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Redgum's Journey.

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 12:25 pm
by Redgum
Ok well here it goes guys. I started the programme today, stats before the programme.

6'1". 211lbs. Est. 18-20%BF.
Bench 90kg/198lbs 1RM
Squat 120kg/286lbs 5 reps (Not tested 1RM)
Dead lift 120kg/286lbs 5 reps (Not tested 1RM)


Weighed myself this morning. 211lbs. Took heart rate, it was 50 BPM.

1688 cals is the 8 x bodyweight rule, may have just gone over that by a 100 or something, been starving! Only supplement I am taking right now is a Multivitamin. Stopped taking the ECA.

Diet today has included Blueberries, Raspberries, Apples, Sweet Potato, Baked Potato, Salad (Lettuce, Cue, Tom, Pepper). Thats it..

Workout was grueling, I had took a week off prior to this, I hadnt squatted for about 3 weeks, due to an injury.

Workout was basically Squats, 1 arm Dumbbell rows, Tbar row, chin ups, Barbell curls, incline curls and hammer curls.

It's been..eventful to say the least, this stage sucks. I've had next to no protein all day and I feel like death haha. Will try and update everyday. Not looking forward to the next 4 days I can tell ya that!


Edit: Adjusted DL/Squat before stats, slightly off

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 9:20 pm
by RobRegish
Yeah Gum, way to go.

It's a difficult but necessary cleanse/detox when done right. Right here for you if you need me!

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 12:54 pm
by Redgum
Yesterday was crap, I am back on the ECA til I find an alternative to stop the.. hunger! Was so hungry, all day, mega bad.

Today, resting heart rate when I got up 50BPM again. Weight 210lbs.

Had soups, sweet potato, fruit.

Tried Quinoa! Well.. it was dam nice! Will def have again.

My workout was shit to be honest. Dont know what is up with my bench lately, feels like my shoulders getting hit more than chest, dont know whats up really. Shoulders tire fast, chest seems unphased by a so-called chest workout.. lol..

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 5:09 pm
by RobRegish
Yep, going to be tough going first time around.

You SHOULD be losing size/strength during this time. I know, it sounds crazy but there's a method to the madness. A brief catabolic phase disrupts homeostasis and activates the growt mechanisms that lay dormant.

The next few days won't be easy. Hang in there though. As you read around you'll see what's around the corner...and it's all good.

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 12:29 pm
by Redgum
Woke up 210lbs again.. Possible regain of water weight from coming off ECA for 2 days? perhaps..

Resting heart rate 48BPM. Is this low? Seems it compared ot others I see are 70-80?

Today was good tbh! Quinoa+soup for breakfast, jacket potato+fruit for lunch and soup and fruit in the evening. Except for the overwhelming meat cravings :) I still havent touched any! (My quinoa grains per 100g is like 400 cals with 11g of protein, which i think is quite good enough)

I can feel slight DOMS on my chest today too, which I am pleased with, means I did something right yesterday eh..

Tomorrow is my last day of famine and last workout, going to kick ass.

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 6:54 pm
by RobRegish
RHR at 48 is a bit low, but it's only relative to your starting point. A few outliers report a RHR that doesn't budge. I suspect the weight loss plus improved conditioning = less stress on the cardiac output.

Way to bounce back.... like I knew you would.

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 2:24 pm
by Redgum
Day 5/5 of famine. I'm done!

Woke up. 46 BPM.. inb4death.. 208lbs!

Hungry all day again haha.. oh well, I got through it.

The workout, dear lord I thought I was going to die, seriously, my legs and back, dam.

Cant friggin wait to eat MEAT and PROTEINZ tomo! Got some beef for breakfast, chicken for lunch, maybe venison for dinner, its going to be amazing.

So for the next 72 hours, I just eat good food, complex carbs, healthy fats, godly protein, sleep, no working out and only supp to take is multi still. Right?

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 6:26 am
by RobRegish
Correct on all of that EXCEPT you begin taking your Ecdy/other performance supps day 1 of Feast!

And GREAT work making it through. Famine separates the men from the boys and.... you're a MAN!

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 3:47 pm
by Redgum
Thanks for the answers so far Rob, today was so emotional, oh the food.. the food!! beef, chicken, sausage, bacon etc.. Think I ate too much lol. Prob over 3k cals.

Looking forward to getting past these 3 days and into training!

