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Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 9:45 am
by Redgum
I've been a bit careless with planning here, nearly out of whey.. wont be enough time or cost efficient (to just order whey) from MASS, so I need an alternative which can be guaranteed to be good quality.

The whey I use now, I don't know for sure its been through cold-processing, so looking for a quick alternative while I investigate it.

I was thinking Dymatize Elite Whey or Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard.

Again not sure about how these whey's are processed.

Any other opinions on protein powders apart from the MASS products?

Many thanks

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 10:27 am
by askmass
Try to find a gym or indy store locally that has Beverly International for something most comparable and is an honest protein.

It is not distributed all that widely, but with some luck you might find a shop with BI. What city are you in? It is not impossible to find an indy store or trainer with MASS PRO, it just depends on where you are at.

We can rush ship if you select that option, note "attention John - BP guy" on the form. That way they will bring it to me and I'll make sure it gets out ASAP.

Re: Whey..

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 11:09 am
by DaCookie
Redgum wrote:I've been a bit careless with planning here, nearly out of whey.. wont be enough time or cost efficient (to just order whey) from MASS, so I need an alternative which can be guaranteed to be good quality.

The whey I use now, I don't know for sure its been through cold-processing, so looking for a quick alternative while I investigate it.

I was thinking Dymatize Elite Whey or Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard.

Again not sure about how these whey's are processed.

Any other opinions on protein powders apart from the MASS products?

Many thanks
99.9% sure those wheys aren't cold processed.Especially ON's.Now I just use only MASS protein but use it sparingly.1.5scoop peri workout and .5scoop post workout and then every odd time where I dont have time to make food.

MASS whats your opinion on the other Beverly International supps?

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 11:16 am
by sovabrat
I use Dymatize whey. I am not sure if it is cold processed, but how would this really affect you? I understand the benefits of the cold processed but is that to say that you wont get 23 grams of protein from non-cold processed?

If you are in a pinch I don't see the harm in picking up a 2lb tub of something. I personally love the Dymatize brand, it tastes great with water, it mixes very well. On a micro nutrient level, I dont know what its effects are on my body, I just know that it helps me meet my protein goals. I can say that I have not noticed any negative effects from using it.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 11:18 am
by DaCookie
The thing about non cold processed protein is that its denatured.WHich means its almost useless.

At least thats what I got from it.

And I dont think protein should be considered as protein is protein.1g=1g.

Lets see what MASS and Rob have to say.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 11:22 am
by Redgum
I live in the countryside, London nearest City, 50-60 miles away. When I go into town (20-25 miles) I see a few supp shops but they just have the Body Fortress stuff and some other brands I've not really heard of. Dodge.

Just done a little search and found..

Beverly International Mass Maker, £25.99. 1.18kg.

Beverly International Muscle Provider, £36.99. 0.91kg

Beverly International Ultimate Muscle Protein, £34.99. 0.93kg

These are like twice the price as other protein powders I have previously bought.

wtf man :cry:

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 11:27 am
by Redgum
DaCookie wrote:The thing about non cold processed protein is that its denatured.WHich means its almost useless.

At least thats what I got from it.

And I dont think protein should be considered as protein is protein.1g=1g.

Lets see what MASS and Rob have to say.
I always assumed if you consumed say eg: 50g of protein from whey.. ANY whey, that's what you get, and reap the benefits.. I had never even thought about the possibility of a whey being 'useless'.

Main thing which bugs me so much about supplement companies, so much bullshit, and I know next to nothing about supplements so even taking askmass opinion on things could be bullshit and I wouldn't even know to start arguing anything.

^ Wasn't knocking you askmass, was merely making an example.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 3:51 pm
by Redgum
What are your thoughts on 100% Hydrolysed Whey Protein?

Some random info on said product:

"The molecular weight is greater than 7000 dalton 20% max.
The Degree of Hydrolysis (DH) is 13%."

