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BP affects on Athletic Performance and Requisite Adjustments

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 11:18 am
by dekka213
Whats up People. Just got my copy of BP and eager to jump into Famine asap. MY concern is how to implent the BP strategy within the context of an athletic training program. At present I train jj with a gi mon/wed/fri and no gi/mma tue/thur. In additon to that i have a gang of joint problems associated with the game, degenerative stenosis in L4 and L5(which makes me question the soundness of supersetting back and legs in my specific case), and thyroid autoimmune disorder(in a caloric defecit i get sick immediately. In fact, i got pneumonia the last time i did Lyle Mcdonalds bulljive). I do cardio and strength training daily to improve my jj and follow Scivations dietary protocol to a T. I do want to put on some more armor for jj as these youngsters are all swole nowadays. Hit me with some insight. I cant squat heavy cause of the stenosis nor can i bench cause the synovitis in the right elbow. Some idiot kimurad' it and rolled the radius over the ulna and crushed the nerve....

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 7:40 pm
by RobRegish
Wow. Some ideas here..

First, the Super Squat hip belt spoken to on page 34 in The Blueprint. Second, some exercise modifications (dips vs. bench for example). Your Famine template may have to be tweaked somewhat.

We'll work on it. Let's take it one week at a time. Let me know your thoughs on what you can/can't do based upon this famine outline. I'll take it from there: ... .php?t=377

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 1:46 pm
by dekka213
Good looking out big bro. Dips are no go as well on account of the level 2 acromial seperation. I can get up to 250/275 on a good month with the straight bar. It locks me in to that fixed motion and the crooked shoulder pushes unevenly. I can do dumbells up to to 120 on a 30 degree incline with minimal pain. I did famine yesterday and it sucked. pyramided up to 1,050 for a triple on the cybex leg press(full range of motion) then 20 reps squats and rack pulls for 5x5 with 475. In the PM i did jj and all the drills from 7-930. Brutal in a caloric defecit. Dangerous even as i felt my cognitive and kinesthetics were shot. The link to that famine tweak wasnt working. Thanks for your help.

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 7:53 pm
by RobRegish
OK hear this now and please take it to heart: If you feel sick, off or not right - STOP. Health first!

Having said that, key for you will be to identify movements that don't hurt and use them. They may even take the form of partials or machine vs. free weight work. Experiment. Your body will tell you..

Great job so far BTW. I understand what you're struggling with, but here you are plugging away. Good man...

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 11:07 pm
by dekka213
I like your style. Thats the most Non-dogmatic advice ive ever been given. Im 33 and been whipping these youngsters ass's for a while by training very intuitively. Interestingly enough, after reading about that protein cycling method used on the cattle way back in the Serious Growth 3 program and popping Triboxin and Retibol, lol, Ive gone baby famine every sat-sun for years. It does something. I'll keep you posted. Everybody is preparing for the No Gi jiujitsu worlds and running on V8 and olive oil just aint cutting it. Ive heard people talking about going keto in famine but wouldnt that undermine the minimal protein protocol? [/img]

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 6:25 am
by RobRegish
Thank you. I don't subscribe to dogmatic anything. Makes life miserable..

Yes, if you run keto you're going to have to take in some protein. I suppose you could do it on lard/bacon/pork rinds alone.

Hey, they doesn't sound that bad now does it?

Your experience going back to Atletika days is quite intriguing. I'd like to hear more about it, perhaps in a separate thread. Include as much detail as you can please about the training, supps etc. If you still have any of their information, I'd be REAL interested in seeing it.

Atletika (Rick Brunner's) work - in particular his training articles built off Soviet periodization cycles went in The BP BTW. He is a sorely missed and vastly under-rated thinker who best I can tell, got out of the business..

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 1:13 am
by dekka213
lol...classic. Listening to Rick Brunner speak on the phone about phytosteroids was crazy. I got the triboxin training booklet around somewhere and the old school "Power tools" book he published. Straight up gangster stuff. "Xentroph", the first hydrolyzed whey peptides id ever used with a disclaimer on the side that said " this very well may be the most horrific supplement youve ever tasted. It was designed for effectiveness not taste compliance," or something to that effect. That dude was well ahead of most.

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 6:58 am
by RobRegish
Yes! I remember that!! He's almost as bad as marketing as I am. I hope I don't wind up like he did... bankrupt (unclear on this)/getting out.

I'm PM'ing you my home address. Could you please send it to me? I'm not asking for something for nothing. I have other items of interest to share with you.. :)