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Famine diet

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 6:19 pm
by st3760
Ok guys. I plan on starting on monday. I work usually 16 hrs a day and 12 hrs on the weekend. i don't really have time to sit down and prepare a meal. I need some stuff on the go. don't thing the feast phase will be a problem b/c that is what i'm already used to eating. so i need some suggestions on what foods to eat during this time.thanks

Re: Famine diet

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 4:16 pm
by Big.jazayrli
st3760 wrote:Ok guys. I plan on starting on monday. I work usually 16 hrs a day and 12 hrs on the weekend. i don't really have time to sit down and prepare a meal. I need some stuff on the go. don't thing the feast phase will be a problem b/c that is what i'm already used to eating. so i need some suggestions on what foods to eat during this time.thanks
microwavable brown rice with broccoli! (they sell some that's free of preservatives and extra crap at most stores)

low sodium v8, diet v8 fusion (but more sugar, but much more drinkable)

any vegetables you can eat raw

Water water water!

Detox/diet teas

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 7:30 pm
by RobRegish
Spot on Big!

Great answers here. GREAT answers..