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Chains Etc.

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 8:03 am
Has anyone experimented with chains or bands (For their presses and squats) while running BP?

It seems like it would be a natural fit to me. A great way to amp up intensity in your work set during Feast workouts leading up to your 1RM not too mention if you were to stop using chains during your GLP it would be a breeze moving up.

Just a thought!

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 7:51 pm
by RobRegish
This is an interesting twist and yes, there's an application here.

I much prefer the bands BUT, you need to be careful with them. They impart extreme soreness but build explosive power. Here's how I use them:

On the GLP #1, your first set or two are really light. I like using them here just to build explosiveness and tee up the heavier sets.

You MAY want to experiment with them on your EDT work or ideally, in place of a heavy static movement. They are a tool, a great one but like any tool.... measured use is the key.

Great idea. Great post!

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 1:20 am
That is a good point about using on your early light sets. I like it.

Measured use is definetly key here as you point out, I would say adding in that extra off day would be key to good recovery.