Gotsouthern's First Run....

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Gotsouthern's First Run....

Post by Gotsouthern »

What’s up everybody, my name is Tom and I can’t tell you how glad I am to have found BP!! I’m so stoked to get started I’ve legit been losing sleep going over it all in my head the last 3 days lol. Sooo much to absorb and process, but I’m getting there. Anyhow, per Rob’s recommendation, first a quick history on me so you guys know where I’m coming from, and then where I wanna go. I’ve always been a big guy, large frame and well-muscled but always too much fat to go with it. I’ve lifted on again-off again since my late teens, so I’m no stranger to the weight room. Through most of my 20’s (31 yrs old currently) I varied between 265 and 292, and since June of ’08 I’ve managed to cut from that high to where I am now….6’-1” 244 lbs, 41” waist, 54” chest, 44.5” hips. No current bf% but I imagine you guys can get a pretty good idea from the above measurements. I’ve been in the weight room pretty good and steady since January. As for where I wanna go, my primary goal with BP, at least for the first run, is to cut, obviously. I don’t have a specific weight in mind really, I’ll let the tape measure and the mirror, speak for themselves. I feel like I have my diet in fine order at this point, eating clean and tracking my calories and macro’s to the letter every day with an app on my iPhone. Anyhow I just wanted to start things off with my intro here, I won’t bore you guys too bad going too far in depth. I have plenty of questions rolling around in my head I’ll ask in some of the more specific forums on here. I plan to do my week off next week (9-13 to 9-19) and of course famine week following that. Think I'm dreading the off week more than the famine week to be honest lol. In the mean time I’ll be getting my supps in order. Looking forward to chatting with all you guys as this progresses, and can’t wait to see what I can do with all this new found knowledge!! Take care.
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Post by RobRegish »

All welcome gotsouthern!

Welcome home man. Appreciate that background. Now take it one week at a time, formulate your plan/questions and I'll be right here to answer them.

THANK YOU for investing in The Blueprint. It will NOT let you down!
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Post by Hank! »

Gotsouthern we have a similar build and goals, I will be interested in observing your journey. Welcome we have a lot of fun here it is very informative and it is customary for new guys to send the 1st 2 posters in their thread $18 U.S dollars in small unmarked bills

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Post by awisler »

Hank! wrote:Gotsouthern we have a similar build and goals, I will be interested in observing your journey. Welcome we have a lot of fun here it is very informative and it is customary for new guys to send the 1st 2 posters in their thread $18 U.S dollars in small unmarked bills

I believe its the first 3 posters, and you seem to have forgotten an extra zero, it's $180.

Welcome to the BP though, break it down into each respective phase and do it as you go. Plan your famine as best as you can, and during famine plan your feast etc. Rather than trying to plan the whole thing out.
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Post by Gotsouthern »

Damn and I thought the supps were gonna be a big outlay.... :D

Yeah I've actually scheduled out my work weeks (I travel weekly with work, usually just a few days/wk) to where I will be home every night during famine week. The whole fruits/veggies/no protein thing would be mighty tough to pull off on the road. As in, I'd pretty well starve lol. But yeah, I'm taking it one phase at a time. About to order up my supps here just shortly.

So in the initial part of the feast phase, the 1-5 workouts, do you do an EDT block after each "big lift" or the big lifts only?

And on the EDT blocks, is there some collective I just haven't found of various antagonistic exercises that lend themselves well? As in, Rob recommends barbell curls and lying tricep extensions in one of the stickies, but what are some of the other combos? Is it basically pick your poison, mix and match and roll with it, or is there more method to the madness?
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Post by RobRegish »

Great questions Tom and a few suggestions:

Yeah I've actually scheduled out my work weeks (I travel weekly with work, usually just a few days/wk) to where I will be home every night during famine week. The whole fruits/veggies/no protein thing would be mighty tough to pull off on the road. As in, I'd pretty well starve lol. But yeah, I'm taking it one phase at a time. About to order up my supps here just shortly.

A. Here's your ticket: A thermos and the following fruit/veggie drinks to bring along with you: ... .php?t=389

Now, you know those pre-mixed bags of veggies/fruits they sell at the grocery store? A little pricey but ideal to much on while you're traveling. I find those and the drinks convenient and portable. They'll serve you well.

So in the initial part of the feast phase, the 1-5 workouts, do you do an EDT block after each "big lift" or the big lifts only?

A. You perform the big barbell lifts first, doing them justice and pouring as much effort/energy into them as possible. AFTER those are completed, you proceed to your EDT blocks.

And on the EDT blocks, is there some collective I just haven't found of various antagonistic exercises that lend themselves well? As in, Rob recommends barbell curls and lying tricep extensions in one of the stickies, but what are some of the other combos? Is it basically pick your poison, mix and match and roll with it, or is there more method to the madness?

