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Jimmy's first run

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 10:01 pm
by jimmyk21
Hello everyone. I'm starting my log right in the middle of day 3 of my first famine, weird timing I know. I've been awfully busy lately, but here I am. I'm not going to lay out every detail on the things I'm pretty confident I'm on the money on, but there are some areas where I still have questions.

As I said I'm in day 3 of my famine. First two days were a breeze but today got rough. I'm running a warrior diet and relying mostly on fruits, veggies, some almonds, some olive oil and a boat load of water. During the day I've had a cup of coffee or tea, but I'm trying to keep that to a minimal. On to my questions.

First with the supps. First of all I'm starting to panic that I won't have them in time for feast day one, on Saturday. I was hoping a local supplement store would carry them but they didn't so now I'll be ordering from online tonight or early tomorrow, after getting some feedback here. I'm interested in the mass products and plan on trying a run with them at some point but due to a super tight budget at the moment I'm going to go with Ebol. My question is, what would be the next most important thing? (Besides multi, fish oil and bcaa which I already have) tbol trib, cbol creatine, or or Oximega? I'm likely only going to add one of those things to add to the Ebol for my feast. Cruise I will figure out later.

My other question is about the GLP. I get the first 5 days to find max and the set up. But once I start GLP, I'm still confused as to the set up. I know I want a total of 6 workouts for squat and bench, but unless I do them on the same day I dont get how to fit them all in the 6 week feast window, considering the first 5 workouts will take ~2 weeks. Can I do something like this: Mon-Wed-Fri alternating Squat and Bench days? That would give me 12 total workouts(6 each) over 4 weeks, which would seem to be perfect if I'm shooting for a 6ish week feast.

Thanks for reading guys and I appreciate any feedback. Wish me luck getting through 2 more famine filled work days!


Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 5:15 am
by RobRegish
All welcome Jimmy!

Appreciate the detail you've provided so let's get right too it. And yes, day 3 is when Famine hits for me/others..

My question is, what would be the next most important thing? (Besides multi, fish oil and bcaa which I already have) tbol trib, cbol creatine, or or Oximega? I'm likely only going to add one of those things to add to the Ebol for my feast. Cruise I will figure out later.

A. Tie: Oximega as these fish oils are anti-inflammatory or tbol trib which maximizes test/free test. That assumes you need the boost, which only bloodwork can confirm. If you don't have this, I'd have to go by your age. If under 30, likely Oximega is the go-to product here. If over 30, the test booster.

My other question is about the GLP. I get the first 5 days to find max and the set up. But once I start GLP, I'm still confused as to the set up. I know I want a total of 6 workouts for squat and bench, but unless I do them on the same day I dont get how to fit them all in the 6 week feast window, considering the first 5 workouts will take ~2 weeks. Can I do something like this: Mon-Wed-Fri alternating Squat and Bench days? That would give me 12 total workouts(6 each) over 4 weeks, which would seem to be perfect if I'm shooting for a 6ish week feast.

A. Excellent frequency pattern. I'd start with a one on/one off and insert extra recovery days from there. Doing so should allow you to squeeze it in..

Thanks for reading guys and I appreciate any feedback. Wish me luck getting through 2 more famine filled work days!

A. Good luck! Do take care not to take Famine too deep. If you ever feel sick, nauseous or just not "right" - discontinue immediately.

That isn't just playing conservative. Your health matters, as do gains. You can't make gains when you're sick/over-trained too deep! PM me or post here if you're ever in doubt.

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 6:53 pm
by jimmyk21
Day 4 was much easier for some reason....I'm hungry, but not unbearable. Yesterday I started to feel almost sick so I broke my fast earlier than planned and felt better. Today I decided to hop off the warrior diet and had some fruit for breakfast and lunch and I felt pretty good today..

I think I'm going to stick with the Bench and Squat days for GLP. How does this look?

Workout A
Bench (GLP)
Incline/Seated Row (EDT)
Decline Static Hold x 2

Workout B
Squat (GLP)
SLDL/Leg Press (EDT)
Curl/Skullcrusher (EDT)

How does that look? Any way I can hit my shoulders more without hurting my big lift progress? Maybe at the end of Workout A?

