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Justin's Intro

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 9:43 pm
by Justin
hey everyone, I'm new to the blueprint gang, hope to be staying for a while it looks like a fantastic program! well my current stats are:

age:18 (in august)
BF: around 12%
training experience has been around 2 years on and off from hockey.

well before i get started i want to re-read the blueprint however have certain questions:

- for the feast/cruising what are the best supplements to take?

- for the famine i plan on sticking to salad/carrots/apples/cucumbers/celery/banana/raspberries/grapefruit juice/ and of course lots of water.. is this OK?

- i read all the workouts and i was wondering is it bad if u add an extra set for a body part? or will it have a negative effect in a way? for example i read that in feast there is only 1 set of BP, i was wondering if adding another would be bad?

I will post more questions/ my experiences as i start the BP. I am currently taking 7 days of rest to get ready for the Famine :D. I can't wait to start and join the gang.

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 11:17 pm
by zip
Good to see you man.

I technically haven't ran the program, but have studied for a month since I haven't found the right time yet (starting thursday!)

for the feast/cruising what are the best supplements to take?

The main supplement used for the blueprint is an adaptogen called ECDY.
Users of the board are kind split between using:
A. Thermolife Ebol
B. MASS Kre-Anaboyn

You won't go wrong with either but you might get the MASS products a little bit cheaper because Askmass loves us :D :D

Other then that you have your staples which are protein, fish oils and Multi.

If extra cash is available, BCAAs can be used intra workout to help recovery.. but may not be needed since you are still young.

for the famine i plan on sticking to salad/carrots/apples/cucumbers/celery/banana/raspberries/grapefruit juice/ and of course lots of water.. is this OK?

Seems fine to me, you can also use some V8 juice for convenience and quinoa for an extra boost.

i read all the workouts and i was wondering is it bad if u add an extra set for a body part? or will it have a negative effect in a way? for example i read that in feast there is only 1 set of BP, i was wondering if adding another would be bad?

It is technically multiple sets but your working up to your MAX set of 8-10, 6-8 etc (Whatever he has in for that workout)
Looks like this.
135 X 6
150 x3
165 x 3
175 x 2
185 x 2
195 x 8 - 10 (This is an all out effort for max. You shouldn't really be able to do much more after this anyway.)

Also EDT sessions are added with incline bench which further burns out the chest and adds more sets.

I hope this answers most of your questions... If I got anything wrong im sure that I will be corrected in the morning.

Best of luck

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 1:39 am
by Justin
thanks a lot i was just concerned with
Also EDT sessions are added with incline bench which further burns out the chest and adds more sets.
i never read about an EDT set in the BP? is it an extra exercise in the feast week?

Re: Justin's Intro

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 2:05 am
by Big.jazayrli
hey everyone, I'm new to the blueprint gang, hope to be staying for a while it looks like a fantastic program! well my current stats are:

age:18 (in august)
BF: around 12%
training experience has been around 2 years on and off from hockey.

well before i get started i want to re-read the blueprint however have certain questions:

- for the feast/cruising what are the best supplements to take?

ecdysterone is the supplement the program is designed around, but i think it would be helpful to do a trial run like i did, so you can really judge how much you get out of the ecdy.

- for the famine i plan on sticking to salad/carrots/apples/cucumbers/celery/banana/raspberries/grapefruit juice/ and of course lots of water.. is this OK?

this is perfect! Maybe add some greens powder, and a multivitamin. But that's it. you want no supplements outside of that. I used a detox tea as well, but this isnt really "necessary"

- i read all the workouts and i was wondering is it bad if u add an extra set for a body part? or will it have a negative effect in a way? for example i read that in feast there is only 1 set of BP, i was wondering if adding another would be bad?

Again, first time through, try to stick to the program, you will learn ALOT the first time through. you will mess up alot the first time through. Its good to set a bar from which to work.

I will post more questions/ my experiences as i start the BP. I am currently taking 7 days of rest to get ready for the Famine :D. I can't wait to start and join the gang.

Welcome to the team brother, glad to have you on board.

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 4:42 am
by RobRegish
Wow, fantastic answers you guys are giving. Every one was ROCK SOLID.

Thanks so much. And yes OP, welcome to the family. As you can see, we're not Members helping members with solid answers...

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 12:42 pm
by Justin
Thanks guys, I'm going to post my final program once i get everything organized. can't wait to get the feedback on it

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 1:41 pm
by Big.jazayrli
Justin wrote:Thanks guys, I'm going to post my final program once i get everything organized. can't wait to get the feedback on it
that's what we're here for.