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Swedishfish's Sweet Log (First Run)

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 9:09 pm
by Swedishfish
So here we go. Bought and read BP 2.0 now twice through. Had several questions answered, and now I'm finally planning my run. Its not for over a month but I'm a planner and I want to iron out all the kinks before I get too close to BP-Day!

SwedishFish BP First Run
1. Famine Phase – 5 Days (Starting 6/1/10 – Ending 6/6/10)
a. Caloric Intake
i. 8 x bw (goal weight after cut is 185 I’ll use that for now)
ii. 1,480-1,500 kCal / day
b. Macro split
i. Carbohydrates – 200g = 800 kCal
ii. Fats – 55g = 495 kCal
iii. Protein - <50 = 200 kCal at most
iv. Total = 1,495 kCal at most
c. Workouts (3 Total)
i. Day 1 – Legs/Back/Bi’s
ii. Day 2 – Cardio/Abs
iii. Day 3 – Chest/Shoulder/Tri’s
iv. Day 4 – Cardio/Abs
v. Day 5 – Legs/Back/Bi’s
2. Feast Phase – 42 Days (Starting 6/6/10 – Ending 7/17/10)
a. Caloric Intake (120% workout days | 100% non-workout days)
i. 20 x bw (6/6/10 – 6/20/10)
1. Assuming 5 # loss during famine (180) = 3,600 kCal
2. 340 C | 100 F | 280 P
3. 1,360 kcal | 900 kcal | 1,120 kcal = 3,400 kCal
ii. 15 x bw (6/21/10 – 7/4/10)
1. Assuming 5-10 # gain (190) during first 2 weeks = 2,850 kCal
2. 300C | 80 F | 240 P
3. 1,200 kcal | 720 kcal | 960 kcal = 2,880 kCal
iii. 12 x bw (7/4/10 – 7/17/10)
1. Assuming 5 # gain (195) = 2,340 kCal
2. 250 C | 70 F | 210 P
3. 1,000 kcal | 630 kcal | 880 kcal = 2,470 kcal
iv. This is my own version of the version outlines in the BP 2.0 because that version only uses 28 days and I’m doing 42, maybe Rob you can tweak this if it looks erroneous in any way
b. Supplementation
i. E-bol starting 6/6/10 (6 caps/day)
ii. Reversitrol v2 starting 6/6/10 (3 caps/day)
iii. Activate Extreme starting 6/6/10 (4 caps/day)
iv. Liver tabs 6/hour starting 6/6/10 (72/day??)
v. Would try KA & AN here but I already have E-A-R so it makes more sense to buy a little more of what I have, than a lot of what I don’t have
c. Peri-workout Drink
i. 30g BCAA/10g Glutamine (3:1 Ratio), 50-75g Waxy Maize Starch (depending on which week of diet), flavoring
ii. OR
iii. 3 on/3off (4 10g doses/day)
d. Workouts – 5 working to 1RM’s (1 on 2 off, 13 days)
i. Workout 1 – Bench/Pullovers | Squats/SLDL (8-10 to failure)
ii. Workout 2 – Bench/Pullovers | Squats/SLDL (4-6 to failure)
iii. Workout 3 – Bench/Pullovers | Squats/SLDL (2-3 to failure)
iv. Deload 4 – Bench/Pullovers | Squats/SLDL (8-6 to failure)
v. Workout 5 – Bench (1RM) Pullovers (5) | Squats (1RM) SLDL(5) | Dead (1RM)
e. German Loading Pattern #1
i. Workout 1 – 50%x10, 54%x8, 61%x8, 66%x8, 73%x8, 78%x8
ii. Workout 2 – 50%x10, 61%x8, 66%x8, 73%x6, 78%x6, 85%x6
iii. Workout 3 – 50%x10, 66%x8, 73%x6, 78%x4, 85%x4, 90%x4
iv. Workout 4 – 50%x10, 73%x8, 78%x6, 85%x4, 90%x2, 97%x2
v. Workout 5 – 50%x10, 76%x8, 82%x6, 88%x4, 94%x2
vi. Workout 6 – 50%x10, 64%x5, 76%x3, 85%x1, 95%x1, 105%x1
f. Where dose Mike Mentzers workout fit? GLP?
3. Cruise Phase (7/17/10 - ???)
a. Caloric Intake
i. 10 x bw Assuming 195 = 1,950 kcal 40 C | 30 P | 30 F
ii. 195g C | 146.25 g P | 65g F
b. Workouts 5x5 Program (1 on 2 off)
i. Day 1
1. Bench 5x5 @ 80%
2. Shoulder press 5x5
3. Close-grip bench 1 set 6-10 second hold @ 20-40%
ii. Day 2
1. Squats 5x5 @ 80%
2. Leg press 6-10 seconds hold (what weight??)
3. Seated cable row 5x5
4. Preacher curl contraction up to 45 sec
5. Calf contraction up to 45 sec
6. Ab contraction up to 45 sec? (6-10?)
c. Supps
ii. Peri-workout drink?