Apparently is has a much better absorption rate but at the cost of a bitter taste.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 4:07 pm
by sovabrat
I don't think I buy into the "all non-cold processed whey" is useless thought. If cold processed whey was so superior, why does almost every company ignore this?
This is all a matter of opinion from me:

Being a business man, I would think the big brands IE: Gaspari, ON, Celltech, GNC brand would take advantage of such an easy marketing tool.

I do not argue the added benefits of being cold-processed. I definitely think it could be better. I am not a scientist, therefore I do not know the exact reasoning behind the process. I do know that with all the literature out there in magazines and books that I have read, I have not seen a single reference to cold processed whey. Maybe I have but not noticed.

I am talking MuscleMag, Mens Health, Mens Fitness, Rep, etc. Mens health and mens fitness usually don't recommend a specific brand of a supplement, rather a variety of different ones. Just being the skeptic that I am, I would imagine if the benefits were so superior to make regular whey useless they would have recommended it or hit on it once every couple months like they do with dieting methods etc.

P.S. I love the fact that we can have great conversation and throw around opinions in this community. If my logic is in the wrong direction I would definitely not mind being corrected. Perhaps my lack of knowledge to the science of Whey truly is my bane. I like to think though that I have the basic concept down though.

That is my two cents.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 4:34 pm
by askmass
The GNC/ brands running all the very expensive full page ads in those magazines (essentially catalogs) operate from an entirely different business model than a company like us, or Beverly for the matter.

Their focus is dead set on profitability and it has to be to operate at that level. Both the mags and the advertisers are heavily dependent and vested in the other by association. They routinely sell editorial plugs, too. We have been offered them countless times. There is no journalistic integrity to those mags for the most part, although some are far worse and blatant offenders than others.

Yes, at the highest levels it is too often largely a big money making sham.

GNC grade whey, no matter the super glossy label and cool sounding selling points is made in a certain way and marketed to an entirely different consumer than MASS PRO - and make no mistake, they are essentially entirely different products.

We could easily have a product made to compete with them. Cut all the corners they cut and call it 'Whey Better Value', $22.95 a jug.

Ain't gonna happen, though, because I'll recommend a guy eat wholesome steak, fish, chicken and eggs, first... and, if you look at it from the perspective of buying quality protein food sources for the training table, then suddenly the "per meal" cost of MASS PRO doesn't seem so high at all.

Absorption... assimilation is key for protein supplementation, at the bare minimum of considerations. A tablespoon full of a legit powder beats a shovelful of a hyped up, heated up one.

No pro's buy their protein powder at GNC, trust me, even if they are paid handsomely to say they got huuuuuuuge on it.

A huge bankroll, maybe.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 5:19 pm
by sovabrat
So after thinking about it for a while I decided to spend 30 minutes googling cold processed whey. There really is not a ton of published material out there. The only non-manufacturer articles I found were from a food science masters student talking about the levels and grades of whey and an article from the owner of Vitamin Shoppe.

I understand the benefits of cold processed versus the other methods.

My take aways were:

Whey concentrate is the cheapest and contains the smallest amount of protein, most fat, and most carbs.

Isolate contains higher amounts of protein but is filtered primarily by high temperatures, thus causing it to be denatured which to me means lacking additional BCAAS and other helpful supplements that are biproducts of the protein.

Cold processed is the most beneficial and contains protein levels which resemble the isolate, only this contains all the helpful and beneficial substrates that come with the whey.

I also through research found that the brand I currently use is a hybrid of isolate and cross flow utlra filtered which means it has high protein levels and the added cold filtered piece adds the peptides which are identified to be beneficial. The degree to how much is mixed, I don't know.

Thanks guys for the great discussion and helpful insight, it provoked me to do research on this. This explains why the protein I buy is moderately priced compared to 100% cold processed whey. I now know what is put into the drink I enjoy so much! I am ok knowing that it isnt 100% cold filtered, a mixture of the two is likely a good compromise on quality and price for me.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 5:47 pm
by askmass
That's a pretty good overview in all, Sova. Smart man for doing your homework and thinking for yourself.

Got to point out that "cold filtering" is not the same as the registered cold process, though. The cold processing technique is one where instead of heat filled columns being employed to dry the powder, it is instead repeatedly sprayed in a cold environment and the air itself drys it into a finished powder.

