Cardio Debate

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Cardio Debate

Post by sovabrat »

I read an interesting article over at that discussed the effort involved in competing in bodybuilding.

The point that really stuck out to me was the debate on cardio. I dont really know what to think about it because every person that argues the fact really believes their opinion is infallible. I dont have enough experience to form my own opinion and currently I mix both methods of cardio. I think I might get too bored if I stuck to just one method.

Does anyone have opinion of High intensity interval training versus slow cardio on an empty stomach? I know both yield different results with HIIT claiming to preserve more muscle. But is all the analysis of rested state bodies and the way your body burns fat while using this approach really that extreme? This article is basically saying that while you run you will burn muscle and while you are rested you will burn carbs ?

I could be wrong but If this were so cut and dry why would anyone do slow cardio while cutting?
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Post by RobRegish »

I have an opinion..

Mix a little bit of each. I rotate sled dragging, long distance and wind sprints. Keeps the mind fresh and the body adapting :)
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Post by sovabrat »

Thanks Rob. I did some more reading, and most sources that I find seem to think the current best methods are HIIT. It seems that most people replace the slow cardio on empty stomach and low blood sugar for HIIT on the same principles.

I plan on doing one long distance run a week just to keep my cardio up with the thought of eventually doing a 5K at the end of May. I did the same race last year and did a little running to prep myself, I was able to finish without walking and made it under 37 minutes. Nothing to brag about but it was a reality check. This year I hope to run it closer to 30 minutes.
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HIIT vs. Long Distance

Post by peb5048 »

-What you need to realize is that HIIT uses the body's glycogen levels (carbs) the same way that lifting weights does. So this means that most HIIT workouts should be done with something in the tank inorder to perform optimally and to get the most results (burning calories while you are resting). I would say if you are doing morning cardio before breakfast I would do a long distance (say 20-30 minutes) of slow paced cardio that way you are in a fasted state from the night before with already depleted glycogen levels from your slumber. The body uses to things for energy: the first is glycogen, and then the second is body fat. So, when the glycogen levels are already low (depleted) from sleeping the night before your body uses it's own fat to burn for energy during your run.

-Rob if I was to do HIIT in the afternoon on days off from lifting and I took a pre/post workout shake, when would be an optimal time on HIIT days for me to supplement Adaptogen N, Kre Anabolyn, and Burn It Up? Could I also take Mass Pro Amino these days in the protocol that is described in the Blueprint?
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Post by RobRegish »

-Rob if I was to do HIIT in the afternoon on days off from lifting and I took a pre/post workout shake, when would be an optimal time on HIIT days for me to supplement Adaptogen N, Kre Anabolyn, and Burn It Up? Could I also take Mass Pro Amino these days in the protocol that is described in the Blueprint?

BIU about 30-45 min prior to HIIT
KA 45 min before and immediately afterwards
AN 45 min prior to bedtime

And yes, you can take MPA on off days but that's predicated on using BCAA loading protocol #1 on these days. BCAA loading protocol #2 is designed for use in/around the weight training workouts to mitigate tissue breakdown.
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Post by scump »

its not often ill refer back to

but alan aragon actually has a really good article on cardio..

talks about LISS HITT fasted cardio etc.

off the top of my head, fasted cardio is beneficial to the untrained individual and so is LISS.

LISS provides the greatest weight loss... but HITT provides the greatest fat loss (nom sayin).
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Post by peb5048 »

what is this website, ive searched it numerous times and have got nothing
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Post by RobRegish »

Probably part of a filter here. I don't own/operate the sit so perhaps ask AskMass.

I can find it easy enough given the info you provided. No surprise to me really on the LISS/HIIT findings.
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