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Zips 1st blueprint run! woooooo!

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 7:54 pm
by zip
Hey my fellow BP militia!

I've had my ebook for about a week now but decided to wait on my posting until I went through a couple logs and understood the concept a bit better.

Thinking of running it in about 2 weeks (if I get my supps in order)

Quick questions to all:

Leaning towards the "BP mass stack" from MASS with KRE-ALKALYN and Adaptogen N. (Since ebol is banned from shipping over the border.) I have some extra cash so its no problem, but would it be beneficial for me just to roll with the KRE-Alkalyn since it is my first run.

Also a hollar to everyone who does manual labor for their job.. this one is for you. ( I do landscaping )

How did the famine affect you that week.. Would it be more beneficial to up the calories SLIGHTLY to keep the weightloss to 1 pound a day? As manual labor burns a boatload more calories than the average joe. I think I saw that it was turboflex who lost 10 pounds during it.



Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 8:19 pm
by SudburyBaller
The majority of the weight loss can be contributed to glycogen and water. I wouldn't worry to much, You can also set it up to start the famine on Wed, so as it progressively gets harder you'll be off work. (assuming Sat and Sun are off days).

Good luck

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 9:31 pm
by Big.jazayrli
In terms of weightloss I don't think its something you should stress over. Its a natural process your body is going through and the detoxification is actually pretty nice!

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 6:14 am
by RobRegish
Great answer BigJ! Right on...

but would it be beneficial for me just to roll with the KRE-Alkalyn since it is my first run.

A. It won't hurt, will help but not to the extent the MASS stack delivers. Either way though, you'll get results. And results are what matters.

Also a hollar to everyone who does manual labor for their job.. this one is for you. ( I do landscaping )

How did the famine affect you that week.. Would it be more beneficial to up the calories SLIGHTLY to keep the weightloss to 1 pound a day? As manual labor burns a boatload more calories than the average joe. I think I saw that it was turboflex who lost 10 pounds during it.

A. You could up the cals slightly to compensate for all of this additional manual labor, yes. It does change the equation somewhat..

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 5:56 pm
by zip
Thanks for the replies everyone!

In regards to the placement to the famine phase, I'm attempting to place the tail end on my days off.

Just ordered the BP Mass stack! and almost ready to go!

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 7:06 pm
by RobRegish
Good man Zip.

Right here for you if you need any guidance!

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:00 pm
by zip
Just got a nice treat in the mail for mr. askmass himself!

About ready to rock on this shiznit prolly next week.

I'll post up this weekend the details on my workout (blueprint) and what I hope to accomplish.

Quick question:

I was thinking of grabbing a preworkout for sluggish days after work but I was wondering any other methods of boosting spirits before a hard workout or anyone recommend a good product?


Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:50 pm
by DJ82585

Many will go with various pre-work outs...for me myself I go home and grab a nice piece of fruit and sit with my eyes closed for about 20 min. I allow my body to relax and then head to the gym. On the way to the gym I play my most motivational song and then while lifting I have my fav music playing in the CD player(if your a head phones person you could do it on your music player). Unorthodox? Yes, but it works, as I don't do well with most pre-workout drinks.

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 6:04 am
by RobRegish
Good advice there. The best energy comes from within..

I do rather like a strong espresso or a 200mg caffeine cap with 3 Burn It Up's prior to workouts now. It delivers some nice, smooth energy and a fantastic min-muscle connection without the crash associated with most of the pre-workouts on the market today.

The MACA extract in particular and Korean Red lead to a nice, mild comedown and they're superb for your inter-workout recovery. Give it a shot. As a nice alternative to ultra high caffeine/stim laden preworkouts it's a refreshing change...

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 6:47 pm
by zip
Thanks guys.

I'm about to start the famine phase tomorrow! It's enough watching for me and time to actually do it!

I have soccer tomorrow which will be some intense cardio.. Would work/workout/soccer be ok for the first day? or is will this just accelerate the alarm phase?


Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 5:23 am
by RobRegish
It will accelerate things. You can likely get away with it day 1-3 but I wouldn't advise this after day 3.

Day 3 is when it hits and hits hard for me..

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 5:58 pm
by zip
1st day of the feast and so far ok.. I have a feeling it's going to be a rough ride.. Day one and dreaming about MEAT.

well... off to workout!

Btw I have 300 cals to spare for post workout/presoccer.. any ideas?

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:12 pm
by RobRegish
Assuming you mean Famine :)

I'd save those 300 for right before bed/after soccer. Dunno about you but I can't sleep on an empty stomach...

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 7:18 pm
by zip
ahah yessir. I meant famine.. SEE its hitting me already!...only 4 more days