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How to compensate for left side

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 2:28 pm
by hah2110
My left side is smaller (although I don't think weaker) than my right. My left arm has less definition and size. What can I do to even it out?

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 4:33 pm
by DaCookie
98/100 people who say this just have this in their mind because they do various activities more with the "stronger"arm.But usually the difference is marginal.

I would ask someone else what they think and then make a decision for yourself.But I believe Rob said to use dumbells and use a heavier weight with the "weaker" arm for awhile.

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 4:58 pm
by DJ82585
Dacookie is correct! If you look at the post below called "my back" by Sudec. Rob explains the isometric movements and use with dumbbells.

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 7:08 pm
by RobRegish
Right on guys..

There usually IS some imbalance. You likely perceive this as greater than it really is. Others should be consulted for more objective feedback.

Proceed accordingly. If it's mentally affecting you big barbell lifts though... I'd get on it now via the mechanisms I suggested.

Otherwise, don't sweat it..

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 8:04 pm
by askmass
Worked with a guy years ago who had a somewhat noticeable biceps imbalance due to a long prior injury that produced some atrophy.

I advised him to simply use dumbells and to work the lagging side to absolute failure, while stopping a few reps short of that number on the bigger side. I told him to be patient... to execute the plan but beyond that forget about it.

I didn't know for sure it would work to perfection, but it did in about four months. Pretty sure he went on to eventually win a natural show down the line, if memory serves.