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Somebody tell me what to do

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 3:04 am
by Mikereade
hey guys, the workout plan I've been doing has had me doing flat bench the past 4 weeks and it has actually reaaally really gone up using rest-pause. But I wonder if I should take the leap and jump into the blueprint with such a bench heavy schedule or should I take some time to get some change in there before I start the bp.

I figure if I take the leap and just go at the blueprint and pick it up as I go it should help my understanding of it better because a hands on approach is good for me.

like this loading phase stuff, it's not just all chest and leg work is it?:p when and how do you fit in the back/bi's and tri's? I just assume ask now because it's gonna happen eventually

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 6:12 am
by RobRegish
First, WELCOME! We're happy to have you here.

I'd like you to continue your rest-pause for a bit as you seem to be doing well with it. In the meantime, you may want to consult the following stickes to familiarize yourself with Famine/Feast training (it is not all chest/leg work). ... .php?t=377 ... .php?t=378 ... .php?t=437

Let me know if that helps. We are all here to support you on your BP Journey. It will take some time to read, understand and formulate your plan but proceeding as I outline I think will afford you that opportunity.

Glad to hear you're gaining well today, b/c The Blueprint is going to take you to a WHOLE 'nother level :)

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 4:40 pm
by Mikereade
Yeah those definitely helped set me on the right path but for lets say german loading pattern phase 1, on day one I would do the bench followed by the pullovers, then I can do say barbell curls ss with skull crushers and then go onto squats and sldl?

I just don't understand the day to changes. is it a full body workout every single workout or do you do different edt's every workout? My brain may just explode if I think about it any harder

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 5:12 pm
by beachpirate
Looking back at my first run I split the my days between bench and squats. A bench day would look something like:

GLP Bench

EDT block #1
Decline BD Bench SS with Seated Cable Rows

EDT Block #2
Tricep Extension or Skull Crushers SS with
Incline DB Curls.

If I had anything left I would do Static Holds on Bench.

Next day in gym
GLP Squat

EDT Block
Romainian Deadlifts SS with
Leg Press

As conditioning improved I added a second EDT block
Leg Extension SS with
Leg Curls

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 5:39 pm
by Mikereade
so you didn't do any bicep or trap isolation stuff?

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 5:55 pm
by awisler
Mikereade wrote:so you didn't do any bicep or trap isolation stuff?
He has curls and tricep extensions/skullcrushers in there. Pretty isolated movements, your biceps get hit with rows as well. You can also do some shrugs after your EDT blocks as well to hit traps. Compound movements will build muscle much better than isolation ones. Dont forget that bench hits the triceps too.

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 6:00 pm
by Mikereade
Yeah I understand that, biceps get overworked plenty as I understand. I just didn't notice the curls. Im gonna write up an entire plan in advance as best I can that way I can just do it and focus 100% without worrying. Im excited, decided to read it a little longer and work some stuff around, wish I discovered this at the start of summer as opposed to the very end:(

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 6:24 pm
by RobRegish
Excellent. I love the initiative.

Take it week by week. Don't bite off the whole BP, it gets overwhelming. Post it here and I'll guide you.

We are all here to help, and that starts with me!