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Siegtyr's First Run

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 7:47 pm
by siegtyr
I purchased the book a few weeks ago, due to the glowing praise, and without much knowledge as to what it entailed. I pored over the book and this site, and it seems more geared towards muscle gain, while I need more of a body transformation. I am aware that some have used BP for this, but I am curious about how to approach it according to my stats. Currently, I'm 35 y/o, 5'9" tall, and approx. 240 lbs. Needless to say, I'm quite fat and, although I gain muscle easily, I tend to pack on fat just as easily. I've been training on and off for 15 years, never quite sticking to it for more than a year at a time. So, while I'm not totally new, I'm not advanced either. I have had several injuries that tend to rear their ugly heads on occasion (both rotator cuffs, tendinitis, etc.). If you can PLEASE give me a plan, or some advice, about using BP for a recomp, I'd be truly grateful!! I'm presently on my "off-week," preparing to start the famine phase next week, and would like to start getting supps, food, etc. to propel me towards my goal (I want to weigh a muscular 180 lbs in a year from now).

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:25 pm
by siegtyr
I forgot to mention that I travel on occasion for work, which can make a strict program tough when your boss chooses the restaurants and hotel rooms (some have no gyms). Also, I have a half bottle of e-bol and tbol trib left, which were going well for me, but I cut them off to put the BP in effect. If I can utilize both for my goals (I know I can use e-bol), or other supps, that'd be great.

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 5:10 am
by RobRegish
OK man, here we go!

Your Famine template is going to look just like the stock plan we use here. It does a fine job of getting the ball rolling insofar as disrupting homeostasis is concerned.

Once into Feast, a few modifications are in order. Namely, exercise template and diet.

For the template, I'd like you to use EDT based protocols in lieu of the HIT/loading pattern combos we typically use. This should see you rotating the following workouts in a 1 on, 1 off pattern:


Chest and back - Suggest DB bench press and incline DB pullovers


Bi's and tri's - Suggest incline dumbell curls and lying skull crushers


EDT Block #1

Quads and hams - Suggest squats and Romanian deadlifts

EDT Block #2

Calves and abs - Suggest toe press on leg sled and kneeling crunches done off a high pulley, handle held behind the head. If questions on EDT, please see stickie in this section "How to perform EDT" for clarity

On off days, you will perform 20-30 min of cardio on an empty stomach in the morning if possible


Most important will be diet. Suggest a 50P, 30C and 20F macro split rotating calories as follows:

100% of maintenance on workout days
70% of maintenance on off days

Doing so will mitigate the down regulation in metabolism seen in response to a fixed caloric intake.

Hope that helps!

You should construct 2 EDT blocks for each day, lasting approximately 15 min each block.

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 4:15 pm
by siegtyr
Sounds great!! I used to do pullovers at the end of my chest routine for the great stretch it gave, although I never thought of it as a back exercise. I've never tried incline po's. It all sounds pretty straight forward and is definitely less sets/reps than I'm used to. I think I can rock with this!!

As far as the supps go, I know you're recommending the KA/e-bol, but is there anything I should incorporate? I thought about the bpms, bio forge, or something along those lines, but I'm not sure if this is counterproductive, or overkill, considering my main goal is a recomp. In order to get the most leverage from this program, and my goals, what would you suggest?

Thanks again for all your help, as I know you've got a lot on your plate!!

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 4:48 pm
by Justin
well im nto to sure about this but a test booster is also recommended however I'm only 18 so i choose not to go near them yet.. besides that a multi vitamin/omega 3 , protein powder, and BCAA's are key

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 4:56 pm
by siegtyr
I had a similar idea, along with maybe some dhea, but I just want to make sure that everything falls in line with my goal of losing fat and gaining muscle, as opposed to just gaining mass. Thanks for the input!

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 5:24 pm
by RobRegish
I'd say BCAA's are the ticket at your age...

Truly, the nutritionals are all that is needed. I don't think a test booster is warranted. If looking for a complimentary adaptogen, consider the new Burn It Up formula.

MACA, PeakATP, Phosphatidylserine etc will do just about anybody right..

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 7:43 pm
by siegtyr
I'm leaning toward the bpms simply because, by the time I purchase the ecdy's, bcaa's, and burn it up, I'm spending as much cash as I would on the bpms, without the basically free adaptogen N. It doesn't appear to have anything that would impede my progress and seems in line with everything else. If I'm wrong, please let me know, as I need to get this order out fairly soon, if I want to receive it for the feast phase. I will admit, it's definitely more than I wanted to spend!!

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 7:46 pm
by RobRegish
Yeah, BPMS is definately your best option here.

You get plenty of everything and it's right where you need it. If new to the MASS line you'll likely be pleasantly surprised, like a lot of guys here. The Adaptogen N, in particular while a test booster has a hell of a good whack of a one of kind Suma extract (25:1 best on the market) and is a fine source of ecdy in and of itself.

Its so good, I almost built the BP around it. Awesome product...

