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Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 9:34 am
by jigga365
Should I take the 3 caps before bed since i'm 5'9 166lbs w/11%bf or should I drop it to 2 caps?


Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 1:40 pm
by BrainSquirt

Note: This is not the 'official' word on A-N dosing...

I would suggest starting with only one at bedtime and working up fractionally from there to develop your own protocol for it. Some individuals need more and some need less for full effects.

It is a powerful product. As such, imo it's susceptible to 'abuse'. I even wonder if consistent and high dosage long term can produce chronic effects on hormone, etc balance in some users...

I personally only use it on the nights I know I need it. And by 'need' it, I mean if I know if I don't take it, I will wake up next day more sore, depleted, and / or CNS burnt than I would have had I taken it.

Also, I vary the dose size by how much I think I need based on esperience - trying to dial it in just right to get its needed assistanace without necessarily waking up at midnight with a serious sex requirement, etc...

I absolutely love AN ! But as you can see I use it carefully.
... just one user's opinion... definitely not the party line...


Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 2:30 pm
by DaCookie
Rob says three before bed, 5 days a week, 2 days off.

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 3:30 pm
by jigga365
I got the 3 at night from the bp protocol. I never noticed anything about 2 days off during feast though. Also, this is a test booster and no pc is required so how can this be any different than say bio forge as far as sides go? Since I'm following the bp I will be on and off this stuff every couple months.

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 5:54 pm
by RobRegish
I do use 3 caps/night M-F. Let me elaborate on that.

Now I'm circa 235-240lbs so keep that in mind. I've been using the product for over a decade so I know exactly what it does/doesn't do. As Brain mentions, it's a powerful adaptogen and lends itself well to recovery.

I take the M-F and weekends off approach for a few reasons. First, you develop a healthy respect for what it does for you on the nights you take it. Deep, restful sleep and morning wood :)

I also take 2 days off b/c I have a deep seated belief that ANY supplement's effects down-regulate over time. This is part and parcel to adaptation, which are the hallmark's of BP itself. With any substance, stress or "intake" be it workout, supplement or food there is down regulation over time. I think you can see my logic here.

Anyway, I hope that helps. Adaptogen N contains so much good stuff I almost built the protocol around it. The Suma extract in the product (custom 25:1 extract) is one of a kind and contains some incredible ecdy on it's own. Only the emergence of high quality, full spectrum RCE (finally) sealed it for Kre-Anabolyn.

The combination of the two are fantastic, IMO.

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 8:50 am
by jigga365
Thanks guys,

Now you mentioned the M-F and weekends off. Does that apply for Kre-Anabolyn also?

Thanks again everyone!!

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 9:20 am
by askmass
I would suggest running Kre-Anabolyn 7 days a week for the full duration.

I tend to take a couple weeks off of KA for every ten weeks on to allow the cell receptors to freshen up, and that's good general advice for most any nutritional.

The 5 on/2 off regimen for Adaptogen N originated from an Ohio gym group of guys many years ago, if memory serves. My advice is to take it 7 days a week for the first three weeks, then move to the 5 on/2 off routine.

You can virtually run it non stop in that fashion and continue to see near peak, first time use results.

Thanks for all the compliments on Adaptogen N, guys. It really means a lot to us to know that what we do makes a difference for real people.