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Workout 5 of feast. 1 RM

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 4:27 pm
by symchykp
So today was my 1 rep max. At my home gym on the deload day I did 195 7 times. I'm now back at University and today for my 1 rep max I couldnt even do two 45's on each side. On the 2-3 rep workout I did 225 (two 45's) 3 times.

Any explanation? Maybe I didn't eat enough? or not enough sleep?



Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 6:21 pm
by scump
warmed up properly man?

maybe not enough gap between the workouts, did you have 2 rest days as recommended?

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 6:31 pm
by symchykp
I believe I warmed up properly. And I only took 1 rest day. I'll take 2 during the german loading pattern.

Maybe I didn't rest enough before attempting it? lol It's weird and really bugging me. But oh well I'm going to count my 1 RM as 230 and move on.

Good idea?

Thanks for the help,


Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 7:03 pm
by awisler
Another thing you may just want to double check is the actual weight of your weights at home and the gym. At the gym I typically lift at, our 45lb plates are 48lbs, and when I went to visit my brother in Texas I worked out at his gym and I could barely do what I thought was 225, we put them on the scale - 53lbs...I am amazed at the error on some weights. And yes, the scales were correct, zerod before and tested multiple plates.

Thats just a possibility, sometimes you just have an off day with absolutely no apparent reason behind it. If this happens multiple times in a short period then something is definitely going on rather than just a bad day.

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 7:37 pm
by RobRegish
Happens. BUT, I do think there are 3 things to look closely at:

1. Rest days (2 would probably have been better than 1) and..
2. Rest prior to the max
3. Actual warmup methodology
4. Calorie/carb intake

The extra rest day usually benefits you insofar as recovery. You're getting stronger, faster and as such the stresses grow on your body. More time is necessary to adapt.

The amount of time to take prior to maxing is an individual thing, but generally speaking I like a full 10 min. The CNS (involved moreso in maxing than any other system) recovers SLOWER than muscle substrate is replenished (ATP, phosphagens etc.). Look at that one closely..

Also, consider the warmup itself. We all have our own way of doing things, but here's a suggestion: ... .php?t=441

That CNS (for me anyway) doesn't like big jumps between warmup sets. I'm not sure how you do it but again, just a suggestion.

Last, the calories/carbs. I've seen it before and SOMETIMES, you need a bit more eating on that additional rest day/more carbs to really slam it come max day.

Finally, I wouldn't fret too much over it. The GLP you're about to embark upon does a FINE job of fixing things :). Please PM me or ask here if you need any further guidance.

Here to support you 100% on your journey.

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 7:37 pm
by RobRegish
Happens. BUT, I do think there are 3 things to look closely at:

1. Rest days (2 would probably have been better than 1) and..
2. Rest prior to the max
3. Actual warmup methodology
4. Calorie/carb intake

The extra rest day usually benefits you insofar as recovery. You're getting stronger, faster and as such the stresses grow on your body. More time is necessary to adapt.

The amount of time to take prior to maxing is an individual thing, but generally speaking I like a full 10 min. The CNS (involved moreso in maxing than any other system) recovers SLOWER than muscle substrate is replenished (ATP, phosphagens etc.). Look at that one closely..

Also, consider the warmup itself. We all have our own way of doing things, but here's a suggestion: ... .php?t=441

That CNS (for me anyway) doesn't like big jumps between warmup sets. I'm not sure how you do it but again, just a suggestion.

Last, the calories/carbs. I've seen it before and SOMETIMES, you need a bit more eating on that additional rest day/more carbs to really slam it come max day.

Finally, I wouldn't fret too much over it. The GLP you're about to embark upon does a FINE job of fixing things :). Please PM me or ask here if you need any further guidance.

Here to support you 100% on your journey.

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 8:35 pm
by symchykp
Thanks so much for all of your responses!


I believe you are right. My carb intake was a bit lower yesterday because I saw a bit of fat start to creep up on me. So I dropped my macros a bit. Also I rested maybe about 3 mins before my 1 RM set. Next time I will be sure to have a nice LONG rest before my next attempt.

Thanks once again for the support,


Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 1:25 am
RobRegish wrote:Happens. BUT, I do think there are 3 things to look closely at:

1. Rest days (2 would probably have been better than 1) and..
2. Rest prior to the max
3. Actual warmup methodology
4. Calorie/carb intake

The extra rest day usually benefits you insofar as recovery. You're getting stronger, faster and as such the stresses grow on your body. More time is necessary to adapt.

The amount of time to take prior to maxing is an individual thing, but generally speaking I like a full 10 min. The CNS (involved moreso in maxing than any other system) recovers SLOWER than muscle substrate is replenished (ATP, phosphagens etc.). Look at that one closely..

Also, consider the warmup itself. We all have our own way of doing things, but here's a suggestion: ... .php?t=441

That CNS (for me anyway) doesn't like big jumps between warmup sets. I'm not sure how you do it but again, just a suggestion.

Last, the calories/carbs. I've seen it before and SOMETIMES, you need a bit more eating on that additional rest day/more carbs to really slam it come max day.

Finally, I wouldn't fret too much over it. The GLP you're about to embark upon does a FINE job of fixing things :). Please PM me or ask here if you need any further guidance.

Here to support you 100% on your journey.
This warmup regimen is looking like a game changer to me. I used it on my last Chest workout and it was great. I did take it one step further as an experiment. I wanted my working set to be at 275 so I worked up to a single of 285. When I went back down to 275, it felt light to my body and i was able to be extremely explosive through the bottom of the reps.

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 6:14 am
by RobRegish
And there you go... :)

Glad it helped both you guys...

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 4:20 pm
by ckeahey76
awisler wrote:when I went to visit my brother in Texas I worked out at his gym and I could barely do what I thought was 225, we put them on the scale - 53lbs...I am amazed at the error on some weights. And yes, the scales were correct, zerod before and tested multiple plates.


You need to remember that everything in Texas is BIGGER, even our egos. :D

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 7:50 pm
by RobRegish
Ha ha!

Nice work so far brother. This is fantastic progress...:)