Sovabrat's 2nd Run

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Sovabrat's 2nd Run

Post by sovabrat »

It will be starting this Saturday June 19. I know I still owe Rob and the Community a recap of my recomp run. I just havent had time due to getting engaged on vacation and spending time with the in-laws. I will do my best this week to get to this before I start my next run.

I can say that I plan to alter my calorie intake as 120% on workouts and 100% on off days for the first 2 weeks.

100 on workouts and 80 on off for the next two weeks.

At the end of feast during cruise I will do 80-90% on all days.

I will also be limiting my cardio during the beginning of feast to really try and gain some LBM. Each week I will either increase days of cardio or increase time spent. All cardio will be fasted and most likely will be HIIT.

My only supps will be Kre-Anabolyn and Oxyelite Pro. No nitric booster this time.

I hope that during this run I can increase my weight around 5 pounds of lean mass while maintaining or increasing the visibility of my abs.

I am going to concentrate on rounding out my body by focusing on my Traps, Triceps, Forearms, and Shoulders. The chest, biceps, quads, calves are all easy gainers for me so I will not increase workload on these exercises too drastically.
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Post by SiLkPaDrE »

I'm psyched to see what becomes of your second run. After those impressive gains from your first one, I'm looking forwarding to seeing some sick stuff from ya bro. Best of luck!
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Post by sovabrat »

Thanks man, I hope to improve upon my knowledge I learned in the first. I have a much stronger grasp on the diet and calorie cycling. In addition, I have modified my form on the squat so I will get much better gains. I also expect my bench 1RM to go up much more than it did the first time due to the cut.
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Post by sovabrat »

June 21st Day 3 of Famine

Started logging late, sorry for that but ive been busy with work and celebrating my engagement with our friends.

I weighed in at 171 on saturday when I officially started my second famine.

Nothing unusual to note here. I followed the famine workout as prescribed. 15 minutes of elliptical to end the session.

Calories are around 1200 for this run. I am really pushing myself this time because I have a spotter so I think I will get more out of it. I am worried about weight loss though. At 171 I am the lowest I have been in the past 3 years. I got some calipers and a measuring device.

Caliper read 11% bodyfat. I will re-test this tonight. I did it a couple times and the range was 11-13%. It makes sense to me because I have hte workings of a sixpack but the bottom two are slightly blurred because of remaining fat deposits on my lower stomach.

Biceps were : 14.75 inches flexed on each arm
Waist was 33 inches

I dont remember chest at the moment. I will get another reading tonight.

Today I almost puked in the gym after doing cardio. I pushed it to the max on intervals. My legs and glutes are soooo sore from saturday still. I know my chest and tris will be aching tomorrow. I also have bowling tomorrow night, that will be interesting.

3 Days in I feel fine, It didnt hit me last time until later this afternoon so I will check back then. But my food intake is moderated and my exercise is up higher than last run.
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Post by sovabrat »

It is now lunch time. I have been getting groggy and disoriented. Even though I am eating at my normal intervals, I feel soooo hungry for some meat or bread.. I just put down a salad with strawberries, onions, red pepper, and a tiny bit of feta with balsamic dressing. It was delicious but I couldnt help but think how much better it would be with some grilled chicken in it.

I am around 600-700 calories right now. The rest of the day will be easy. I am actually quite busy at work. I always make time to log my food and workouts though. My boss is a crossfit enthusiast so he knows all about training and analyzing.
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Post by RobRegish »

Oh boy, been waiting for this :) The disorientation comment though, concerned me. Please watch that...
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Post by sovabrat »

Yeah the disorientation was from the caffeine overdose I think. In a way, it was kind of fun because the morning flew by. Before I knew it, the clock showed 12.

Today is Day 4 of famine. I stayed up really late last night intentionally to try and shock myself some more. I feel like a log this morning. I did not take my weight but yesterday was day 3 and I had not lost any weight at all yet. This worried me at first because last run I lost something like 8 lbs during the 5 days but I was carrying a lot of fat weight. Right now with bf around 11% I think I am looking to lose more like 3 or 4 lbs max.

This morning I had onions, red and orange peppers, sauteed with garlic EVOO and some spinach. It was delicious. I also had a can of v8 fusion.

