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 8:11 am
by bigpelo
This morning rest heart beat per minute was 62.

I find it high, isn't it?

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 8:38 am
by RobRegish
First, I support your decision to take a week and get back into some light weights. Just makes sense before throwing you into Famine.

Second, the RHR of 62 may or may not be high. Tough to say as I didn't see a baseline # (perhaps I missed it). If it's your first measurement, consider that your baseline.

We'll take it from there...and remember, one week at a time gets it done.

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 1:25 pm
by bigpelo
Yesterday I bought a huge amount of fruits and vegetables. The refrigerator is full of these. Famine starts Sunday so I am already looking forward feast... Heart rate at rest is around 63 bpm and weight is 243.

I received my MASS products Wednesday but I decided not to use them on this first run because my boss is sending me in a 5 days training outside the town, starting October 25th, first feast workout day. I am not sure of the gym installation and diet will be restaurant 3 times a day. I still want to do the BP but if thing don't goes as expected, I won't loose money on the stack and I will be able to compare with vs without the Kre-Anabolyn, Adaptagen N, mass pro amino and mass pro protein.

Supplements I will use during this run:

famine: nothnig
feast: waxy maize, Dymatize Iso-100 (whey protein hydrolyse), MASS multi life vitamins, creatine mono and hemp protein
cruise: burn it up, proteins, multi life

I might try burn it up on morning during the training. Sitting in a class for an entire day can be long and I hope it will help with concentration.

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 7:50 pm
by RobRegish

Sounds like you're loaded for bear and ready to go!! Nice work prepping man. This has all the making of a great run....

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 9:01 am
by bigpelo
yesterday was my first day into famine. I ate 1 banana, 2 kiwis and a small glass of orange juice for breakfast and went to the gym. Work out when well but it gets really hard on the second set of dumbell row / chin up. I always sweat a lot at the gym but this time I could smell my own sweat... ammonia smell already?? Weight after working out was 243 lb.

After working out I had a bowl of salad with veges.

In the afternoon, my girl and I when to a baptism. There was this huge buffet and I was really hungry. I had couples veges, cole slaw and small portion of macaroni salad. Those bacon wrapped sausage in sweet sauce where very tempting but I didn't had any!

End the day with an apple, an orange and a handful of mixed nuts and dried fruits.

This morning heart rate is still at 62 bpm. I had the same breakfast: small glass orange juice, 2 kiwis and a banana.

Damn I am hungry!

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 1:48 pm
by bigpelo
Guess what: I am not that hungry anymore... a look at raw carrots and celery and I feel fuller.

Those 5 days are going to be long.

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 8:22 am
by bigpelo
Famine day 3

rest heart rate this morning: 63 bpm, not a big change yet.

I am not very hungry, unless I see a pub on TV about food... but it pass quickly. I had a hard time falling asleep last night, probably because my belly was empty.

I have pretty good energy/mood despite the lowest daily calorie intake of the past 15 years or so. Tonight is famine workout #2. Hopefully it goes well!

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 12:58 am
by dta1984
I was the same way. Hardest part was falling asleep starving. Weird thing was, I felt perfect when I woke up in the morning.