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Doolee's First BP Run

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 9:09 pm
by doolee
I'm pretty new to lifting, and although I've been consistent for over a year, my strength gains are still coming easily as I spent about 80% of my lifting in a diet phase. Hoping to gain some serious mass now!
So I'm still on the fence between ebol and kreanabolyn (goal is hypertrophy so advice would be nice!), but regardless, I've begun my famine today:

Age: 18
Stats: 6'1 180 lbs.
Resting Heart Rate: 67 bpm

Day 1 Famine:

Supplements: Opti-menx3 multivitamin, Fish Oil (1.5g EFA)
Meal 1: V8 Juice (2 cups) + Olive oil (2tbsp) = 300 cals

Workout: Leg Press 360 x 6 + Tbar Row 2 sets
Leg Press 450 x 4 + Tbar Row 1 set
Funnily enough, that was a PR on leg press in keeping good form (knees touching chest).
Seated Cable 120x6 + Lat Pulldown 140x6 3 sets
Barbell Curl 95x6, Reverse Curl 75x6, Preacher Curl 65x6, and
Machine Preacher Curl 100x6.

Meal 2: Potatoes, carrots, peas, broccoli mix. = 350 cals
Salad consisting of lettuce, spinach, etc. + olive oil/vinaigrette= 200 cals

Meal 3: 2 apples medium size = 150 cals

Meal 4: 1 cup oatmeal + 1/4 cup raisins = 430 cals

Total calories = 1430. Protein I would guess around 15g.

Any tips/comments/etc. would be much appreciated!!!

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 5:43 am
by RobRegish
First, welcome aboard! We're glad you're here and all here to help.

This is a great start and you've done your reading. Putting beef on that frame is the right move too. You'll have plenty of time to cut/refine later but right now, you're in your prime so make hey while the sun is shining as they say.

With respect to Ebol vs. Kre-Anabloyn. I suggest you try BOTH to see what works best for you. IDEALLY, you run BP with no adaptogens first and just the basics. Then add KA for example, to see the difference it makes.

And yes, it does make quite a difference. AskMass pays for this board so out of respect for him, try KA first. If you're still interested in giving Ebol a whirl, by all means do so. I just think the above strategy I outline is "right", but that's just me...

If you want to go all out, the BP Mass Stack sold here is a hell of a deal and gives you everything you need and then some to get some experience with their finest products...

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 10:02 am
by doolee
Thank you for the advice. I did put an order in for the bp mass stack simply because I'm running low on my bcaa supply (too low to carry through EITHER bcaa phase). Although I'm not really sure what to do with the burn it up. I'm sure it is a quality product, and although it may have benefits I'm unaware of, I do enjoy my EC stack. Also, should I even use the adaptogen N or save it for later? Although it has the sleep benefits and other forms of adaptogens, I'm still 19 so I doubt the impact would be huge.

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 6:10 pm
by doolee
Day 2 Famine:

So yesterday I realized one of my cup markings is off which set my calories probably near 1500. I'm pretty used to eating very little for diets so I decided to drop my calories low today to try and keep on track. Not sure if this is necessary, but won't make me THAT much hungrier haha.

3x Optimen Multi vitamin + 1.5g EFA
Meal 1: v8 juice (2 cups) -100 calories
Meal 2: Subway Veg Sub with olive oil + vinaigrette - 600 calories
Meal 3: v8 juice (2cups) + 2 tbsp olive oil - 300 calories
Total Calories: About 1,000.
Total Protein: 18-20g.

Had to eat subway today, because my dining hall closed so I couldn't just head over to the salad bar buffet. Hoping my multi will just pick up any missing nutrients lol.

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 9:16 pm
by RobRegish
Good man. Now do watch out for day 3. That's when it really hits me. Otherwise, GREAT job sticking to the plan.