Also, any thoughts on a plain creatine mono?

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 8:31 pm
by RobRegish
Plain mono is fine..

Workout A
Bench (GLP)
Incline/Seated Row (EDT)
Decline Static Hold x 2

Workout B
Squat (GLP)
SLDL/Leg Press (EDT)
Curl/Skullcrusher (EDT)

How does that look? Any way I can hit my shoulders more without hurting my big lift progress? Maybe at the end of Workout A?

A. Suggest eliminating the decline static hold wrkt A and using the following in EDT fashion..

Seated shoulder press
Reverse fly machine where you're sitting facing the machine, using elbows/shoulders to "fly" backwards

Workout B eliminate the curls/skullcrushers as I prefer arms be kept on upper body day. Instead, suggest top range rack pulls, static holds

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 12:57 am
by jimmyk21
Well I made it..tonights final famine workout was a bear, my legs are going to be sore tomorrow, but I get to eat! :D

Some notes on my famine: I only did two workouts, skipped Mondays because I was just getting back from vacation and eating 1600 cals was hard enough. Overall, food wise it wasnt terrible. I certainly had cravings but knowing its only 5 days, you can make it through. One problem, I didn't keep it 100% clean, although I did hit my calorie goals and kept protein very low (less than 30g a day). I had some pretzels and chips here and there, probably stupid but at least I still met my calorie goals.

I feel sore and drained, but in a good way. I feel like my famine served its purpose and I'm very optimistic for this feast.

I can not wait to eat tomorrow! I'm off to have a drink, I feel I deserve it.

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 5:11 am
by RobRegish
Great work making it through Jimmy!

And now, the BIG payoff!!!

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 12:11 pm
by jimmyk21
Weighed in this morning at 191 and 17%bf. My bodyweight hasn't been this low in quite a while...time to change that :D Just had a glorious 6 egg omelette with mushrooms, green pepper, cheese and topped with salsa (yes pics) and two big glasses of milk.

Is it ok to have some dirty calories in these next few days? :lol:

I also took some "before" pictures today.

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 1:23 pm
by RobRegish
Yes, absolutely!

Go dirty early, I always say :)

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 6:08 pm
by jimmyk21
Confused about EDT...I thought it was 6 rounds, but reading on GLP it says do 4 rounds. How many sets/rounds?

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 6:23 pm
by RobRegish
Ideally, you want to do 2 EDT Blocks after upper body GLP and just one if doing the lower body after GLP.

Suggest the following:

Incline DB Presses
DB Pullovers on a SLIGHT incline

Incline DB curls
Lying tricep extensions

Each EDT Block should last 15-20 min. as many sets as you can get in withing that time frame assuming 2 min rests in between

On the lower body day, consider one EDT block of the following:

Romanian Deadlifts
Leg Sled

After that, finish with a static hold (dedicated set) on the leg sled. Hold the max weight you can for 10-15 sec just below lockout.

More ideas here: ... .php?t=437 ... .php?t=378

Hope that helps!

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 5:37 pm
by jimmyk21
Whats the difference between SLDL and Romanian?

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 5:52 pm
by RobRegish
RDL's are an overhand grip, knees slightly bent and you push your hips back, bringing the bar only halfway down the shin:

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:31 pm
by jimmyk21
Cool, thanks Rob

Had my second workout tonight, one more question.. Are we basically guessing which weight we can make for that rep range? I know to work up to it progressively through warm up sets, and I usually don't jump more than ~40 lbs each set. But, we are somewhat winging it on how high we go right? For example, on 8-10 day...I got to 10 reps and could have done a few more reps, but likely would not have been able to do another 8 reps if I added more weight, that's as close as we can realistically get I'm assuming?

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 6:19 am
by RobRegish
You're correct insofar a guessing a bit. With practice, the warmup sets should tell you.

Now IF you can get more reps important to get as many as you can. You didn't mess anything up so no worries... but if it happens again just keep going until you can't get anymore!