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MASS Casein

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 3:44 pm
by DaCookie
Hey I just wanted to ask if you have a cold processed casein powder in the works?I really like your whey, so im interested in something like this to take before bed.

Actually im sort of surprised you dont have one out already.

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 8:42 am
by askmass
It's a good question, and some do place stock in the idea of feeding protein during sleep with Casein. Others say it is hyped up hogwash and that slower digesting does not equate with longer acting.

A blend could potentially extend protein feeding to a point, IMO, but it is worth noting that some research names Casein isolate as a direct cancer promoter.

We place a lot more stock in amino isolates like Gamma GH and Nitro AKG (Arginine) before bed to top out GH peaks, or (especially) 3 Adaptogen N coupled with both faster and slower digesting complete proteins (say, MASS PRO and eggs) to maximize the LH cycle and extend protein feeding deep into sleep.

Also, Colostrum has a huge, days long "protein life-cycle" and MASS PRO is packed full of it.

Others have 3-4 Alpha EFX 1 gram Colostrum caps with a glass of water before bed.

Works wonders.

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 11:23 am
by DaCookie
I like to have cheese before bed sometimes because I dont really like eggs.I think cheese is slow digesting too.

I dunno what Colostrum is.

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 6:11 pm
by RobRegish
Colostrum is found in the first 24 (48?) hours in mother's milk. It is incredibly rich in growth factors, immune boosters etc.

John knows a lot more about this stuff than I do but it for sure is worth it. Your skin heals faster from cuts, you recover quicker and you don't get sick as often. It's in MASSPRO and I absolutely love the stuff.

It was dismissed some time ago by the mainstream until recent studies bore out that the growth factors DO survive the digestive tract and positive benefits manifes.

Anabolic like benefits? No, but certainly worthwhile. My son gets a scoop a day (disguised in his chocolate pudding :) )

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 12:35 pm
by kh971
Try taking a cup of Plain Greek Yogurt (24 grams protein) and one scoop of Mass Pro before bed, whip it together, it is a litttle tough but you can do it, by folding the yogurt over the protein till it mixes good, drink a big glass of water and this will satisfy you all night!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 4:58 pm
by Big.jazayrli
I have actually been doing some reading around lately that shows that whey and casein together post-wo is actually more beneficial than just whey

i know there are studies that point in every direction, but was just an interesting observation by them

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 5:00 pm
by Big.jazayrli
kh971 wrote:Try taking a cup of Plain Greek Yogurt (24 grams protein) and one scoop of Mass Pro before bed, whip it together, it is a litttle tough but you can do it, by folding the yogurt over the protein till it mixes good, drink a big glass of water and this will satisfy you all night!!!
i can't believe i've forgotten about greek yogurt for so long. i love this stuff.

from my local organic grocery store they have tubs that read macros like:
22? Protein (this is +/- a few g)
7g carbs
0g fat

its like super food!