Remember, it's only 5 days, mercifully :)

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 10:59 pm
by doolee
Day 3 Famine:

3x Optimen Multi vitamin + 1.5g EFA
Meal 1: Potatoes + apple = 400 calories
Meal 2: Huge salad with a little oil/vinaigrette/hot sauce = 300 calories
Meal 3: Banana + raisins = 360 calories
Meal 4: Granola peanut butter bar = 200 calories
Meal 5: Olive oil + tomato juice = 150 calories

Total Calories: 1400
Total Protein: 10g

Felt a little hunger pain upon waking, but water took care of it. Felt fine throughout the day on food, but day 3 workout really kicked my ass not gonna lie. Maybe it is because of the excessively low protein (staying under 20g whenever I can). The workout started strong, but I quickly lost all energy during the jumpsets as I had to reduce my shoulder press to half of what it usually is to manage the 8-10 reps. Had a little trouble breathing throughout as well. Wasn't in a scary way, but it did hinder my workout. Hoping this is normal and just means I'm on track with the physical stress.

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 5:10 am
by RobRegish
Yep, day 3 is when it hits for me too :)

Great famine so far. Looks like by the book! Hang in there... only 2 more days! :)

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 3:20 pm
by doolee
Been busy.
Day 4 Famine:
Total calories = 1350
Total protein = 20g

Day 5 Famine!!!:
Total Calories = 1400ish
Total Protein = 15g

Woke up this morning with some pretty large hunger pains. Lasted for about 5 minutes and went away. Thankfully, this is the last day of feast. The workout is going to be insane, but I'm still pretty excited.

Took my resting heart rate again before day 5 workout.
Current Resting Heart Rate: 71bpm

Edit: The workout went well. Was quite exhausting, but my leg strength remained in comparison to my discouraging wednesday workout. Got my Blueprint Mass Stack in the mail today!!!
Still unsure as to whether I want to do BCAA phase 1 or BCAA Phase 2. I do have some ON bcaa 5000 powder which I might use to do the 3 day on 3 day off load till it runs out. And then just do MPA for the intraworkout.

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 9:14 pm
by RobRegish
OK now again take heed: HEALTH FIRST!

STOP if you at all feel sick/off or just not right. Otherwise, fine job thus far. I appreciate the updates...

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 6:41 pm
by doolee
Been enjoying my feast, but ready to get back to work!
Few questions before tomorrow's workout 1.
When it says 8-10 benchpress. Is that 1 total set after warmups??? Or is that as many sets I can do in the 8-10 rep range at the same weight?

Also I was wondering if the following EDT setup would be okay. Can three different ones be rotated? I really want a focus on shoulders and arms as they tend to fall behind the rest of my muscle groups.
EDT Workout 1:
Incline DB press + seated cable row
Barbell curl + tricep pulldowns

EDT Workout 2:
Lat pulldown + shoulder press
leg extension + leg curl

EDT workout 3:
Calf raises + shrugs
Abs (weighted leg raise + weighted crunches)

Excited to start the phase and see the gains!

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 7:03 pm
by RobRegish
You can perform 3 EDT blocks if you have the energy, but it's a lot of work...

For specifics on how to perform your one all out set, please see the first stickie under "Feast Stickies" in this section. ... .php?t=730

All you need to know, all in one place...

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 7:07 pm
by doolee
err clarifying, I meant can these 6 edt blocks be rotated? Not planning on doing 3 EDT blocks a workout, rather I was wondering if I could have 3 sets of EDTs that are on a cycle of every three workouts instead of every 2 workouts. If that makes sense. =P

workout 1 - incline/back + bi's/tri's
workout 2 - shoulders/lats + quads/hams
workout 3 - traps/calves + abs

Or will rotating three setups instead of two prevent a desirable rate of progress?

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 7:10 pm
by RobRegish
Yes that's fine. Will stretch it out further but provided you're getting more reps with the same weight for like workouts, you're good to go.

Good plan..

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 12:32 am
by doolee
Been pretty busy but on workout 3 now (2-3 reps). My chest has always been weak, and today was pretty discouraging. My first workout I managed to bench 115x8. Today I was warming up with 115s, and they felt like nothing. I'm not sure if it was my form or what, but I tried 135 which was extremely close, but I couldn't lock it out. Then dropped to 125, but could barely squeeze out three reps. Really confused about my benching as I feel my form is fairly consistent (retracted shoulders, firm legs, slight back arch, etc.)

On the bright side, my leg strength is rising considerably, and got a new PR. 610x3 on leg press (tried to get knees touching chest).