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Mind muscle connection

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 9:51 pm
by scump
I was originally going to post this on but then i kinda answered it so thought i would post it in here for comment/help.

basically i have always had a putrid mind-muscle connection with my left arm, up untill a week ago i couldn't really tense my left bicep or tricep, when i did try to, all that would happen is i would tense my shoulder (delt + blade/lat).

i used to hate it because when i done bicep exercises i would see myself inadvertently leaning it to allow my shoulder to execute the movement.

in order to remedy this i have just started some low weight VERY focused isolation movement, slow movement, supported, while watching the muscle.

since i have started this its improving massively! i done pretty much a focused preacher curl, i will keep doing this untill its perfect, i also plan on doing low weight tricep kickbacks in front of the mirror to help more on the tricep side of things, along with some focused flexing.

anyone have any additional input on this? any questions feel free to ask!

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 6:48 am
by RobRegish
Great tip and good for you on the experimentation!

Here's my preferred method in that instance:

- 2 or 3 Burn it Up caps prior to training or like thermogenic

- Strive, Cybex or like machine preacher curl maching. Load that sucker up and have someone assist you into the fully contracted position. LOOK at that arm/arms as you hold that max weight for 5-10 seconds and then slowly lower after your static strength gives out. 2 sets of holds like that with about 3 min of rest in between.

BONUS: You can do one arm at a time that way :)