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New guy!!!

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 10:58 pm
by laspl
hey guys new here just finished reading it once and must say interesting and confusing some what lol ( the work outs). Heres a little backround and see what you guys say. i will be coming out of a cut in 2 weeks when schools over so i can have all day to the BP. Will take a week off while I keep reading it and plan everything out.

What i plan on taking
B.E.T. stack with cbol creatine, vitamins and fish oil and intrabolic.

Going to start taking the bet on the feasting phase with the intra at the gym?

For the fasting I just do the the 3 workouts mon,wed,and fri, and next mon start feasting?

Also I'm on the bigger side 6'2 266 went down from 285 would taking a cortisol blocker like Lean xtreme be fine or no?

Last ( for now gonna read gain)
.On the work outs following the 72 hours of eating and sleeping the work outs says "Bench press
as many as you can get in the 8-10 rep range" Is this reffereing to as many weight as you can or as many sets as you can?

Will read the work outs for the feasting phase again see if I can understand it a little better if not will be beack! sorry for the long post!

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 11:13 pm
by Big.jazayrli
"8-10 reps" = 1 set to failure in 8-10 rep range

as in most weight you can for at least 8 reps but no more than 10

Mentzer style training

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 2:21 am
by laspl
oh that makes sense now, what you think about the lean xtreme?

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 6:14 am
by RobRegish
First, welcome! We're glad to have you here...

Going to start taking the bet on the feasting phase with the intra at the gym?

A. Correct.

For the fasting I just do the the 3 workouts mon,wed,and fri, and next mon start feasting?

A. Correct. You start the Feast the day after Famine ends.

Also I'm on the bigger side 6'2 266 went down from 285 would taking a cortisol blocker like Lean xtreme be fine or no?

A. Likely not needed if you're an endo/mesomorph. Those body types naturally hold onto a lot more muscle mass during periods of adequate (and sometimes sub-adequate) calories.

Last ( for now gonna read gain)
.On the work outs following the 72 hours of eating and sleeping the work outs says "Bench press
as many as you can get in the 8-10 rep range" Is this reffereing to as many weight as you can or as many sets as you can?

A. No, one set to absolute muscular failure in the specified rep range (after warmups).

Will read the work outs for the feasting phase again see if I can understand it a little better if not will be beack! sorry for the long post!

A. It's OK. Give yourself AT LEAST a week to read, re-read, take you waking heart rate average, formulate questions etc.. Doing so will let yo get the MOST out of your BP run. Also, try to focus on one week at a time. It gets overwhelming to try and swallow all 3 phases at once :)

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 1:55 pm
by laspl
Ok, well reread the fasting and work out part and understand it ( i think) and just wanna run by the gym routine to be sure.


I do set of squats immediately followed by a set of cable rows, then wait 2 minutes and then cable rows with pull downs? For the biceps do all three different sets and then rest?

For the benching do I pick one of the different types of benches and super set it with the shoulder press? Or do I alternate with each one or what?

and every day an hour of cardio?

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 6:17 pm
by RobRegish
Hi laspl,

You're almost there. This thread might help provide some clarity.. ... .php?t=377

Let me know if that helps!

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 1:48 am
by laspl
yes sir it did thanks for the link