The formatting of that got messed up, hopefully you can follow it.

Workouts - Famine

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 9:11 pm
by Swedishfish
Day 1
Movement Weight Rest
Squat(4-6) ss/Seated Cable Row(4-6) 2 minutes
Squat(4-6) ss/T-bar row(4-6) 2 minutes
Squat(4-6) ss/1-arm DB Row(4-6) 2 minutes

Standing DB Curls(4-6) 2 minutes
Incline DB Curl(4-6) 2 minutes
Preacher Curls(4-6) 2 minutes

Day 2
Movement Weight Rest
Leg Lifts ss/ Crunches(-) 1 minute
Reverse crunch ss/ Plank(-) 1 minute
Russian twists ss/ Bicycles(-) 1 minute

Cardio LISS(30 minutes)

Day 3
Movement Weight Rest
Bench Press ss/Shouler press(8-10) 1 minute
Incline Press ss/Shoulder press(8-10) 1 minute
Decline Press ss/Shoulder press(8-10) 1 minute
DB Bench Press ss/Shoulder press(8-10) 1 minute

Decline close-grip bench(8-10) 1 minute
Skullcrusher(8-10) 1 minute
Cable pressdown(8-10) 1 minute

Day 4
Movement Weight Rest
Cardio LISS(30 minutes)

Day 5
Movement Weight Rest
Squat(12-15) ss/Seated Cable Row(12-15) 30 seconds
Squat(12-15) ss/T-bar row(12-15) 30 seconds
Squat(12-15) ss/1-arm DB Row(12-15) 30 seconds
Squat(12-15) ss/Seated Cable Row(12-15) 30 seconds
Squat(12-15) ss/T-bar row(12-15) 30 seconds

Standing DB Curls(12-15) 30 seconds
Incline DB Curl(12-15) 30 seconds
Preacher Curls(12-15) 30 seconds

Workouts - Feast (High Intensity)

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 9:13 pm
by Swedishfish
Feast 5 Day
Workout 1
Movement Weight Rest
Bench ss/Weight Pullovers (8-10) 2 minutes
(8-10) 2 minutes
(8-10) 2 minutes
(8-10) 2 minutes

Squats ss/SLDL (8-10) 2 minutes
(8-10) 2 minutes
(8-10) 2 minutes
(8-10) 2 minutes

Workout 2
Movement Weight Rest
Bench ss/Weight Pullovers (4-6) 2 minutes
(4-6) 2 minutes
(4-6) 2 minutes
(4-6) 2 minutes

Squats ss/SLDL (4-6) 2 minutes
(4-6) 2 minutes
(4-6) 2 minutes
(4-6) 2 minutes

Workout 3
Movement Weight Rest
Bench ss/Weight Pullovers (2-3) 2 minutes
(2-3) 2 minutes
(2-3) 2 minutes
(2-3) 2 minutes

Squats ss/SLDL (2-3) 2 minutes
(2-3) 2 minutes
(2-3) 2 minutes
(2-3) 2 minutes

Workout 4 (Deload)
Movement Weight Rest
Bench ss/Weight Pullovers (6-8) 2 minutes
(6-8) 2 minutes
(6-8) 2 minutes
(6-8) 2 minutes

Squats ss/SLDL (6-8) 2 minutes
(6-8) 2 minutes
(6-8) 2 minutes
(6-8) 2 minutes

Workouts - Feast (GLP1)

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 9:14 pm
by Swedishfish
Feast GLP
Workout 1 - Squat
Movement Weight Rest
Squat 50%x10
ss/SLDL(6-8) 3 minutes
ss/SLDL(6-8) 3 minutes
ss/SLDL(6-8) 3 minutes
ss/SLDL(6-8) 3 minutes
ss/SLDL(6-8) 3 minutes

Workout 1 - Bench Weight Rest
Bench 50%x10
ss/Pullover(6-8) 3 minutes
ss/Pullover(6-8) 3 minutes
ss/Pullover(6-8) 3 minutes
ss/Pullover(6-8) 3 minutes
ss/Pullover(6-8) 3 minutes