It is a very time consuming process, but one that preserves everything fully intact while maintaining a highly concentrated potency profile.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 7:54 pm
by RobRegish
Here's my honest opinion DaCookie/members..

The thing about non cold processed protein is that its denatured.WHich means its almost useless.

A. When I say "useless" I mean insofar as the advertised properties of IGF-1 expression, immune boosting, glutathione building etc.. Is it still protein? Yes, it is. Is it any better than protein from whole foods? No, I don't believe it is...

It would probably have been more accurate for me to have said it's "dis-ingenuous". I think it's pretty low to be advertising glutathione building, greater IGF-1 release, higher nitrogen retention from di-tri peptides (like Walmart whey does) that are all now a cross linked mess and the signaling properties of said aminos are lost.

They're aware that the average customer won't look into things this far. So they're relying on your ignorance and instead, highlighting the "value" of a $14 for 2lb whey. I think the best thing you could do would be to contact some bulk suppliers under the guise you're starting a company. See for yourself what the price scale is vs. quality offered. Ask questions. Lots of questions about why the pricier stuff is the way it is.

I think it'll be an eye opener for you... You'll quickly find out what the big boys are doing... bottling the cheapest product they can find while investing heavily in flashy advertising/"pro" testamonials.

Sad but it works...

And I dont think protein should be considered as protein is protein.1g=1g.

A. Very true. Ingest 100g of "soy protein" and you'll be able to utilize about 70-77% of it. Ingest whole egg or a cold processed whey and you can utilize 100% of it. Sure, you can compensate by eating X amount over but you get none of the added goodies such as glutathione building, higher nitrogen retention via di-tripeptides etc..

Do these goodies make a difference? Yes, they do..... over time. I look at it like this: If I'm going to drink a protein shake I want to absolutely know its doing more for me than regular food.

If it's not..... I'd rather just eat more steak.

Lets see what MASS and Rob have to say.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 8:32 pm
by DaCookie
RobRegish wrote:Here's my honest opinion DaCookie/members..

The thing about non cold processed protein is that its denatured.WHich means its almost useless.

A. When I say "useless" I mean insofar as the advertised properties of IGF-1 expression, immune boosting, glutathione building etc.. Is it still protein? Yes, it is. Is it any better than protein from whole foods? No, I don't believe it is...

It would probably have been more accurate for me to have said it's "dis-ingenuous". I think it's pretty low to be advertising glutathione building, greater IGF-1 release, higher nitrogen retention from di-tri peptides (like Walmart whey does) that are all now a cross linked mess and the signaling properties of said aminos are lost.

They're aware that the average customer won't look into things this far. So they're relying on your ignorance and instead, highlighting the "value" of a $14 for 2lb whey. I think the best thing you could do would be to contact some bulk suppliers under the guise you're starting a company. See for yourself what the price scale is vs. quality offered. Ask questions. Lots of questions about why the pricier stuff is the way it is.

I think it'll be an eye opener for you... You'll quickly find out what the big boys are doing... bottling the cheapest product they can find while investing heavily in flashy advertising/"pro" testamonials.

Sad but it works...

And I dont think protein should be considered as protein is protein.1g=1g.

A. Very true. Ingest 100g of "soy protein" and you'll be able to utilize about 70-77% of it. Ingest whole egg or a cold processed whey and you can utilize 100% of it. Sure, you can compensate by eating X amount over but you get none of the added goodies such as glutathione building, higher nitrogen retention via di-tripeptides etc..

Do these goodies make a difference? Yes, they do..... over time. I look at it like this: If I'm going to drink a protein shake I want to absolutely know its doing more for me than regular food.

If it's not..... I'd rather just eat more steak.

Lets see what MASS and Rob have to say.
So I was right :)

But we must not to label all the non cold processed proteins under the same label.Some are much worse than others I would think.I think it was you Rob who found out that body fortress heat their protein to extreme temperatures or maybe that was someone else?I would consider that protein one of the worst ones.