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Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 6:23 pm
by Anthonycap34
is leucine worth adding on top of mass pro bcaa`s and what is the best way to use it? if interested in more of doing a recomp.

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 6:35 pm
by RobRegish
Ah, a man who knows his stuff.

Yes, there is every reason to include Leucine in the formula. And you'll be reading much more about it in 3.0. Leucine has many uses and yes, it can be used on top of MassPro Amino.

The latest research points to it being able to stimulate protein synthesis independent of a complete protein being ingested. Meaning 5g of leucine sprinkled or consumed in addition to a lower protein meal will greatly improve the muscle building properties of that meal!

So where does MPA/Leucine fit in. More research is underway. For now, I would suggest adding it in 5g amounts to your lower protein meals or during those times (overnight) where you might night have time for a sit down meal.

The BCAA loading protocol #1 in The BP stands though. It's clear that the brain senses BCAA efflux as a signal muscle is breaking down rapidly and thus, up regulates muscle building. Still trying to figure out if Leucine signals the same. From all of the research, it's a passive anti-catabolic but not a direct anabolic.

But a damned good one.