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My Blueprint Plan

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 9:20 am
by HITsoldier
I do keto. 75% fat, 25% protein, 4300 - 4500cals. Preworkout carbs. I do mike mentzers HIT training with success... hoping to do better with BP.

Ok so heres my plan.

As of today I ate 3200cals. Tomorrow, ill be cutting down to about 2500, sunday will be 2000

-monday I begin 5 day hunger phase of 1500cals. Basically foods will be lots of broccoli, cauliflower, apples, bananas, and some cheese (melted on the veges)

-the weekend following I begin 42day Feasting, where I crank cals back up to 4500 keto style, whilst supplementing on a multivitamin and turkesterone 40% extract powder 250mg in the morning and 250mg before training (late afternoon) I will try my best and taper the calories down to just under 4000 as BP has stated.

- I plan on eating a lot of carbs pre workout, AND post workout, which I don't usually do. Oats, apples and dextrose. Depending on how often i train, i might do a carbup before each workout, but this might not workout.

- I don't plan on training as BP has stated, yet, my training is based on the same principles, and I don't want to chop and change routines. I like HIT and will stick to it. Rob said this was ok.

- during cruising phase of 2 weeks, i will follow the 1 on 2 off training frequency and stay a within few reps off failure (from my logbook)

so am I doin it right?

any help is very much appreciated, thats why im here!!!! :D

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 10:08 am
by scump
bout time man.

just finished a upper body feast workout and have never felt this strong before in my life :D

pmd ya on bb...

how come your not using E-bol or Kre-anabolyn?

p.s. if you want to order something from MASS, ive pm'd them about shipping to australia and they have had all their fun stuff get in (except the protein) incase you were thinking of ordering through there.

most important thing i can say about the BP is, sht gets intense, you really have to listen to your body and get in the extra rest when needed... which i know your pretty good at normally!

probably up your cals a tiny bit for the first 2 days of feast (saturday sunday) and then drop down to your normal feast cals, thats a big feed up those 2 days!

be sure to read all the stickies in the log section too man, will more than likely answer any questions you may have!

plus some are updates that the BP E-Book doesnt have ;)

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 3:16 pm
by Big.jazayrli
are you gonna ad weekly carb windows to your diet?

I think that would be extremely beneficial to your muscle growth

particularly if you're doing zero carb, adding a couple short (maybe 2-4 hour) cheat windows, a couple days a week, would probably work wonders.

in fact, check out this article. This dude is lean as hell AND strong as hell on a yearly basis ... rying.html

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 5:41 pm
by RobRegish
Fully support this variation and I'll tell you why..

First, he knows what works for him: HIT. I respect individual differences. Works for me too (better when I was younger)

Second, he's still executing within the "shell" of The Blueprint, which should amplify his results.

Third, I'm curious about this 40% turk and what it can do.

Finally, I'm on board with Keto b/c if you're going to eat keto, HIT is a good pairing. I find with limited glycogen reserves, strength falls off quickly in multi-set protocols.

So let's saddle up, learn - share and GROW!

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 4:05 am
by HITsoldier
Big.jazayrli wrote:are you gonna ad weekly carb windows to your diet?

I think that would be extremely beneficial to your muscle growth

particularly if you're doing zero carb, adding a couple short (maybe 2-4 hour) cheat windows, a couple days a week, would probably work wonders.

in fact, check out this article. This dude is lean as hell AND strong as hell on a yearly basis ... rying.html
In bold:

Depending on how much training I do will depend on a weekly carbup.

Carbups always resulted in unwanted fat gains. The pre-workout thing is working for me really well... so when I start blueprint, I may add in post carbs to support the glycogen storing better

I know other guys doing random large carb meals every know and then throughout a week so i will consider that too

Oh yeah 1 more question.. with regards the supersetting in the famine phase... Do I rest between each set of exercise, or do the paired exercises one after the other and then rest and repeat? and am i failing on each set respectively

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 6:15 am
by scump
superset fashion bro eg.

bench s/s with db press


bench s/s with db press


i allow a max a 10 seconds between my supersets, and this is just to shake my arms, get some more blood flowing to my extremities.

and yeah i think the better part of famine is to failure.

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 6:42 am
by RobRegish
Good answers BUT, I don't personally take them to failure. Just get them into the rep range. Your later sets you'll probably find yourself failing due to fatigue... but it's not absolutely necessary.

The goal is to deplete muscle substrate. Fatigue is the vehicle for doing such.

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 7:02 am
by HITsoldier
ok, looks like im ready to go

starting monday... i hope the calorie drop isn't too aggressive.... :S

on friday i was at 4000,
today i was at around 3000
tomorrow ill be at 2000 - 2300
then monday 1500

Could this severely affect me in some way?

I haven't been doing anything, just sitting around, drinking 2 gallons of water
the famine is almost a detox!! I reckon ill be lethargic and dizzy with headaches :(

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 2:16 pm
by RobRegish
The idea is to induce a mild stress, not sickness etc. Properly done, it IS a helathy, detox type exercise. I know what you're saying and I always counsel: HEALTH FIRST!

You MAY want to take an extra week to adjust given where you're at now. Think that over and let me know tomorrow. We'll make the call together.

Hope that helps...

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 8:13 pm
by HITsoldier
too late!!

I started today.

I'm pretty sure ill be ok, im at home, im sitting/lying down most the time, if I do feel crap, ill just eat a bit more. If i keep my fluids up ill be fine. Also the fact of not having to eat meat sounds great. Eating so much effing food all the time does get monotonous!!

I also have this herbal remedy for flu/cold which will help me through just in case.

I plan to just eat broccoli/cauliflower with some melted cheese for calories morning and night, whilst eating fruit around my workouts and during the day on off days.

its only 5 days! I can take it! :D :D

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 8:15 pm
by RobRegish
OK, do take care now.

Your body telling you "lets stop stuffing ourselves now, shall we?" message is a sign.... you're quite ready for Famine/detox. :)

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 11:56 pm
by scump
you will be fine bro, remember 5 day fast in exchange for a 40 day feast... hell yeah!

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 1:14 am
by HITsoldier
ok I just did my first training session

I did a moderate workout on leg ext to exhaust my quads, as i dont have enough plates for legpress to do 4 - 6reps with fresh legs.. would need alot of plates. After the first 2 super sets, i needed more plates, so i finished with somewhat burning legs, and failed on the last set on the cable Tbar pulls

did only 2 super sets on biceps with DBs and barbell as I started feeling sick.
All sets to failure on biceps. I'll have to tread lightly. I hope my body adapts to the low cals soon.

about to hit 1300calories. I probably will be at 1800 by the time today finishes, but i think thats ok, only 300 over target... i just don't want to screw myself up... ill be at 1500 by thursday.

so far so good. Eating some oats and rice crisps. Been eating apples and banana's all day :P

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 2:59 am
by scump
lol yeah man, on days you have alot of physical exertion you can increase your cals slightly.

my first day i ate nothing but fruit and veg lol, like 1 other carb source... then i realised i finished 400 cals short haha... next few days were a lot better!

you will adapt, and its only 5 days.