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Sample Famine Phase Workout Template

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 5:23 am
by RobRegish
WARNING: If you at all feel sick, "off" or just not right during Famine, please discontinue. This is (properly done), a healthful, de-tox period. Remember, you HEALTH is far more important than your gains. Speaking of which, you can't gain when you're sick/hurt!

So take care and please consult me in the event you have questions!

Sincerely hope this helps those of you who are still a bit confused..


Legs, Back and Bi's with 2 minutes of rest between sets, 3 total sets for each movement in the 4-6 rep range. These should be structured as jump sets in the following fashion as follows.

- Squats with a weight that finds you able to perform 4-6 reps immediately into

- Seated cable rows for 4-6 rep range

Rest for approximately 2 minutes and repeat for 2 more rounds


- Standing barbell curls for 4- 6 reps

REST 2 minutes

- Incline dumbell curls for 4-6 reps

REST 2 minutes

- Preacher curls for 4-6 reps



Chest, shoulders and tri's with 1 minute in between sets, 4 total sets for each movement in the 8-10 rep range. Jump set pairings should be as follows:

- Wide grip bench press for 8-10 reps immediately into
- Seated DB shoulder presses for 8-10 reps

Rest 1 minute

- Close grip bench press for 8-10 reps immediately into
- Seated DB shoulder presses for 8-10 reps

Rest 1 minute

- Incline bench press for 8-10 reps immediately into
- Seated DB shoulder presses for 8-10 reps

Rest 1 minute

- Decline bench press for 8-10 reps immediately into
- Seated DB shoulder presses for 8-10 reps

Rest one minute and begin the following:


- Decline close grip bench presses for 8-10 reps

REST 1 minute

- Skull crushers/lying tricep extensions for 8-10 reps

REST 1 minute

- Cable tricep pressdowns for 8-10 reps

REST 1 minute

- Cable tricep pressdowns for 8-10 reps



Repeat Monday's workout but with this time with 5 sets and just 30 seconds between sets.

- Select a weight that puts you in the 12-15 rep range.

- This is a tough workout but it gets us to where we need to be in the specified 5 day timeframe.

You'll likely lose 1lb/day or thereabouts. Resting rate should eventually get to 8 bpm above baseline or therabouts by day 5.

Lecithin granuals are highly recommended during this time (thanks to Brain for this contribution) to ensure CNS is in tip-top shape for the rebound.

Hope that helps..

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 6:36 pm
by Big.jazayrli
Heya Rob, quick question

for the rep ranges that are described here (i.e. 4-6, 8-10, etc) are we looking for max effort in those rep ranges?

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 6:18 am
by RobRegish
I erred in my orinal answer here. For FAMINE workouts and the prescribed rep ranges, you should NOT be training to failure but instead, reaching a point of fatigue in that general rep range.

"Fatigue" simply means the muscle/movement becomes fatigued-uncomfortable in that rep range. It doesn't refer to "can't possibly complete another rep with good form" as you see in Heavy Duty High Intensity Training as used in the first 5 Feast workouts.

Apologies if anyone was confused...

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 12:47 pm
by Big.jazayrli
RobRegish wrote:Yes, max effort defined as one work set to absolute muscular failure, failing in that rep range.

Learned skill that comes with a few workouts. It's an adjustment for most but per results being reported here over and over... works wonders once you dial it in!
ok cool that shouldn't be too hard. i did maxot for a long time so i know about max effort for 4-6 :P


Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 4:21 pm
by peb5048
Hey Rob,

On Friday of famine, do you do 5 sets of 12-15 with 30 seconds rest for bicep exercises too?

Thank you,

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 4:29 pm
by RobRegish
Hi Paul,

Yes ideed, that's correct!

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:11 pm
by Mikereade
Hey Rob,

I guess this is in regards to each days workout but on the biceps for starters you say 3 sets of each exercise and list only doing one set per bicep exercise is it one set of 3 exercises or 3 sets of 3 exercises?

A. One set of 3 exercises. Sorry, I should have been clearer.

and on chest day when its 4 sets per exercise you list it being flat bench-shoulder press and so on but is it one set per exercise equalling 4 or how do you suggest I do that?

A. No apologies necessary. Here's how you would structure it:

Flat bench in the 8-10 rep range immediately into..
Shoulder presses in the 8-10 rep range

REST 1 minute

Repeat 3 more times. Hope that helps!

Noob questions

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 4:36 pm
by JDK420
Hello Rob,

I am new to the group and am just about ready to get started of the famine portion of the program. I am excited to get started, but had some similar questions. Sorry if these are repeat question, but just to clarify: On MONDAY we do just 1 set for each of the 3 Bicep exercises, and 3 sets of the leg/back supersets?
On Wedneday we do 4 sets of each chest/shoulder superset for a total of 16 supersets? , or 1 set of each for a total of 4 supersets? Then we do one set of each Decline close grip bench presses, skull crushers/lying tricep extensions and
cable pressdowns, or 4 sets of each?
On Friday, we do 5 total sets for biceps? or, 5 sets of 3 exercises for a total of 15 sets?
Finally, how or should we incorporate cardio into the program? If so, when is the best time to do it and when should we not do it?
Thanks so much for all your help. I look foward to getting started and loggin my success.

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 11:10 am
by faboluis
Starting my blueprint next Monday after taking week off but I'm still confused a bit..on thus it says for example bench followed by db press rest 1 minute and repeat, after these 4 sets how long do I rest before going into incline press?

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 7:50 pm
by RobRegish
ALL the answers for both of you wrapped up in this announcement: ... .php?t=730

Sincerely hope that helps!

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 11:55 pm
by Jacos5
This was A LOT more clear than the explanation on the BP PDF man, Thx a lot for doing this. Was a little stumped.

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 7:13 am
by beefcake66
For the weights used in the workout... For example bench press 8-10 reps... do you want me to drop the weight to hit that amount of reps each set, or stick with the same weight?

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 5:10 pm
by RobRegish
You know that's an EXCELLENT question!

Personally, I'm "in tune" with this so I know what weight to use and don't have to change it.

However, your first run through - yes, you may have to drop the weight a bit to hit the 8-10 rep range. Fully support it too.

That was a damned fine question beefcake66. Thanks for asking it and hopefully it helps others here using Famine for the first time.

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 3:24 pm
by oliverparsons
Sorry for the question here, but just to clarify the second famine workout for chest and shoulders. You mentioned 4 sets total for each movement in the 8-10 rep range. The exercises A,B,C,D are below:

A) Wide grip bench into DB shoulder press
THEN B) close grip into DB shoulder press
THEN C) incline bench into DB should press
THEN D) decline bench into DB shoulder press

So for the full chest/shoulder workout, which of the following is it:
Only 4 sets of A?
4 sets of A, plus 1 set of B, 1 set of C, and 1 set of D?
1 set of A, 1 set of B, 1 set of C, 1 set of D

Hope my question makes sense. Thanks!