when to workout?

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when to workout?

Post by cyingling »

rob does it matter when in the day we choose to workout? i usually workout at lunch, but just wanted to get your take, especially since the famine has no real "pre" or "post" nutrition..

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Post by RobRegish »

Ideal time of day is individual. I train in the VERY early morning. This would kill some people. Others prefer training at night.

The key is, do what works for you. Whenever energy is the highest!
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Post by sovabrat »

I also prefer training VERY early in the morning. Its the best feeling when you start your day with an intense workout. I actually feel more energized all day versus working out in the evening. Plus, you can devote all the energy you stored up while sleeping and dedicate it to training instead of dealing with all the stresses of your job/school.
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Post by RobRegish »

Amen and SPOT on..
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Post by kh971 »

I do not have the energy to workout in the morning, but I do believe it is the BEST time to work out and I will give you the number one reason why. After and intense workout ....you have 12-14 hours in which to stack as much protein and carbs into your muscles. If you workout late at night the most you could get would be 2-3 meals, plus alot of unused carbs migh go to fat.
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Post by RobRegish »

Man that's a great point. GREAT point.

I had actually forgotten about this. Nice contribution kh971... :)
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