A few newbie questions

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A few newbie questions

Post by awisler »

I plan on starting this next Monday, taking a week off as I have come to the realization I have definitely been overtraining for the past few weeks, very tired/sluggish and nearly puking after lifting sessions.

My concern though, is I have been cutting at about 1800-2000 cals/day for the past couple months (It is roughly 1200 cal deficit), and for me that is just over what the famine phase calories would be. Should I up my calories this week before hand or just maintain what I am use to by now?

A. Yes, suggest going back to maintenance intake for the week.

Also, while I am expecting to end up putting on a small amount of fat by eating at a caloric surplus during the feast phase etc, I think the muscle gains will be great enough to actually lower my BF%. Am I incorrect in assuming this? Should I lower my BF more before I begin this? I am 220lbs, around 23-25% BF.

A. Natural concern, yes. Famine will likely lower your BF a good bit. Consider tapering calories during feast ala the descending caloric spiral. That way, you'll be less prone to gain bodyfat.

The other strategy is to zig zag between 120% workout days and 100% off days first 2 weeks. 100% and 85% next two weeks and final 2 weeks 100%/70% to finish it out.

That'll get any fat off for sure :)

During this rest week before famine, can I throw in a few cardio sessions? Not HIIT but intense steady state cardio.

A. Yes, this is fine.

I guess I am just terrified at the thought of having to eat at a caloric surplus, I am coming from 265lbs about 3 months ago and I do not want to go back there. But on the same note I love lifting and seeing the strength gains so I really want to give this a shot.

A. Completely understandable. You are an meso/endomorph yes? I can see where you'd be concerned. The above strategies will get you to where you need to be!
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Post by awisler »

Thanks for the help. I think I will try the zig zag it sounds like it would prevent fat gain(at least anything significant).

On that note, what do you think is the most accurate calculator for finding caloric maintenance?
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Post by RobRegish »

Keep track for a week and divide by 7. Assuming no weight change... there's your maintenance level!
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Post by scump »

my bf dropped a few points whilst on famine... started to see bumps id never seen before on my quads and what not.

would have loved to have been weighing myself to see how it fluctuated mind you.

now im in feast and LOVING it!
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