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Famine experiment

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 3:20 pm
by DJ82585
This is my second go around on the blueprint and I decided to try something different with it. I traveled back from vacation this past Thursday and decided to start my famine phase on my travel back day. I did not work out on that day, just strictly exposed my body to the stresses of traveling and also only taking in my minimum amount of calories. I will say this, wow! My body feels like I am on Day 4 of my famine. I still plan on doing the full 5 day famine and just cutting the workouts from 5 to 4. So if your traveling and want to get a jump on your famine, I recommend starting your famine phase on your travel home day!

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 4:31 pm
by RobRegish
Hey that's pretty interesting!

How far did you travel. By what mode etc.. This is cool...

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 5:52 pm
by DJ82585
I went from Pensacola, Fla back to Minot, Nd. I traveled by Air and got home around midnight that night. This after almost missing two of my connecting flights and having to be at work the next morning at 0630! Needless to say, following the diet for the famine, besides a small slip up of cheese on my salad I'm hurting, in a good way! I would cuss you Rob, but I know this is going to be for my benefit esp. with the Blueprint stack I have waiting for me!

I will also say, compared to the first time, the Famine work outs have been WAY harder for me this go around. I think this has to do with me starting my famine the day before a work out. My body was not allowed to rely on reserves from the previous days food. Only two more days to go then Freedom!!

Good man! And great feedback. Worth others to note this as we have many starting Famine a day later than planned...

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 3:02 pm
by sovabrat
that is such a great idea, starting the day after you begin the diet. It makes sense that the first day would still have SOME nutrient reserves. I don't know biology that well enough to guess how much but it seems logical to me. It is probably similar to eating a huge meal the day before and not being hungry the next day for a while. How far are you right now on this? Did you notice dramatic results during famine? I have until this weekend to start mine but would like to try this if you think it was better than the conventional.