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Gamma GH timing...

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 6:10 am
by ricky
When should I take HGH?

Years ago, the most common belief was that one was suppose to HGH before bedtime. As time went by people have learned that was not necessarily the best way.

Your body releases GH at niGHt when you sleep. Taking synthetic GH prior to bedtime will only suppress your natural output.

The best time to take it is upon rising in the AM. That way you take advantage of your natural GH output and then have another surge first thing in the morning. Getting two doses of GH is better than getting one.

If people are saying HGH should be taken upon rising why not take something like Gamma GH which helps body increase HGH levels upon rising as well?

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 7:22 pm
by RobRegish
GH levels are highest during the first 90 minutes of sleep.

There is a circadian rythm to GH though, as there is for many hormones. Cortisol is highest in the morning, for example. I believe the prescription GH is meant for AM injection to offset the cortisol.

Gamma GH tends to naturally relax the body. Likely then, the recommendation prior to sleep. Also, the GH boost will do you better at night due to the regeneration that takes place during sleep. Virtually all of the body's repair work is done during this time and Gamma GH can only help here.

You could of course, try it in the AM. If you do, be sure to share with us. I'd be very interested in your results!

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 10:19 pm
by askmass
A gram or so is all that is recommended for daytime (waking hours) use, but that amount can be used more than once spread out over the course of a day.

Most commonly used in this manner by those who need help with anxiety.

The calming effect is dose related.

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 2:06 pm
by DaCookie
Just wondering will this give similiar affects to the HGH belly that all the modern bodybuilders have?

At least I believe that is due to HGH.

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 5:20 pm
by RobRegish
That a NO for sure..

The "GH belly" is typicallys seen in pros when they start exceeding about 6IU/day. Many are on 10 or more!

I have a friend on prescription GH. No great shakes at replacement dosages (I think 1-3 IU/day). In fact, he saw no difference for 3-4 months. Moderate (very moderate) improvement at the 6month mark. It DOES add to things considerably more in the presence of androgens/steroids though, at least according to the reports.

Gamma GH should be looked at moreso as a sleep enhancer/recovery agent with the side benefit of strenthening the tendons. It also has marked relaxation properties for use prior to stressful events.

In terms of elevating GH to levels that will radically improve muscle gain/fat loss though.... I would be lying if I thought that was my opinion.

Cost effective solution for what it does though? Absolutely.

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 6:09 pm
by askmass
It can significantly peak natural GH output in youth and restore it to more youthful levels in older users - but - as Rob alluded to, even script HGH alone is not much of a muscle builder.

I will add that Gamma GH has a very pronounced diuretic effect, especially in the first couple weeks. Also, I am of the opinion that it does slowly but surely lend to a noticeably leaner physique if used consistently over several months. Nagging injuries tend to fade away, too.

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 7:29 pm
by DaCookie
Cool guys thanks for the fast responses.I really think its something for me to consider in the summer time when I have a job.

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 7:49 pm
by askmass
DaCookie wrote:...the HGH belly that all the modern bodybuilders have...
Just felt like adding that, if you ask me the "HGH belly" is the one thing that killed off the "pro look" once and for all.

It did for me, anyway.

I have not cared for following those guys and gals much since that look hit the scene.

Steve Reeves had the type of physique I'd like to think we all want to build and maintain here at THE BLUEPRINT COLLECTIVE!

But, back to GH- It was already being employed by the time Zane came along, but he was all into straight, high dose amino's to jack it up.

He still is, it's said.

Once Arnold came in with his big genetics and bag of tricks, the who-can-use-more-dope legacy of the IFBB had officially begun.

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 6:22 am
by RobRegish
I thought it was Weider's Dynamic Muscle Builder? Granted, you had to stack it with the Anabolic Mega Packs but still...

Funny story - Duchaine once commented that back in the early '80's, Weider's mega-packs cost more than a bottle of D-bol. Gee, which one do you think built more muscle?

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 8:51 am
by askmass


No Weider junk. No D-Bol.

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 7:34 pm
by RobRegish
Damn. Looks 100x better than the jokers today.

No doubt about it. How did we lose our way???