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Size question...

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 10:21 pm
by hah2110
Ok... Right now here are my stats:

153 lbs
38" chest (thickest point)
13.5" biceps (flexing)
33.5" waist

My best guess is about 11% body fat. Obliques are starting to show and the bottom two abs look close, but I need to eliminate some fat. I'm on my 4th set of GLP for squats/bp. For the last two weeks, I'm going to stagger calories 100%/70% instead of 100%/120% so I can try and drop a few lbs in fat while retaining muscle. My concern is that, if I do so... I'm going to look too skinny. What do you guys think? I guess my thought is that, if I drop down over two weeks and the abs show, I'll care less about overeating and gaining a hair of fat while I try and gain more muscle.

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 5:50 am
by RobRegish
Try this..

For the first week, run it at 100% of maintenance on training days, 85% on non-training days.

If you're still not lean enough but not feeling too skinny, drop to 100%/70% the remaining week.

MOST IMPORTANT: Decide up front if making the new 1RM or the bodyfat loss is more important to you.

Yes, ideally you get both. It's always a delicate balancing act though... I wish I could deliver both consistently. The truth is, it seems to be hit or miss, and the calories/workout frequency are the crux of it.

Along those lines, consider adding one extra rest day if your strength gains seem in jeopardy. It may very well make the difference..

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 7:53 am
by hah2110
Just from my experience, I don't think my strength will be compromised when I lower calories. It doesn't usually seem to be. No doubt my squat will be higher. The last GLP (#4) was easy. Bench I'm a little worried about but think I will pull it off. Just from your experience, do you think I will be too small? Is my logic flawed that, if my BF drops and I have abs... worst case scenario I pig out to gain weight?

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 3:26 pm
by RobRegish
"Too small" is relative/subjective. What's important is you walk away with the following:

1.) More muscle
2.) Less fat
3.) Greater strength

Accomplish at least 2/3 and ideally all 3 and you're WAY ahead of everyone else :)