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Good matching loaded stretches?

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 10:28 pm
by hah2110
Okay, here is my upper body routine:

- EDT incline press/db row
- EDT curl/triceps

Each week I'm also going to add one spiral EDT (no antagonizing muscle workout) of cable flies and db pullover. Ie., week one, I will do flies, week two I will do pullovers and so forth.

What are recommended loaded stretches to pair here? I have read a lot into the science of loaded stretching, static holds, etc. and want to use them but don't want it to take away from my lifts. I want to do them right and position them correctly.


Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 7:36 am
by RobRegish
Here's a list of movements to use in incorporating loaded stretches.

Barbell or dumbell pullovers
Wide grip barbell or dumbell decline press
Weighted dips

Weighted chins (focus on bottom position stretch),
Seated cable rows
Dumbell rows


Quadriceps: Hack squats, sissy squats
Hamstrings: Romanian deadlift, stiff-leg deadlift, leg press (feet
higher on platform).


Triceps: Decline close-grip bench, overhead tricep extensions
Biceps: Incline dumbell curls, preacher curl

Found on page 20 of you Blueprint :)

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 7:44 am
by hah2110
thanks. don't they have to be timed right though? I saw that part of the book but was under the impression that they are something that should be tailored based on exercises. Like which should I do and when? Do I run the risk of overtraining if I do them all?

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 6:04 pm
by RobRegish
One of my favorite stickies :) ... .php?t=437

Don't do too many. Perhaps 2 EDT blocks for upper body and 1 or 2 for lower. Always err on the side of less volume and focus more on intensity. For intensity builds muscle, volume does not.

Think of how a sprinter looks vs. a marathoner. Big difference!

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 9:08 pm
by hah2110
RobRegish wrote:One of my favorite stickies :) ... .php?t=437

Don't do too many. Perhaps 2 EDT blocks for upper body and 1 or 2 for lower. Always err on the side of less volume and focus more on intensity. For intensity builds muscle, volume does not.

Think of how a sprinter looks vs. a marathoner. Big difference!
This is the sticky for EDT blocks but I don't see a mention for stretches in there?

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 5:20 am
by RobRegish
The simple solution is to add loaded stretch movements into the EDT blocks. For example:

DB Pullovers (loaded stretch) supersetted with
Seated cable rows (loaded stretch).

Incline DB curls (loaded stretch) supersetted with
Seated overhead DB extensions. One DB, both arms (loaded vertical stretch).

Just like that. It takes some thinking and a pencil and paper, but it's easy once you get the hang of it!

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 8:00 am
by hah2110
RobRegish wrote:The simple solution is to add loaded stretch movements into the EDT blocks. For example:

DB Pullovers (loaded stretch) supersetted with
Seated cable rows (loaded stretch).

Incline DB curls (loaded stretch) supersetted with
Seated overhead DB extensions. One DB, both arms (loaded vertical stretch).

Just like that. It takes some thinking and a pencil and paper, but it's easy once you get the hang of it!
So do them directly after the exercise or before the exercise?

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 7:13 pm
by hah2110
Reading BP page 20 confused me more. It says that loaded stretches should follow a rep scheme but you've previously advised me to just do one or two reps of stretches holding for 12-15 seconds. The way I'm reading it, it looks like I'd be doing 6 sets of 6 of stretches on TOP of the EDT blocks of regular reps? So confused!

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 8:23 pm
by RobRegish
You have options here..

The first is to do the loaded stretches supersetted WITH the big barbell movements. That's more for hypertrophy.

The second is to separate them out really to really focus on them AFTER the big barbell lifts are complete.

The final option is to incorporate them into your EDT blocks. I find this efficient, and I like efficiency since my time is so limited.

On the holds, I believe you're confusing those with static holds. These are entirely different and serve to finish the workout, conditioning the CNS/muscle to greater thresholds of tension. You CAN perform these in a stretch range but I wouldn't advise it. Not with that kind of weight.

Loaded stetching is much better incorporated into dynamic movements through some range of motion. The ideal I'm striving for is a combination of both...

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 8:29 pm
by hah2110
Ok yes i was confusing the two. So then am i doing something extra beyond the standard edt reps? Sorry, just confused.