I am able to handle the side effects of the famine much better this time I think but it is starting to wear on me. Tonight is bowling league and right now my tris' hams, glutes and quads are all pretty tight and sore. Tomorrow's workout is going to be brutal.
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Post by sovabrat »

Famine Day 5 167 lbs.

I have not weighed 167 in the last 3 years. This is incredible.

I have a meeting in 5 minutes but I couldn't wait to post my weight. Ill be back later this afternoon to finish up my notes.
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Post by Hank! »

Holy those ab's are popping like crazy now
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Post by sovabrat »

Yeah Hank, This morning I was looking THIN. I would honestly say im 25% of the way to eliminating that last piece of fat that covers the lower abs. The upper 2 and middle two are really popping though. Its just enough to fuel the fire.

Well today's workout was brutal. I made sure that I did as much weight as I could handle safely for the 12-15 rep range. I was using 115 lbs which sounds light but the last two sets were painful. I pressed on though.

Skipped the cardio, I felt way to exhausted to even attempt any cardio, the weather in Chicago this morning at 6:30 am was a balmy 85 degrees and humid as hell. it was some thick air. Luckily the gym turned the AC on for the morning. I could have easily thrown up.

I think I am going to go for hypertrophy this run. I really want to increase the size of my muscles. I am at a good bf% to start with I think. If I were going to try and get down to 6-7% bodyfat, I think I could but I would still be around the same size because my gains would be limited.

It is my belief that I could put on size and maintain the abs I have right now or maybe even make them show more. All I really need is about 2% more loss on body fat. It will be interesting to experience this run with a new ECDY, and no test booster, no nanox9.

I think I might use the Thermogenic still in the mornings to give me that extra metabolism to help with the fat loss.

I think I will mimic my GLP from last time using the Upper day and Lower Days now that my squat form is pretty good compared to where it used to be. So my plan will look like this loosely

Mon - upper
Wed - lower
Fri- upper

Repeat - this will give me at least 2 days of rest between each muscle group. I want to incorporate the EDT blocks, which I did not use in my first run. I will save my cardio for fasted sessions on the weekends or in between days so that I can focus more on the lifting and keep my sessions at a reasonable time becuase I go in the morning before work.

I think 2-3 cardio sessions a week for the first couple weeks will be plenty. I am trying to grow but the running will help keep the fat down as I increase my calories.

My main goals are as follows:

Increase Bench Press 1RM to 260 lbs, it was previously 245 which I barely got. This was because of the extreme recomp I was running.

I cant say what I would like my squat to be because I was never using proper form and I dont have a current 1RM on it.

I think a weight goal of 175-180 lbs of solid LBM would make me very happy. I think this would ensure that I kept my fat down. I really dont care about the weight as much as how I look but at 175-180 lean I will look pretty huge I think.

I will post my diet later this afternoon, I have to run to another meeting.
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Post by sovabrat »

Still day 5 Famine.

Holy Shit. My legs and body are in such pain right now. I can hardly sit still because my legs start to emit pain. I think I pushed myself a lot harder than last famine run. I hope this pays off because this is almost unbearable!!! The combination of purposely getting less sleep, and the last work out has backed me into the corner. I want to throw in the white flag but I only have 8 waking hours left in this day. Then tomorrow is the finish line.
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Post by RobRegish »

Way to go Sova!

Man this lifted me up today...
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Post by sovabrat »

Day 6 Feast Day 1

Did not weigh myself. For breakfast I had 4 egg omlette with peppers and onions on a whole wheat tortilla with sour cream and salsa. It was so fucking good. I also blended 2 scoops on protein with a cup of milk and a scoop of peanut butter. I cannot explain how badly I missed the taste of a protein shake. haha

I took my first KA cap this morning. Obviously I dont feel any effects yet, I wouldnt expect to. I can't wait to start lifting again on monday.
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Post by sovabrat »

Day 7 Feast 2

Had a physical this morning to check all my vitals. Doctor said my blood pressure was outstanding. he used the line "blood pressure is so low you could practically bottle and selll that stuff."

I weighed 169 but that was on a completely fasted stomach as of dinner yesterday.

Today I gorged on chinese food for lunch because I skipped breakfast. I will be sure to make up more protein calories this evening. When I get home im going to blend a nice smoothie with some whole whipped cream probably!! I love that stuff.

I think I plan on BBQ tomorrow for the last feast rest day. I am super excited to get back into the gym on sunday.
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