Only taking Ebol for the Ecdy/performace supps. I would of had Bioforge but was on backorder so I couldnt get it. So I decided just to stick with the Ebol. Should be fine with just that, right..

Just reading through the ebook again on some of the training methods like the German Loading pattern etc and just general usage of it all, I confuse myself.

Had to search what a dimel deadlift was too, never done them before, look easier than the normal deadlifts I do. Looking through some of Dave Tates videos.

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 5:48 pm
by RobRegish
You're OK on just Ebol.

Right here for you if you have questions. This feast training template might clear things up: ... .php?t=378

Let me know if that helps!

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 5:12 am
by Redgum
Ok cheers, think I understand it except one slight thing on the EDT blocks..

On this example you used.

START OF SET #1: 12 noon. The total time it takes to do a superset of each is exactty one minute.

On set #1, you get 6 reps with the barbell curl (note.. NOT going to failure) and immediately go into the lying tricep extensions, again achieving 6 reps.

Rest exactly 2 minutes

On set 2, same drill and again you achieve 6 reps on each

Rest exactly 2 minutes

On set 3, same drill but now you get just 5 reps

Rest exactly 2 minutes

On set 4, you again achieve 5 reps apiece

Rest exactly 2 minutes

On set 5, you achieve just 3 reps on each exercise

Rest exactly 2 minutes

On your final set, you rep out both exercises and get 3 reps apiece..

Total workout time: 16 minutes. You tally up the total amount of reps for each and there's your baseline: You achieved 56 reps in a total of 16 minutes.

Your challenge the next time out is to get more reps with the same weight. Once you are able to do 20% more (68 reps) within the same time period, you up the weight 5% to 105lbs on each exercise.

Where you say you just achieve 3 or 5 reps, you are trying to achieve 6 reps tho, correct? So, when you get to 6 reps on each, you up the weight, whereas if you are only getting 3 reps, you keep the weight the same, until you reach 6 reps. Confused much,

ALSO. The calories on this programme are scarily high for me, I think I am more endomorph than mesomorph somatotype. I mean I willkeep you posted on the weight gain/loss etc. Weighing 210lbs, following the guideline, assuming you work out the calories for the whole programme worked out before starting, I mean, not adjusting it as you gain/lose weight over the programme, ya know? Anyway this is what it looks like roughly.

Days 1-3: Calories at 20x bodyweight = 4200
Days 4-6: Calories at 18x bodyweight = 3780
Days 7-14: Calories at 15x bodyweight = 3150
Days 15-28: Calories at 12x bodyweight = 2520

^that correct?

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 5:46 am
by RobRegish
"Where you say you just achieve 3 or 5 reps, you are trying to achieve 6 reps tho, correct? So, when you get to 6 reps on each, you up the weight, whereas if you are only getting 3 reps, you keep the weight the same, until you reach 6 reps. Confused much,"

A. Ha ha, yes you're confused. Don't worry.... You stick with the same weight throughout. You may get 5 reps, 6 reps or 8 reps your first set. It really doesn't matter. What matters is the TOTAL amount of reps you get within the total time period for that PR Zone/Block.

One thing is likely; you'll get fewer reps as you progress through the sets. At it's essence, you're managing fatigue. First set shouldn't be to absolute failure. Maybe a rep or two shy. The subsequent sets you should bang out as many as possible.

A. On your calories, you are wise to take somatype into consideration. Since I know now you're and endo-meso, I'd encourage you to err on the side of caution to mitigate too much fat gain. Your log doesn't specify your goals (perhaps I missed it).

If looking for maximum LBM, the descending caloric spiral is a great strategy. If looking for re-comp, consider staggering calories 100% of maintenance on training days and 70% on non-training days.

Doing so mitigates any drop in resting metabolic rate seen with a "fixed" caloric intake.

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 8:10 am
by Redgum
Ok well I think I get it, I was looking at it as 'do x amount of reps x amount of sets, and thinking how do I increase if I dont change the reps'? Now taking into account the timing scenario.. I see now it isnt a set amount of reps per set, its flexible, I was being a moron just blankly staring and not taking it in properly haha.


Yeah I dont think I mentioned by goal as I dont really know what it is.. At first I wanted to lose fat. Now I am thinking I should pack on muscle then cut, I look at myself and think.. wow i'm fat and have no muscle.. great where to start. Aggravating at times.

Can send you some pics if need be.

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 9:18 am
by RobRegish
Why don't you do that, along with any notes as to what it is you want to accomplish most. Will allow me to fine tune your plan..