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Length of Feast Phase

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 11:33 pm
by dropthebeats
In the book, it says on page 13: Now Feast: For 30-42 days. But, in the following paragraph it talks about re-feeding for 14-28 days. And then on page 28, it breaks down the amount of calories you should take in for 28 days during the feast phase. It has me confused.

After the 5 days of Famine, then there are 3 days of eating and sleeping. Are those 3 days considered part of the Feast phase?

Looking at the workouts in the Feast phase, it seems like it would be hard to fit them all into 28 days. First, there are 5 workouts to determine your 1RM, and then for the German Loading Pattern there are 6 more workouts. To get the adequate rest, it seems like it would take close to the 42 days. If I extend my feast that long, how would I adjust my calorie intake? Also, I plan a doing a cycle of e-bol, tbol trib and that would run out before the phase is over. Is that okay?

If all the workouts can be fit into 28 days, could you give me a rough idea of how I could get those in.

Sorry I wrote so much. I'm just trying to get a grip on everything.

Thanks a lot,


Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 9:52 am
by sovabrat
Good questions.

The famine phase is directly followed by feast. You will begin taking the E-bol during these 3 days and they count as feast. Your feast phase should last anywhere from 30-42 days, you wont know until you experience it because your body will give signs it is ready to transition out of feast into cruise. It sounds crazy and subjective but you will just know when the time is right.

Rob advises not to take the supps on the weekend. This will help you make it through an entire cycle on one bottle.

The 1 on 2 off for the GLP can be split so that you are working out every other day, its just that you rotate between upper and lower days. This will get you the 2 days rest from squats before you attempt the squat again.

There are a lot of different ways you can do the calories. I would suggest reading more logs and seeing what people did. There is no right answer, it depends a lot on your goals.

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 11:17 am
by BrainSquirt

If you just listen to your body, you will know when the excesses of the feast have run their course. The feeding and lifting schedules do not have to coincide perfectly. You could focus on fitting the protocols in to completion, but that focus is really not necessary to accomplish the mission critical goals of strength and size gains.

re Feeding: Personally, I feast and supplement like crazy for the first 3 weeks or so (per body signals) then start tapering off so that by the end of feast, I’m only really gorging every 3rd and 4th day. Meanwhile the lifting still follows its own schedule.

Also, it’s perfectly ok to finish a scheduled protocol in early Maint phase. As Rob has said many times, gains can continue into Maint phase. I had to develop ways to celebrate/ritualize the end of feast type lifting, because I have a tendency to want to hang in and ‘keep it going’ forever – which in reality ends up in overtraining…

When reading BP, it really helped me to go back in and dig and ask questions like you are until I got the underlying principles instead of narrowing down to the sample regimens... Then the schedules just fell into place... took me 3 full cycles to really get the hang of it (but I'm slow :? ) ... Still learning to tweak it to goals and seasons and get creative with the 'mini phases' within each phase...
… will stop here while it’s still general and let Rob decide how specific to get in the forum re BP phases… plus he may have individual recommendations for you…hth

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 6:08 pm
by dropthebeats
Thanks guys. That helps. I guess I was just thinking too much, and planning too far ahead when I don't know what might happen.

I plan on starting The Blueprint in two weeks. I have a couple of weddings coming up, so I wanted to wait until those were over. I'm really excited to start. My goal is to goal mass and strength. I could probably lose a little body fat, but that isn't a goal of mine right now.

I will definitely post more questions if I have them. Rob has answered a couple for me already. I think I might post a log when I start, because I enjoy reading all the other ones.

Thanks again guys.

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 6:48 pm
by RobRegish
Perfectly stated Brain and I couldn't have said it better.

The typical strategy is to hammer it hard first 3+ weeks and then taper. Wish I had more time..but that's the essence of it..