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Your EDT blocks

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 11:42 pm
by awisler
Well, I can easily come up with 2 exercises to throw into an EDT block, but I have trouble finding ones that are synergistic. The only one I have that really seems to flow together is a bicep/tricep EDT block, so post some good ones you have/prefer

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 6:18 am
by RobRegish

Incline DB Presses
Seated cable rows

Decline bench presses
DB pullovers on a slight incline


Hack squats
Stiff legged deadlifts

Leg sled with feet lower on the platform
Romanian deadlifts


Seated shoulder presses
Reverse pec deck with elbows on the pads

Standing DB presses
Upright rows