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Ryan's second run featuring "super squats"

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 9:01 pm
by RyannayR
Hello fellow Blueprint practitioners,

I'm gearing up for my second run and I will be using "Super Squats" during the feast phase after the five day HIT. Right now I am in my week off and I'm getting very anxious to get back in the gym.

My previous run I went by the book and used GLP I, followed by GLP II. I increased my bench to 230 lbs. I also wanted to peak my Deadlift. I was a complete newbie with this lift and it went from 180 lbs to 270 lbs!!

Now it's onto the squats. This is a lift that I have avoided in the weight room but now it's time to man up and start doing some squatz. I picked up a copy of Super Squats and I was impressed with what I read so I decided to feature it in my feast. I'm really hoping to have the type of PR increase that I had with the DL.

I played sports all my life (basketball, baseball, hockey, etc) but by and large my playing days are over except for pick up games and old man leagues filled with fat drunks. I'm now using weight lifting to fill the void. I've been lifting seriously for about a 1.5 years now. I'm 22, 6'2 and 187 lbs.

Mass Protein
Mass Amino
Beverly Int Liver tabs
Ultra Peptide (cinnamon roll)
Monster Maize (tangy orange)

The famine starts Monday...

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 9:26 pm
by Muoio117
Impressive lifts man. I hope to reach similar numbers on the bench when my first run is complete. What did your bench start at before the first run?

Good luck on your run. I'll be following.

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 7:04 am
by RobRegish
Great going and can't wait for run #2!

Now do take care to start with something manageable on the squats. Strossen advises using your 10RM for 20 out of the gate. Try to refine this into something realistic and build it!

This very routine put 16+lbs on GymRat53, so you may want to check in with him.

Right here for you if you need me!

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 9:48 am
by RyannayR
Muoio117 wrote:Impressive lifts man. I hope to reach similar numbers on the bench when my first run is complete. What did your bench start at before the first run?

Good luck on your run. I'll be following.
My previous max was 210 lbs. Thank you for your interest in my log!

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 7:44 pm
by RobRegish
Great teamwork here. Members helping members. It's the way we do things in these parts... :)

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 4:28 pm
by Muoio117
RyannayR wrote:
My previous max was 210 lbs. Thank you for your interest in my log!
That sounds pretty good to me. I've never maxed so I don't know what my 1 RM is. I hope famine is treating you well. We've just got to get through today and tomorrow and then it's FEAST!

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 6:48 pm
by RobRegish
Good man. Good plan.

Keep plugging away. Super squats is a terrific book/training routine especially while you're young. Milk it (pun not intended) for all its worth!

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 1:15 pm
by RyannayR
Famine workout #1 complete.

Seated leg press 270x6, 3 sets
Lat Pull down 200x4, 3 sets
Seated cable rows 190x6, 3 sets
Incline curls 40lbs DBx6, 1 set
Hammer curls 40lbs DBx6, 1 set
DB preacher curls 40lbs DBx5, 1 set

Felt good to finally get back into the gym today after a 10 day layoff.

So far today I haven't eaten much but I'm not staving or anything.

I had a banana, an orange, fruit juice, Lecithin granules, and a bunch of water.

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 7:27 pm
by RobRegish
Excellent work. Famine hits me hard day 3. Will be interested to hear your thoughts at that point in time..

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 2:45 pm
by RyannayR
Famine Day 3, workout #2

Wide grip bench press: 175x10
Incline bench press: 155x10
Decline bench press machine: 90 on each sidex10
Shoulder press machine 100x10

My gym has one decline bench press and I hate it so I did DB tricep extensions. 80x10

Skull crushers: 30 lbs on each side x10
Rope tricep extensions: 62.5x10
Cable press downs: i forget the weight I used but I know I could only manage 8 reps.

I rode the bike for 3 miles after this at a steady pace.

Pretty tough workout. I was feeling tired and not fully recovered with only a minute rest in between sets. I wanted a mass protein shake so bad after this. I am pretty hungry right now but have plenty of energy. It kind of goes in spurts. I'll have hunger pains for a few minutes then it will pass. Then I'll feel wired and energized then I'll feel a little sluggish and weak.

My heart rate was 64 upon waking today. My average was 60 last week.
Also my weight dropped from 187 to 184.

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 5:45 pm
by RobRegish
Just about perfect given you're 3 days in.

People ask me if I make this stuff up. The resting heart rate isn't something you can fudge. You're disrupting homeostasis, exactly as planned.

Do take care going into workout #3 and heed the warnings. Health first, always..

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 3:51 pm
by RyannayR
Famine Day 4

Took my heart rate when I woke up today, it was 68. My average was 60, so I'm officially 8 beats ahead.

I also weighed in...I'm at 182. Was at 187 before famine.

I'm feeling a little out of it right now and very hungry. I'm so hungry I could ride a horse.

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 8:56 pm
by RobRegish
Tell you what man, you get a pass on workout #3. You're there :)

Fine work my man. Just finish out day 5 with the Famine diet and rest easy... you perfected it your very first run. Right down to the heartbeat and # of pounds lost (avg of 1/day in most).

Outstanding work here. Everyone take note... this is how to do it!

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 7:46 pm
by RyannayR
Completed Feast Workout #1

Felt amazing to eat real food again and not live like a rabbit. I woke up on my first day of feast and cooked my normal maintenance phase breakfast which consists of:

3 whole eggs
1 slice American cheese
1 whole wheat English muffin
1 cup of orange juice
Protein shake with whole milk

This meal was delicious but didn't even put a dent in my appetite so I make another round of everything. For lunch I ate a roast beef sandwich, chips, greek yogurt. For dinner I had a cheesesteak and fries from my second favorite spot. Late night I ate a PB sandwich and a protein shake.

I also supplemented with KA, Liver tabs, and BCAA throughout the day.


Bench Press 180x12
DB Pullover 85x10
(I'm adding two reps to my bench routine so I can try for a three rep max instead of one on day five)

Squat 145x10 (gotta start somewhere right?)
Stiff Legged Dead lift 185x8

I felt good in the gym but I know I'm gonna be sore.