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Diet help to lose fat

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 2:58 pm
by hah2110
So I'm about to do the 4th set of GLP on BP in my first run. Per Rob's suggestion, I can try and cut the last 4 workouts (2 Squat/2 BP). His suggestion is 100% of calories on workout days and 85% on non-workout days. I may have to drop that down to 70% but I don't want to lose muscle. What are recommendations? Any good low calorie breakfasts? Some cereal + milk good? What about snacks? Stick with protein bars for the 1.5-2 weeks? I'm going to do cardio HIIT for about 15 minutes every morning that I don't workout hoping that will help. I'm 153 and 5'8" right now. I want to get abs so that the next time around I can hit the feast more aggressively food wise. What about the cruise phase... What would change with my eating there? He says still eat above maintenance but how can I cut then? Would I do like a 80% off days and 110% on working out days?

Thanks for the advice in advance!

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 10:52 am
by sovabrat
I would advise AGAINST a low calorie breakfast. It is your most important meal next to post workout.

I personally eat 4-6 eggs, 2 pieces of whole wheat bread with some margarine or butter, and sometimes a glass of skim milk.

This is my post workout meal because I workout at 545 AM but even on off days I have this meal.

The fats in egg yolks are healthy fats and will help build muscle.

I am 5'7 at 170 lbs and almost have a complete 6 pack. I think you could put on a lot more weight and still keep the abs, all your gains would likely be lean if you keep your calories to the 100% 85% regime.

You will be training so hard that eating 120% of HEALTHY, HIGH PROTEIN foods will aid in gaining LEAN mass. It sounds like you are concerned that more eating will automatically ruin your abs, I would argue that it wont with your current body composition, it will just feed your muscles.

Hope this makes sense! PM me if you have any more questions.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 4:24 pm
by zip
I agree with Sova here, do try not to skimp out on your breakfast as that and your post workout meal are the most important.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 4:54 pm
by askmass
Hate to pile on, but totally agree with Sova and Zip.

It really just sets you up to over eat the rest of the day in my experience if you try to go too light for the first meal of the day.

On cardio, may I suggest working up to 45+ minutes even if frequency is reduced to every other day. 15 minutes will work your lungs and heart, but will not take you deep into fat burning mode.

Work towards hitting "the magic 45" and then increase upon that. You'll set yourself up to really burn fat, long after you've finished.

Also, the endorphin kick can last an additional 4-5 hours for me after biking a couple hours, or even one hour rode balls to the wall.

It's a wonderful, all-natural high like nothing else.

Burn It Up can help you accelerate and enhance all of the above, as well-

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 6:01 pm
by hah2110
So thanks for the responses. A couple notes:

1) My goal here is to strip away the fat, fast. Just for personal goals, I'd rather have solid abs but sacrifice 5-10 lbs of mass right now than be huge and look "fit" but not "cut". I do want to have more mass, but feel that the abs are just a really great point for me as far as goal setting and reaching.

2) Rob had suggested 15 minutes of HIIT cardio in the morning. Doesn't this go and rip out fat stores? I could do 45 minutes of cardio but it wouldn't be until later at night when I may not burn as much fat . Right now the plan is 15+ minutes (work my way to 30) on days I don't lift first thing in the morning.

3) Do you guys not suggest whites? I'm taking fish oil supplement for the fats. What about a wheat bagel? That is about 300 calories from the Deli that would feed me in the morning. How bad is bacon?

4) I will eventually move back towards 120% of maintenance, but I need to burn the fat right now.

5) What should I stay away from? Should this be a semi-ketogenic cut where I'm stripping away carbs? Should I have less than my usual 80g of carbs peri-workout? What about with dinner/lunch, etc.?

6) My big concern here is the "cruise" phase. Am I doing myself a disservice by not overfeeding?

I want to get rid of the most amount of fat in the least amount of time. I've gained 4-7lbs of muscle (such a range as nothing has settled yet and my weight has fluctuated a lot) and if I lost 1lb of muscle in this cut, I'm okay with that. I'm just tired of the flab. I can't see any shoulder definition. My arms sit about 11.5" limp and 13.75" flexed and I still have the bottom ab fat. I just want it gone, at all costs.


Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 11:04 pm
by sovabrat
Okay here we go ... (haha Rob)

1) My goal here is to strip away the fat, fast. Just for personal goals, I'd rather have solid abs but sacrifice 5-10 lbs of mass right now than be huge and look "fit" but not "cut". I do want to have more mass, but feel that the abs are just a really great point for me as far as goal setting and reaching.

Answer : I totally understand where you are going. I had similar goals in my first run. It was to maintain as much muscle as I could while cutting. I lost about 13 lbs from the start of famine to the start of my second famine.

2) Rob had suggested 15 minutes of HIIT cardio in the morning. Doesn't this go and rip out fat stores? I could do 45 minutes of cardio but it wouldn't be until later at night when I may not burn as much fat . Right now the plan is 15+ minutes (work my way to 30) on days I don't lift first thing in the morning.

Answer: Lots of different schools of thought on this. I wont debate on what is better. I can tell you that I switched this up and always did 18-20 minutes of HIIT AFTER a workout and 60 minutes of slow cardio on an empty stomach on my off days. If oyu dont have time for 45 minutes on off days and can only fit in 15-20 minutes of HIIT.. anything is better than nothing.

3) Do you guys not suggest whites? I'm taking fish oil supplement for the fats. What about a wheat bagel? That is about 300 calories from the Deli that would feed me in the morning. How bad is bacon?