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 7:47 pm
by siegtyr
I'm going for it!! Thanks again!!

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 8:21 pm
by siegtyr
Well, here we go...
I'm starting famine tomorrow and starting to get excited. I've got a couple questions, and I'm sure more will arise, but I've been searching the board, trying to find the answers before asking, to no avail.

1. Due to the fact that I'm carrying quite a bit of extra fat, would it be beneficial to calculate my famine phase at 6 or 7 times my bodyweight? At my current 240-245lbs, I'm looking at about 2000 cal/day if I go 8 times, which seems like a lot to me.

2. For some reason, my waking heart rate has fluctuated all week from 78-66bpm. Is this normal? I can't get an accurate read to let me know when I'm actually going up? I ordered Multistix, but they probably won't be here in time for famine phase.

I'm going to use this log to motivate me, as I've had a tendency to "fall off the wagon" in the past. I don't see many guys with my BF levels on here, so hopefully I can serve as a positive example of what the BP can do for the "heavy haulers."

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 6:02 am
by RobRegish
1. Due to the fact that I'm carrying quite a bit of extra fat, would it be beneficial to calculate my famine phase at 6 or 7 times my bodyweight? At my current 240-245lbs, I'm looking at about 2000 cal/day if I go 8 times, which seems like a lot to me.

A. The 8x BW should do it in conjunction with other factors. We'll re-evaluate at day 3 but I'm betting you'll be "feeling it" by then :) More to the point, randomly altering your calorie intake (100% of maintenance vs 70% on non-training days) during Feast will have a FAR greater impact on your bodyfat levels.

2. For some reason, my waking heart rate has fluctuated all week from 78-66bpm. Is this normal? I can't get an accurate read to let me know when I'm actually going up? I ordered Multistix, but they probably won't be here in time for famine phase.

A. If the pattern was high to low, it sure does tell you something: You've been over-training. If all over the board, simply take the average over how many days. Doing so will ensure a representative avg with which to work..

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 6:36 am
by siegtyr
Day one - famine

I weighed in at 240.6 lbs this morning. I didn't eat until quite late in the day, so I had to scramble to get my calories in, even though they're only 8x my bodyweight. I'm mostly eating fruits, veges, homemade smoothies w/o protein powder, and some cheese/sauces to help add flavor.

My caloric goal was around 1925, which I missed by about 140 calories. I was a tad under, but I couldn't stay awake all night, and I didn't want to gorge right before bed. The good news is that my protein was under 40 grams, which is not what I'm used to at all. Another victory was that I made it through the day w/o a single carbonated soda, per one of Rob's posts (I usually pound 3-4 diet cokes daily)

My workout was a killer!! I just did the normal famine workout consisting of squats, seated rows, and bi's. I've been away from the gym for a little while, so I wasn't really prepared for this, but I eked it out with proper form. I've never been very strong, and have never lived a "bodybuilder" lifestyle, so I've got plenty of catching up to do.

I learned that I need to strengthen my lower back, as it was so sore/contracted that I nearly fell over from the squats. Ha!! I probably pushed it a little too hard for me, but what the hell, I'm excited about the program!!

Lifts were as follows:
squats = 195x3, with 6, 4, and 5 reps
seated rows = 200x3, with 6, 5, and 5 reps
bi's = barbell @ 80 x 6 reps
incline db @ 35's x 5 reps (too heavy for good form/had to switch to hammers mid-set)
preacher @ 95 x 6 reps (machine)

fish oil
super-dieter's cleanse tea

I won't bore you everyday with all these details, but I wanted to post where I'm starting, so I can track my progress at the end.

Last thing:
1. Does alkaplex contain calories?

2. Can too much salt ruin my famine phase? Would some sauna time help?

3. I pounded about a gallon of water yesterday. Can I start counting crystal light as water intake?

Thanks again!! Also, I appreciate the feedback; it turns out my heart monitor (cheap watch) is finicky about how your finger pad touches the button, so my hr was all over the road.

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 7:24 pm
by RobRegish
Fantastic start and I really appreciate your attention to detail!

1. Does alkaplex contain calories?

A. No sir/none of note.

2. Can too much salt ruin my famine phase? Would some sauna time help?

A. Won't ruin it no. Sauna will help..but take care not to pass out. You're in a weekend/depleted state so be cognizent of that.

3. I pounded about a gallon of water yesterday. Can I start counting crystal light as water intake?

A. Sure, I used it alot but try this: Natural lemons, limes and other citrus fruits. Some calories but JAM PACKED with nutrients, some of which are alkalizing and catabolic (check the list of catabolic foods in The Blueprint). Best solution: Juice your own veggie/fruit drinks! Live enzymes, fiber and phyto nutrients you just CAN'T get from a can/pasteurized product...

Thanks again!! Also, I appreciate the feedback; it turns out my heart monitor (cheap watch) is finicky about how your finger pad touches the button, so my hr was all over the road.

A. My privilege and pleasure to answer your questions. Always..