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mind architect BP 1st try

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 8:51 am
by mind_architect
Got the blue print mass stack in the mail: 1 burn it up!, 2 kre anabolyn, 1 adaptogen n, 2 mass pro amino.

In addition I have some optimum nutrition cold processed whey I will be using.

This weekend I will be reading over the pdf in some more detail and prepare for the famine starting Monday next week. This week was fairly light in the gym and my last workout was on Wednesday.

Some background: I've been lifting since 15, now 27. Made some fair gains over the years, but not what I'd call a bodybuilder physique. Topped out in college at the age of 22 and a slow downhill since. I work a fairly stressful 8-5 job and put in the time I can. I've been slowly cutting fat since April from 184, as of this writing weighing around 163lbs. Height is 5'11.
Arms: 16"
Legs: 23"
Chest: 40"

Lifts aren't all that impressive:

Bench: 220
Deadlift: 375x4
Squat: 315

Goals: Put on some lean mass and get those lifts up a bit.

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 3:24 pm
by RobRegish
Awesome background so thank's for sharing.

Prepare to revise your lift maxes, b/c this is going to be a GREAT change for you!

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 7:20 am
by mind_architect
First update.

Saturday night, went out drinking till Sunday 1pm then slept until 9pm. A bit hung over, had some curry and rice then went back to bed at midnight. This was purely accidental but remembered this was allowed.

Famine - Day 1 - Mon June 05 2010

Weight: 171
Heartrate: 40ish, this might be inaccurate, as I was half awake while performing the measurement.
Urine PH after workout: 6.5
Urine protein after workout: trace

Don't own a juicer, so I blended the following:
3 Cucumbers
Large clove garlic
Hakusai (leafy vegetable)
3 Large carrots
100 grams blueberries
2 bananas
5 slices ginger root

This is absolutely horrible. I'm going to have nightmares about this for weeks. In a juicer would probably not be so bad, but the pulp really makes it hard to go down. This yielded about 1 liter of material, which I've finished 2/3 of so far. Not many calories in this nasty concoction, so I supplemented with 3 oranges, and 3 rice balls to target 1400 calories.

My head was buzzing all day, similar to the feeling of going into ketosis. Couldn't think. I feel tired and lacking energy. I'm taking a multivitamin before bed and going to shoot for 9 hours. The workout was tough but short and sweet:

3 sets of each:
Squat 215x6
DB Row 85x8
Cable Row 200x6
Pullups BWx6
BB Curl 115x6
Incline DB Curl 45x6
Preacher Curl 95x6 - to easy should have added more

Going to finish up with some cabbage and sesame oil and my favorite vegetable drink that resembles liquid feces.


Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 7:08 pm
by RobRegish
Wow that looks like something I'd down!

Hardcore man :)

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 7:50 am
by mind_architect
Famine - Day 3 - Workout 2 June 07 2010

Weight 174
Heartrate 45ish
Urine PH 6.5
Urine Protein Trace

Diet was more of the same. My body is adjusting and I don't get as hungry with the same quantity of calories.

Wide grip BP 135x8 superset w/ Smith mil press 135x8 (maybe 90lbs if you subtract the bar)
Close grip BP 95x8 superset w/ Tricep cable extensions 80x8
30 min of vigorous cardio, was close to passing out so called it quits early

My brain is working better today. I think my body is accepting the punishment I have put forth. Mentally though, I can only think about protein and massive doses of calories. Also not sure why I gained weight so far on this diet, considering I always weigh in the morning. Saturday here I come!

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 8:21 pm
by RobRegish
Wow sounds like you're handling it better as time goes on.

Wish I were so lucky...


Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 6:55 am
by mind_architect
Famine Day 5 - Workout 2 - June 09 2010

Weight 174
Heartrate 45
Urine PH 7.0
Urine Protein 300mg/dL

Feeling comments:
I was starting to think I was doing this wrong. Finally the last day I get a good reading on urine protein. Head is foggy and have a slight headache most of the time.

