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Gamma GH vs. GABA - There is a difference (personal opinion)

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 6:06 am
by RobRegish
I recently ran out of Gamma GH and between orders, picked up some generic stuff. Subsequently received my Gamma GH from AskMass a week or so later.

What a difference.

The generic GABA at 5g/dose (don't start with this please) on an empty stomach imparts a feeling alright.... cold sweats, shivering/tingling etc. not pleasant.

Gamma GH at the same dose brings upon a much smoother, relaxed calm with the same tingles but no sweats, no shivering etc..

Now I am NOT here to pump one brand over another but I do note one curious difference between these two: Gamma GH carries the following note on it's label:

"HPCS/HPLC Certified 100% pure Gamma Aminobutryric Acid"

The bulk material only states "pharmaceutical grade". Well, I'm not sure exactly what that means given it for sure isn't made my a pharmaceutical company. In fact the label only states it was "manufactured for and distributed by XYZ company". I really doubt Johnson and Johnson is making GABA for supp companies. I could be wrong.

Guys, I like saving a buck as much as anyone but please....what you put in your body is important. As always, it's your choice. I did however, want to share given the recent interest in GABA and it's place in The Blueprint.

Any and all other experiences/thoughts on this topic are most welcome.

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 11:51 am
by awisler
Hmm, I always thought that when people said GABA here they meant Gamma GH and that it was somehow a nickname. I haven't tried GABA, but I can testify that the feeling you get with 5g Gamma GH is oddly relaxing.

For me my chest tightens up for a couple seconds until I take a deep breath and then I get a warm flush throughout all my body with a slight tingling. It sounds like it would suck to have but after the first couple times it's nice, and it lets you know that something is happening.

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 12:33 pm
by DaCookie
awisler wrote:Hmm, I always thought that when people said GABA here they meant Gamma GH and that it was somehow a nickname. I haven't tried GABA, but I can testify that the feeling you get with 5g Gamma GH is oddly relaxing.

For me my chest tightens up for a couple seconds until I take a deep breath and then I get a warm flush throughout all my body with a slight tingling. It sounds like it would suck to have but after the first couple times it's nice, and it lets you know that something is happening.
I dont like it at all but I just deal with it.

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 1:42 pm
by askmass
It's like a lot of other items in that the generics are made in China.

Simply put, they are a very low grade raw material that is produced as fast and as cheaply as possible.

Technically it is GABA, yes, but we'd never sell it under our label.

We don't use or associate with any Chinese nutritionals, and we never have. Very questionable, really almost non existent quality control and every short cut know to man is employed by those firms.

Just look at the recent Melamine crisis for proof positive of just how risky the Chinese nutritionals can be.

Gamma GH on the other hand is made in the U.S.A. for us by a company that supplies for the medical industry. The quality, safety and efficacy are unsurpassed.

It costs more for real, valid and the most valuable of reasons.

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 7:01 pm
by dropthebeats

I'm glad you brought this up. I was just about to post something that happened to me while taking GABA. When I first started taking it, it was fine. But, after a few weeks I increased the dosage. When I did that, I felt a tightening in my chest. It was after about 15-20 minutes of taking it. It only last for about 2 seconds, but it wasn't right. I took it again just to see if that was the cause. Yup, sure was. I have since stopped using it. Very scary. I will be ordering GAMMA GH for my next run.

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 7:07 pm
by RobRegish
Good to know man.

I just worry about impurities. When you're not reading "100% HPCS/HPLC GABA" on the label.... it makes you wonder.

Now legit GABA can do this too (if you take too much), but that melamine thing is very real. Babies died from that b/c of lax Chinese quality control.

I dunno. For a few extra bucks, I think Gamma GH is WELL worth it vs. the "bulk" material.

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 3:56 pm
by seasoned
askmass wrote:Just look at the recent Melamine crisis for proof positive of just how risky the Chinese nutritionals can be.
You know, I recently met a person that apparently owns a supplement store. He knows a LOT about supplements, but he knew NOTHING about melamine.

That surprised me because it was all over the news recently for PET FOOD! But I NEVER expected it in HUMAN FOOD!?!?!? The FDA should really do its job, supplement exclusion or no! If The product is unadulterated, honest, and has something there for a reason that isn't dangerous, HANDS OFF! Otherwise, SHUT THE COMPANY DOWN!!!!!!!

HELL, they banned tryptophan for NO reason because sme stupid japanese company sold something as, that looked a bit like, tryptophan. They NEVER found out what it was, but gass chromatography PROVED it was NOT tryptophan!

BTW I AM seriously considering buying more of your products. I just got my first package yesterday. HECK, I like how the capsules are all color coded! NICE TOUCH! I have NEVER seen that done before, and always wished for something like that. If I am happy, I may order the protein, etc... next week.


Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 8:06 pm
by RobRegish
Glad you liked them Steve.

I've been a paying customer since 1993 for a reason... MASS has some great products that WORK and can't be found elsewhere.

It's definately not for the GNC crowd, but I take great pride in these proteins, quality aminos etc.

I've said this before but I'll say it again: If I was in the hospital suffering from some wasting disease you for damn sure would see MassPro by my side 24/7 and not "Ensure" like they feed these poor souls.

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 2:15 am
by awisler
seasoned wrote:
askmass wrote:Just look at the recent Melamine crisis for proof positive of just how risky the Chinese nutritionals can be.
You know, I recently met a person that apparently owns a supplement store. He knows a LOT about supplements, but he knew NOTHING about melamine.

That surprised me because it was all over the news recently for PET FOOD! But I NEVER expected it in HUMAN FOOD!?!?!? The FDA should really do its job, supplement exclusion or no! If The product is unadulterated, honest, and has something there for a reason that isn't dangerous, HANDS OFF! Otherwise, SHUT THE COMPANY DOWN!!!!!!!

HELL, they banned tryptophan for NO reason because sme stupid japanese company sold something as, that looked a bit like, tryptophan. They NEVER found out what it was, but gass chromatography PROVED it was NOT tryptophan!

BTW I AM seriously considering buying more of your products. I just got my first package yesterday. HECK, I like how the capsules are all color coded! NICE TOUCH! I have NEVER seen that done before, and always wished for something like that. If I am happy, I may order the protein, etc... next week.

Although I haven't personally tested these products under a microscope or anything, I can say that one thing I noticed about the protein from Muscle Mass is that it feels/looks like a better quality. It mixes differently, sort of smoother. All the other protein powders I have tried were much different than this. Plus the vanilla tastes pretty good.

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 6:02 am
by RobRegish
AskMass can go into this far better than I but there's a reason for this and yes, it's the quality that goes into it.

You are looking at one of (maybe the only), genuine article - cold processed whey concentrate/isolate blend inclusive of di-tri peptides, all of the relevant growth factors, high cysteine content to build glutathione etc.. The Colostrum in the product is (if memory serves) organic in nature and the quality control is outstanding.

The fact the flavors are as good as they are with no fat/sugar is remarkable. Sure Musclemilk, etc taste great. Easy to do when you have lots of fat/sugar in there. No thanks. I just want 25g of protein per scoop.

BTW, if you ever pick up the unflavored/unsweetened MVP try it in pineapple juice. Outstanding.

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 6:10 pm
by askmass
As a follow up on this, I saw an independent U.S. lab test on Chinese GABA the other week. The foreign paperwork stated 98.9% purity.

Guess what it tested out at under legit HPLC analysis?


Know your source.

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 7:36 pm
by Hank!

How can we know? Were can we look? This is a serious issue and so many of us are unaware