A. There is much flexibility here, and your pairings can be mixed and matched to your liking/weak points etc. As an example, I'll offer the following templates/EDT "how to" explanations: ... .php?t=378 ... .php?t=437

Sincerely hope that helps you on your journey. When the time comes (Feast workouts 1-5), I'll be more than happy to help refine these EDT blocks for you or critique whatever it is you come up with.

Can't wait for your run man, another big man running BP :)
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Post by Gotsouthern »

Whats up everybody. Well just spent a grip of change on MASS lol, also picked up the Ironman Belt and lifting pin Rob recommends in the book. I've always been limited on my squats dude to pressure on my back and shoulders, I can't wait to see what my legs can really do independent of that constraint. And weighted dips...mmmm. As for's my stack:

MP Amino (The BP Stack of course)
MASS Whey (4 pack, not messin' around here lol)
Gamma GH
Alky Green

That'll bout do it I suppose. I've got Rob working me up a custom cutting program as well. I'm in the midst of my week off, and I have to say its miserable. I feel like a friggin' slug not working out, doing no good for my mood lol. It's cool, it'll have me well primed mentally and physically for Famine next week. Anyhow, that's the update so far!! [/img]
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Post by RobRegish »

Wow. Talk about loaded for bear!!

OK now all Rob has to do is deliver your custom cut. I'll try to have it out to you Saturday. Working on it as we speak. Given that supp lineup... oh we're going to have some fun!
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Post by Gotsouthern »

Lol as you can see, when I get my mind set to something, especially as significant as this, I don't go half way. I put a whooole bunch of stuff on the back burner to cop those supps and the Ironman belt (and Rob, not one thin red dime of that went on a CC, I know you're proud to hear that lol). Whatever it is you come up with, its seriously the single most important thing in my world right now to follow it to the letter and give it 110%, no questions, no hesitation. I've worked my ass off for a good long while wandering blindly through the abyss of commercialized shit-for supps and thrown-together workouts. And did okay all things considered. Now having a, well, a "blueprint" for success that I truly believe in, know in my heart will give me back just as much as I put in, it'll actually feel like all that work and dedication is going directly towards something. It's a really good feeling brother.

Something I was meaning to PM you about but I'll slip it in here. I've read in several posts your experimentations with Warrior Diet-style eating on off days. I've read up on this program (not the book but plenty of bits and pieces) and if you think it benefits my situation, don't be afraid to integrate it to some extent. Just wanted to throw that out there. I ain't skerd! (that's a perfectly acceptable sentence down here in GA, just ask John lol)
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Post by RobRegish »

OK, I've got this baby all polished up and ready to go here Saturday afternoon. Just finishing up some particulars and you'll have it shortly..

Hope you've had a good week. Mine was crazy..
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Post by Gotsouthern »

Got it. Thanks a bunch brother, I am really pleased. Very well detailed and laid out. Famine starts tomorrow, so we'll be having results start to roll in here shortly. On the supps, that one is Glucosamine/Chondroiton, figured I'd give it a shot while I was at it. Anyhow, I'm gonna read thing through a few times if I come up with any questions I'll post up. But I'm really excited to get started, it was exactly what I was hoping for. Thanks again.
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Post by RobRegish »

Glad you liked it!
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Post by Gotsouthern »

Well I am officially more than half way through Famine week!! It's actually not as bad (so far lol) as I thought. I'm doing the intermittent fasting style of eating (roughly 16hrs fasted/8hrs fed), and it's working wonderfully with the reduced calories. I'm down 3.5 lbs from 10 days ago, and considering on my off week last week I ate SOLIDLY at maintenance level (we'll just call it that for now lol) I am very very pleased. I get to go to sleep well sated (not stuffed but not hungry either) and honestly, all the way around, I feel like a million bucks. No lack of energy, no cravings (okay okay I want a 25oz porterhouse like 5 min ago but that's got nothin' to do with IF itself lol). And I even like the carrot juice/apple juice drink!!

As for supps, per Rob's recommendations, I'm keeping it slim:

Alky Greens
Burn It Up
Glucosamine/ Chondroitn
2 cups coffee/day

Per Rob's suggestions in the book, I'm about to jump on some chiropractic care here in the next week (soon as they can fit me in). I did some checking around and found a very highly recommended doc close by. Got a minor upper-back/shoulder issue I want corrected, I wanna be 110% for this program.

Well, just about time to hit the gym for workout 2. I'll check back in Friday evening see how I'm feeling after the ass-whoopin' finale.

Edit: Yep definitely felt workout number 2. Looking much less forward to Friday now lol.
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Post by RobRegish »

Terrific work and glad you're having fun with it man.

Right here following along so give me a shout if any clarity is needed..

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