Diet comments:
Ran out of bananas for my fruit-feces concoction so it is unusually difficult to down today, but I'm managing. Still have a constant hunger, but not as strong as Monday/Tuesday.

Squat 185x12, 185x10, 165x12, 155x10, 155x10 supersetted w/ cable rows 140x12x5
T-bar rows 155x12x5 supersetted w/ pulldowns 120x12x5
BB curls 95x12 supersetted w/ DB curls 35x8 and preacher curls 45x12

This was absolutely brutal, worse than the vegetable smoothie. I couldn't get all the reps I was supposed to because I picked too high of an initial weight on some exercises. I'm not a sweating type of person, even when lifting heavier weight, but I had a rare moment of slippery skin today.

Its raining and I hate treadmills, so I may opt for some horizontal cardio with the lady instead if nature doesn't want to clear the sky up.

I'm celebrating the end of the beginning with a half-glass of The Macallan 18 yr.


Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 7:47 am
by RobRegish
GREAT work making it through :)

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 8:56 am
by mind_architect
Unfortunately I don't have any liver tabs for the first week of Feast. Can I substitute real liver? Are they pretty much the same in terms in nutrition?

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 6:02 pm
by RobRegish
Unfortunately, no.

The dessicated beef liver tabs are de-fatted and concentrated. You can try to work some whole liver in, but watch the vitamin A iherent therein. Try the nuts, olives and instead of liver tabs.... BCAA's.

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 5:59 am
by mind_architect
Alrighty. Rushing 500 livertabs and superpump 250 over then. I'll be 6 days late on them since feast started, but I've been eating plenty peanuts in the meantime.

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 6:20 am
by mind_architect
Feast Day 4 - Workout 1 - July 13 2010

Weight 177

Feeling comments:
Headache is gone. Liking the melatonin in the Adaptogen N, of which I consume 3 capsules 1/2 hour before bed. Also feel a bit more carefree during the day.

Diet comments:
Stuffed my face on Feast Day 1:
2 fried chicken thighs
4 eggs
4 pieces of bacon
14 ounces organic whole milk
1L yogurt
8 pieces sushi
1/2 lb beef avacado burger w/ fries
16 oz. guava juice
12 oz ribeye
4 oz foie gras
8 oz glass wine
500 grams peanuts
16 olives
1 whey protein drink w/ 10 gram creatine monohygrade
40 grams mass pro amino acids spread over the day
6 capsules kre-anabolyn spread over the day
3 capsules adaptogen n before bed
1 strawberry icing donut

Somehow even though I felt full, I could eat more and not get cramped or uncomfortable, which is what usually happens when I overeat. I imagine my stomach was making adjustments to compensate for the prolonged calorie deficit. Day 2, 3 were similar, though the calories were lower with less junk food and more yogurt/milk.

Bench 115x5, 155x4, 185x6
Pullovers: 55x10
Squat: 135x5, 185x4, 205x4, 225x10
Stiff-legged DL: 195x10

Prior to this workout, I had no indications on what my strength level might be. To my surprise, I came out quite strong. Bit disappointed with my BP, although this is about or slightly below where my strength level was before the blueprint program. Squats on the other hand surprised me. To be honest, when I go heavier on squats I tend to push up at 2 inches or so above parallel. Today I used my working set weight and went parallel, which was both surprising and encouraging. I'm impressed with the results so far. I need to focus on getting more calories however. With the work-week resuming, it will be hard to focus on my diet, but the weekend was a perfect time to recooperate from the end of famine. I'm encouraged and this workout has definitely boosted my enthusiasm.

Feast after workout 1 pic relaxed:


Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 6:30 am
by RobRegish
Strong start!

You should feel your strength really start coming back in the first 2 weeks. Sounds like it's already underway :)

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 6:06 am
by mind_architect
Question. For the first 5 workouts described in feast, is there a recommended rest period between them? I was thinking 1 day rest between, given the low volume.