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Whats in store for me?

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 6:46 pm
by Dan19
Hello there, I purchased and read the Blueprint ebook yesterday, it seems pretty intense, and I cannot wait to begin my first cycle starting next week.

Before I start asking a whole bunch of questions/advice, I just wanted to see if anybody could tell me what this will do for me.. I'm 5'8, 183 pounds and I think my body fat is around 23%, I'm rather insecure about my weight and looking to more lower my body fat.. although building muscle is my long term goal.

Here are some pics I took, could anybody tell me what my symatotype is and what benefits it will give me..?

Thankyou in advance for any help/advice.

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 9:14 pm
by xxtotuxx
Rob certainly can help you lean out. I'm sure he could help you plan something so you could burn the fat plus still maintaining your strength level and even increasing it! You can bulk, cut, and recomp w/ the Blueprint (don't know if recomp is already available as I know it will be on the Blueprint 3.0, this one is Blueprint 2.0)

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 12:31 am
by dracotdrgn
Hello Dan and welcome to the forums. Congratulations on taking a step into fitness and hold on for the leap you will make with the BP.

When you lift weights the way we do, your body burns fat in a way much more efficiently than cardio alone. If you were to ad cardio in to the BP at the appropriate times you will drop BF even more while adding lean muscle mass.

Diet, diet, diet.. I tell people all the time, you can go to the gym every day, pounding, sweating, working, but if you go home and eat improper foods and an unhealthy diet you will go nowhere. Eat the right foods, rest when the body needs rest and give your best in the gym.......change will happen.
Good Luck!

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:18 am
by askmass
Welcome, Dan.

Rob is one of the best guys I've ever seen at helping people with physique recomp.

You've got a good base to work from and fantastic potential, no two ways about it.

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 11:02 am
by Dan19
Thank you for your encouraging comments, Sounds like I need to get in touch with Rob.

Has anybody ordered the Adaptogens/supplements from the website mentioned in the ebook, to England? And did the delivery take long?

Also, I'm only 19 and wondered if it would make any difference for me to use adaptogens or not.. at my current stage..

Thankyou again,

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 11:15 am
by askmass
Dan, we have shipped to the UK since 1993.

Never a problem, and delivery is via International Air.

Usually about 10-14 business days to most all locations, but sometimes a bit more to very rural spots.

You will do well with what he recommends for the course, which are the actual supplements used in the trials.

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 2:01 pm
by RobRegish
Thanks for sharing Dan and sorry for being late to the game..

You've built some nice muscle there and The Blueprint for sure is going to help you. Key to that are going to be a few things (some of which have already been pointed out here).


We offer several strategies within The Blueprint to maximize fat loss, improve LBM and manipulate insulin to accomplish those goals simultaneously. Key to your goals (in fact, many) is caloric flunctuation given a certain % of maintenance calories on training/non-training days. By zig zagging like this, we mitigate the down regulation in metabolic rate seen with a "fixed" caloric intake. Macro splits can also be tailored and figure into our plans.


A big part of BP's success lies within the fact that you will rotate through no less than 5 different styles your first run. That's just the weight training. In your case, I'll be happy to craft things for you to focus more on shoulder width to accentuate the Vtaper, etc amongst other things I see.

In terms of cardio, we offer unique forms that radically accelerate fat loss far beyond what's normally seen. For example, you typically see people performing 30 minutes of lunchtime cardio on a treadmill, yes? Let's say they burn 300 calories.

One of the things I recommend on off days is to perform cardio in a fasted state upon rising, ideally in a sprint/jog type fashion on a stationary bike. You'll still burn the same # of calories, but a MUCH higher % of those come from bodyfat. Why? Because blood glucose is already low after an overnight fast.

The lunch time trainees already has had 1-2 meals under their belt and burned mostly glucose. Advantage: You.

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 2:23 pm
by Dan19
Thankyou for your response Rob, I found it really informative. I will be starting everything on Monday, I have decided to stop drinking alchohol for a month aswell so I can save money for better foods and hopefully get a better head start.

I need to research the exercises listed in your ebook, because I don't actually know a lot of them, and I need to type up the program, so I know what to do when I go to the gym.

Also I'm going to read the book again, because I need to get a better understanding of the calories/ protein ammounts etc for each stages.

I was planning on taking a photo every week for motivation, do you think this is too short of a time period to look for minor improvements?

Thanks again,