Answer: I think by eating only the whites you are leaving behind lots of protein and healthy fats that your body needs. Eating yolks is not going to keep you flabby. There are plenty of other shortcuts you can use. I would absolutely never advise eating a bagel. It is so dense with calories and carbs.. I would suggest that you eat a slice or two of 100% whole grain 100% whole wheat bread. A lot less calories and carbs. You can even find fat free 100% whole wheat bread that has 35 calories. I get them here in Chicago at a regular grocery store. Bacon is alright if you arent eating it every single day. I would advise turkey sausage or something instead.

4) I will eventually move back towards 120% of maintenance, but I need to burn the fat right now.

I think starting at 120% and then cutting back each week is a better way of cutting. It will build muscle up first, which builds metabolism on a resting body. It will make burning fat later easier (if your goal is to lose the fat by the end of a cycle).

5) What should I stay away from? Should this be a semi-ketogenic cut where I'm stripping away carbs? Should I have less than my usual 80g of carbs peri-workout? What about with dinner/lunch, etc.?

Answer: I cant answer anything about keto or cycling carbs as I have no experience of knowledge of this.

6) My big concern here is the "cruise" phase. Am I doing myself a disservice by not overfeeding?

Answer: I did not overfeed at all during cruise. I actually continued to lose weight when I wasnt following a strict diet. I dont know if it is a disservice though, Rob would have to answer this.

I want to get rid of the most amount of fat in the least amount of time. I've gained 4-7lbs of muscle (such a range as nothing has settled yet and my weight has fluctuated a lot) and if I lost 1lb of muscle in this cut, I'm okay with that. I'm just tired of the flab. I can't see any shoulder definition. My arms sit about 11.5" limp and 13.75" flexed and I still have the bottom ab fat. I just want it gone, at all costs.

I wouldn't focus on least amount of time, instead think of it in cycles. You can only expect to do so much in so little time. You might get too frustrated by measuring in days. Think 25 days or 50 days, better yet, think each cycle of the Blueprint.

Do you have any pictures you could post. I could try and let you know how far you are from your goals. I was pretty flabby when I started. You can go see my pictures.

I hope my experience based responses help you. Please don't take my word as Gold. I would put more stock in Rob's responses but he is gone for the week and I thought I would step in to offer my opinion.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 11:30 pm
by hah2110
Wow, thanks for the great response. Your physique is darn close to mine with exception to you have some more size. Everything else is pretty close (ps - FRIENDS IS AWESOME!). Do you have any update pictures? So do you just not even pay attention to your carbs at all?

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 9:58 am
by sovabrat
My pre famine was from coming off a 3 month dirty bulk. I put on weight, most of which was fat. I was clueless about bulking at the time. It did give me a nice piece of stone to carve though. As you can see, I shed quite a bit of it and still gained size.

I dont have any updates since starting this famine. Maybe I will take some this weekend and post them in my second log.

I am eating 120% calories right now and hardly doing any cardio but I am not gaining any weight. My metabolism is up so high from using the EDT blocks, which I did not do before.

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 10:04 am
by hah2110
sovabrat wrote:My pre famine was from coming off a 3 month dirty bulk. I put on weight, most of which was fat. I was clueless about bulking at the time. It did give me a nice piece of stone to carve though. As you can see, I shed quite a bit of it and still gained size.

I dont have any updates since starting this famine. Maybe I will take some this weekend and post them in my second log.

I am eating 120% calories right now and hardly doing any cardio but I am not gaining any weight. My metabolism is up so high from using the EDT blocks, which I did not do before.
Where are your newest pictures? I didn't see them. Do you focus on carb counts and stuff? Ever seen the get shredded diet? Supposed to help you drop up to 1%/ week but it is intense.

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 11:14 am
by sovabrat
the before and after pictures are in my first log.

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 8:54 am
by jackalan996
diet reduce the fat from the body.
in diet you have to plan about your eating schedule.
eating the less fat foods and vegetables also eat the fruits. if you don't obey the plan then the diet is going to meaning less.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 6:50 am
by bigpelo
micalhassi wrote: Exercise convert fat into body muscles

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 8:54 pm
by matter2003
Here are some things that will help:

1) Do NOT under any circumstances eat Carbs + Fat in the same meal. It leads to insulin released in response to Carbs which will end up storing the fat.

2) Eat carbs only 4 hours around your workout window. 2 hours prior to fuel the body and then again within 2 hours post workout. Other than that eat protein + fat or protein only. Keeps insulin down, which allows you to burn fat. When insulin is present, body cannot burn fat efficiently.

3) Take glucose disposal agents when eating carbs. Synthagen would do wonders, but if no Synthagen, 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon will help the body metabolize glucose up to 20x better than normal. Bitter Melon Extract also helps in 2 ways. First it pushes the glucose receptor in the cell from the middle of cell to the surface of the cell, allowing it to absorb glucose better, and it also inhibits 2 key proteins used by fat cells. PPAR-Gamma is a protein in the fat cell that tells the fat cell when to store fat and Perilipase is a protein in fat cells that acts as a storage vesicle for the fat. Without these 2 proteins, fat cells cannot store fat properly. R-ALA also is a good glucose metabolizer as well.

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 8:29 am
by wtmarcus
hah2110 wrote: 3) Do you guys not suggest whites? I'm taking fish oil supplement for the fats. What about a wheat bagel? That is about 300 calories from the Deli that would feed me in the morning. How bad is bacon?
Whites, eh? The problem with eating just the whites is that the amino acid profile is sub par. You won't be getting a proper spectra of the EEAs eating just the whites. If you're deathly afraid of the fat from the yolks atleast mix one yolk to 3 whites. ... Seriously though.. that bagel will most likely fatten you up more than whole eggs.