Workouts - Cruise

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 9:15 pm
by Swedishfish
Day 1
Movement Weight Rest
Bench 5 2-3 min
5 2-3 min
5 2-3 min
5 2-3 min
5 2-3 min

Shoulder Press 5 2-3 min
5 2-3 min
5 2-3 min
5 2-3 min
5 2-3 min
Close Grip Bench Hold 6-10 seconds

Day 2
Movement Weight Rest
Squats 5

Leg Press Static Hold 6-10 seconds

Seated Cable Row 5
OR 1-arm DB Row 5

Preacher curl contraction 6-45 seconds

Calf Contraction 6-45 seconds

Ab Contraction 6-45 seconds

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 9:17 pm
by Swedishfish
I'm pretty sure this section is locked so that I didn't just post the entire system on a public place...Please delete it if not, I don't really know what to say where yet.

Also, please feel free to point out any discrepancies you notice. There were a few areas I was unclear on what to do workout-wise, especially how to work more body parts in the GLP other than just chest/legs. I'm guessing after you do the GLP protocol for barbell lifts you can do supplementary stuff similar to the Famine and Cruise workouts. I'm also a bit confused on the cruise workout, specifically the static holds. Thanks in advance.

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 5:11 am
by RobRegish
Wow, how long did it take to type that all out? :) Seriously, I appreciate what you're putting into it here.

On the supplemental lifts during the GLP, suggest the following after the big barbell lifts.

I would suggest splitting those workout up with day 1 being upper body and day 2 being lower body. The first day bench + two EDT PR Zones and the second squats with 1 EDT PR Zone.

On the EDT PR Zones , structure it as follows for upper body:

Pr Zone 1
A- Incline dumbell presses
B- Tbar rows

PR Zone 2
C- Wide grip barbell bench
D- Chinups

- Alternate antagonistic muscle exercises in jump set fahion
- Staley's generally uses 15-20 minutes, (called a PR Zone). I prefer 12-15 min to pack more quality work in. Just seems more efficient.
- You perform two PR Zones per workout.
- Your target weight is one that you can do 10 clean reps with.
- You will begin with alternating sets of 5 or 6 reps.
- As you tire, you may reduce set reps to 4 then 2 and end with singles.
- Your goal is to do as many reps with good form as possible in the PR Zone.
- Do not work to, or near failure in the early sets.
- You may reach failure at the end as you try to beat your previous record.
- Once able to do 20% more reps than your prior workout, increase load 5% and begin again.

On the squat, consider the following PR Zone (just one)


Dimel Deadlifts
Leg Sled

This is absolutely exhausing so no further work needed. If you can do it great. God bless you. I'm an old man at 40 so need to conserve my energy

On the cruise workouts, it's a 5x5 template. I'll address once we get there. Given the planning you're doing now, best to focus on what lies immediately ahead. Rest assured, I'll sketch it all out for you..

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 7:47 am
by Swedishfish
Thanks Rob. It actually didn't take that long, 2 hours maybe. I was just watching the cardinals game so I figured I'd do something productive. Like I said, I'm a planner so it really wasn't even a chore.

Thanks for the info about EDT, while reading the BP I was assuming GLP and EDT were separate entities, not those that could be combined. I'm assuming a jump set and a super set are synonyms? Otherwise Could you enlighten me there? (I googled it but it's also the name of a volleyball maneuver so not much came out of that.)

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 10:42 am
Alright Cardinal fan, you in Mo. Bro?

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 12:23 pm
by Swedishfish
Ahhh yea, St. Louis actually.

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 12:51 pm
sweet man, I live in the springfield/branson area, I think were gonna have a badass team this year!!

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 1:53 pm
by Swedishfish
Yea I'm amazingly excited, they look real solid.

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 2:04 pm
by Swedishfish
Hey guys, just wanted to post a quick update since I haven't been around in awhile. Unfortunately where I'm doing my internship this summer I won't have access to a quality gym (we're talking one set of dumb bells, no leg press, no squat racks, the bare minimum) so for the sake of getting the most out of it, I'm going to have to postpone my first run till Late august/september when I'm back in a real city. Keep up the good work fella's

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 5:24 pm
by RobRegish
Wow, that's too bad.

No worries though, SF. You are clearly a planner and best to stick to the plan, even if that means putting it off.

Doing it right is more important than doing it soon!