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Think i understand know :D

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:49 am
by humsie
When you start the German loading phase it is just for bench press or squat am i right?

Is this correct?

workout 1is for week 1, workout 2 is for week 2, workout 3 is for week 3 and so on?

So if i was going to do workout 1 for bench press should i do it like this?

set 1 50%x10 with dumbbell rows, 54%x8 with dumbbell rows, 61%x8 with dumbbell rows, 66%x8 with Romanian deadlift, 73%x8 with Romanian deadlift, 78%x8 with Romanian deadlift

all in the 6-8 rep range.

is the right?

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 10:14 am
by RobRegish
Hi Humsie,

Not quite. The GLP is to be applied to your big barbell lift(s) of choice.


- 6 sets of bench presses
- Perform all 6 sets first, resting liberally in between to recoup your strength.

Then insert your pullovers/EDT blocks to finish off the workout.

It may be best not to get too far ahead. I know that's hard to do, but try to focus on Famine training, week 1. Then when the time comes, workouts 1-5 of Feast. Then we'll address the GLP..

When you approach it that way, it becomes much clearer/easier to assimilate.

Hope that helps.