Confused New Member

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Confused New Member

Post by peb5048 »

I am a new member today and I will not be starting this workout for a week or so in order to make sure I this plan down to a T. I am having trouble understanding the Feast phase lifts and how to do them. I have already read through the book twice and all of the forum posts. Here is what I have so far. I am youn and recovery very quickly, so i feel during workouts 1-5 I may only need one day off.

Monday (start Famine) - Legs/Back/Bis
Tuesday - Rest
Wednesday - Chest/Shoulders/Tris
Thursaday- Rest
Friday (End Famine) - Legs/Back/Bis
Saturday (Start Feast) - Eat and Sleep
Sunday - Eat and Sleep
Monday - Eat and Sleep
Tuesday - Workout 1
Wednesday - Rest
Thursday - Workout 2
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Workout 3
Sunday - Rest
Monday - Workout 4
Tuesday - Rest
Wednesday - Workout 5
Thursday - Rest
Friday - Rest
Saturday - German Loading Phase 1
Sunday - German Loading Phase 2
Monday - Off

Repeat until 30 - 42 Days is up and then go into cruise phase, is that right?

I think I understand the frequency and timing of the workouts I just don't understand how to do workouts 1-5 and the german loading
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Post by RobRegish »

You've ALMOST got the frequency down right!

Suggest when moving into the GLP you observe a one on/one off to start, inserting extra rest days as needed.

Not sure if you've seen this yet but they offer excellent over-views! ... .php?t=378 ... .php?t=437

Hope that helps and by the way... WELCOME ABOARD!
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Feast - Lifts

Post by peb5048 »

Is this basically the first five days?

Day 1
Bench Press (Warm-Up) 2 x 10 (light)
Bench Press 1 x 8-10 w/ Dumbbell Pullover 1 x 8-10
Squat (Warm-Up) 2 x 10 (light)
Squat 1 x 8-10 w/ Stiff Legged Deadlift 1 x 8-10

A. After the BB lifts are completed for bench, you'd proceed to these EDT blocks for the following:

Incline DB press
Tbar rows

Incline DB curl
Lying tricep extension

After the big BB movement for the squat, you'd finish with this EDT block:

Romanian Deadlifts
Leg Sled


Day 2
Bench Press (Warm-Up) 2 x 10 (light)
Bench Press 1 x 4-6 w/ Dumbbell Pullover 1 x 4-6
Squat (Warm-Up) 2 x 10 (light)
Squat 1 x 4-6 w/ Stiff Legged Deadlift 1 x 4-6

A. Same EDT additional work, but you repeat with the same weight and GET MORE REPS in the same time period!


Day 3
Bench Press (Warm-Up) 2 x 10 (light)
Bench Press 1 x 2-3 w/ Dumbbell Pullover 1 x 2-3
Squat (Warm-Up) 2 x 10 (light)
Squat 1 x 2-3 w/ Stiff Legged Deadlift 1 x 2-3

A. Same EDT comments as above


Day 4
Bench Press (Warm-Up) 2 x 10 (light)
Bench Press 1 x 6-8 w/ Dumbbell Pullover 1 x 6-8
Squat (Warm-Up) 2 x 10 (light)
Squat 1 x 6-8 w/ Stiff Legged Deadlift 1 x 6-8

A. Same EDT comments as above, except the EDT blocs are optional here - recall it is a deload workout so if you're in the mood - either cuts the sets in half or skip it altogether. Your body will tell you what's right..try and listen to it!


Day 5
Bench Press (Warm-Up) 2 x 10 (light)
Bench Press 1 x 1 RM w/ Dumbbell Pullover 1 x 5 RM
Squat (Warm-Up) 2 x 10 (light)
Squat 1 x 5 RM w/ Stiff Legged Deadlift 1 x 5 RM

A. Finish with same EDT workouts as described in workouts 1-3 but again, moving more total reps!


-After I am done the workout above am I able to do some other compound lifts for other body part? (ie. Shoulder Press, Shrugs, Barbell Curls, Close Grip Bench, Wrist Curls)

A. Suggest covering these in the EDT blocks I mentioned. I don't like wasting lots of time on "smaller" muscle groups but you may differ. If you have the time/energy/recovery ability by all means address via EDT work.

Take 2-3 days off and begin the GLP workouts based upon your new 1RM

-For GLP,

Day 1

Bench Press 6 x 10, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8

Day 2

Squat 6 x 10, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8

Day 3

Bench Press 6 x 10, 8, 6, 6, 6, 6

Day 4

Squat 6 x 10, 8, 6, 6, 6, 6

Day 5

Bench Press 6 x 10, 8, 6, 4, 4, 4

Day 6

Squat 6 x 10, 8, 6, 4, 4, 4

- Rest at least three minutes between sets
- What lifts do I do after BP and SQ; I see a lot about EDT and how it is done, but I just don't know what exercises to do on what days. I know in GLP I do stretch position movement after GLP, but I don't know what it is, the exercises, and the sets and reps.

A. OK for your GLP weights/sets/reps please use this EXCELLENT tool brought to us by DropTheBeats!! ... .php?t=623

Now for your stretch position movements AFTER the GLP work suggest the following be incorporated:

- For upper body day... suggest you address the stretch position movments via an EDT block:

Wide grip decline barbell or DB pressess paired with..
Dumbell pullovers.

Refer to the EDT sticky above for set/rep/weight recommendations.

- For your lower body day suggest EDT block with the following

The stiff legged deadlift paired with
The hack squat OR leg extension

Refer to the EDT sticky above for set/rep/weight recommendations.

These EDT blocks will maximize efficiency insofar as total tonnage, intensity and density while incorporating a quality stretch position movment (DB pullovers for upper body/stiff legged deads for lower body) all in one shot!

If you have the time/energy, by all means you can incorporate additional work. If you do, I'd highly suggest a static hold of some sort.

For upper body: Consider 1-2 holds of 5-10 sec duration in the strongest range in the DECLINE bench press with a BARBELL as a finisher.

For the lower body: Consider 1-2 holds of 5 sec duration in the strongest range in the TOP RANGE rack pull. ... c.php?t=18

Hope that helps!!
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Switching EDT

Post by peb5048 »

When do you know when to switch the EDT block exercises to new ones?
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Post by RobRegish »

GREAT question.

It's intuitive. In time, you will know when and where to change the exercise template. That's not a cop-out.

EDT is used as an adjunct in the big BB lifts to keep pace with hypertrypohy. Here are the signs:

1.) You become mentally "bored" with the EDT template
2.) You can no longer make the required rep increase despite decreasing frequency of EDT sessions
3.) You fail to see hypertrophy keep pace with strength

One caveat: Suggest changing from a compound lift to another compounds lift. Same goes for isolation work. Also, take care to replace vertical rowing movements (like pulldown) with other veritcal rows (like pullups). Important insofar as keeping balance.

If you need further guidance, PM me. I'll be happy to walk you through it!
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