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Kre-Anabolyn vs. E bol

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 3:52 pm
by RyannayR
I noticed that most of the people who log their Blueprint workouts on BB say they use E Bol. But reading through the BP it is recommended using Kre-Anabolyn. I was just wondering if one is better than the other for the BP workout.

I realize that they have different chemical make ups, But would anyone recommend using one over the other?

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 4:14 pm
by askmass
Rob recommends what he does for a reason.

He can speak for himself, but Kre-Anabolyn is virtually taylor made for The Blueprint and leverages far more of a positive impact than any other product of it's kind. It is the definitive product of it's category. is always going to push what they sell and basically forbid discussion of anything they don't. They aren't exactly known for having any standards for anything they carry, outside of the item having a huge advertising budget behind it to push their sales/hype and the allowance of a fat profit margin.

That said, Ebol is far from the worst Ecdysterone based product one could use today. Trust me when I say I know the Ecdy field, the raw ingredients and formulations and it's long history as well as anyone alive (besides perhaps, Rob Regish).

Ebol does not compare better than the Kre-Anabolyn formula in a legitimate head-to-head comparison, and that holds true even more so when looking at doing a program such as The Blueprint.

Good to see you here, by the way, and thanks for contributing.

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 4:54 pm
by sovabrat
I already ran one cycle of the Ebol tbol trib stack. I had great results, there is no denying it. I am about to finish famine and then start my feast period with a second round of E-bol. If I had the money to spare I would just get some KA to test against what I experienced previously. I am sure KA is as good as its cracked up to be.

From my personal experience E-bol did not disappoint at all. I did it without using a real program such as The Blueprint. So in actuality, this second cycle will really compare E-bol on its own to the Blueprint. If you are interested just follow my log. It is not super detailed right now because in the famine phase im just trying to survive. I will however document weights and reps for the rest of the blueprint.

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 5:09 pm
by askmass
Ryan, you'll get a lot more insight and feedback on comparing the two in this thread- ... .php?t=292

And, you'll find a good bit of technical (and perhaps eye-opening) info on Kre-Anabolyn's specific formula and quality controls, here-

To add this, I'm not so much knocking Thermo's product, because it's better than most out there currently in the Ecdy category - except for Kre-Anabolyn. I suppose I'm biased, but we do an extraordinary amount of research and trials in developing our formulations to deliver real world results. The new version of Burn It Up! as an example was in development right at 10 months (not 10 days). Everything that is in our products is in there for a reason and reinforces the greater whole. It isn't GNC grade junk tossed together cheaply and hyped to the moon, to put it a different way.

Quality counts.

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 6:27 pm
by RobRegish
Both are quality products made by quality companies.

Now it's absolutely true that The Blueprint was developed with Kre-Anabolyn as it's "test" product in prototype form. Ebol didn't even exist back then in its current state. All of the Multistix data, subjective and objective bloodwork etc I did was on Kre-Anabolyn. That's just the truth.

Either product will serve you well. I'm not getting in the middle of this product vs. that b/c I'm not about that. You can read the logs, read The Blueprint and judge for yourself.

Let's also please keep this in mind: If it were not for MASS The Blueprint would still be in my basement, not in the hands of so many people using and benefiting from it today. This board wouldn't exist either. That's just how it is. I can't say enough about MASS, their history with Ecdysterone (going back to 1993) and standing by me 100% on this incredible journey. Were it not for them, we wouldn't be here today even discussing this delicate topic on this forum. That alone should speak volumes.

You can draw your own conclusions from there...

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:20 pm
by RyannayR
I'm going with the Kre-Anabolyn since that is what the program was originally designed for. Plus there are a bunch of other supps I want located right there on the same site.

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 8:30 pm
by Swedishfish
Can someone break down the servings/bottle or cost/serving for me. I see that KA comes in 90ct bottles but how many servings is that? Same with AN? There isn't a ton of that info unless I'm just looking in the wrong spot.

BTW Hi! I just bought BP, read it thoroughly and really excited for a run, just gotta wait for the right timing. Trying to gather as much information as I can right now so nothing is wasted.

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 8:45 pm
by RyannayR
During the feast phase it says you should take 3 or up to 6 KA's to get your recommended 5mg dose of Rhaponticum Carthamoids. I only see it available for the 60ct, where did you find the 90ct? I'm not real sure about the AN tho.

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 8:55 pm
by Swedishfish
3-6 a day? I re-checked and misspoke, 60ct for KA, 90ct for AN. Sorry.

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 9:12 pm
by RyannayR
That's right, the BP recommended dosage is a minimum of 3-a-day and a maximum of 6-a-day for KA during the feast phase.

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 9:15 pm
by askmass
Hey guys.

Adaptogen N is 90 caps, 2-3 per night just before bed.

Kre-Anabolyn is 60 per bottle (the 3-pack is the deal) with a standard recommended serving of two daily, at breakfast and dinner. Rob advises more for some portions of Blueprint.

Remember, your Creatine is covered with KA. Also, in Generation 5 the RCE is at an all time high, about 25% more than before and right at 50% more than the prototype run (which is the one that was used in the Blueprint trials).

Here's more from the site Q&A-

"OK, how much is needed to see results? If it's 6-10 pills a day I'm not sure I can afford it."

With Kre-Anabolyn all you need is one capsule before breakfast and dinner. The potent ActivECDY components perfectly compliment and build upon the Patented principles of Kre-Alkalyn Creatine. An additional cap at lunch, and/or especially with post workout MASS PRO protein shakes can be of great benefit during extra heavy training. However, doubling up on the number of capsules taken per dose is not needed.

Smart MUSCLE MASS nutrition TIP: For peak results, take each Kre-Anabolyn dose with a tablespoon of Ultimate Omega, coconut, flax or olive oil to ensure your meal contains optimum EFA's. Research has shown doing this extends the anabolic effects of Kre-Anabolyn capsules for up to two additional hours!

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:11 pm
by kh971
Having just finished my first Blueprint run and my first cycle of Ebol, tbol trib, and cbol creatine...I am happy with the products, but this time I am going to use KA, and Adaptagen N.

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 1:15 pm
by dracotdrgn
I'm gonna throw in my 2 cents here..... every company has products, research, data, and reviews. You are smart to do your homework, it's your buck. After it's all said and done it comes down to what works and who do you trust. I know nothing of the "bols" and probably never will b/c I trust MASS and will stick with what works for me.
KA dosing for me was a standard three a day untill week 4. I started four a day for weeks four, five, and six. This seems to be when my strength was at its best and I was just following my load curve with the higher dose. I matched the dosing with the Adapt-n as well. But that's what works for me, with the new Gen 5 two to three might be fine. The libido kick is another added bonus from Adapt-N. :D
Price per pill, price per dose..... I am tight and watch my pennies too. But I look at MassPro. I can get protein for $5-$12 per pound. So why spend $16+ on MASS. Because it's the best! Cold processed, colostrum, aminos......
MASS has 10% off right now, take advantage.
Whatever you choose remember they are supplements and don't replace good nutrition and determination in the weight room. Good luck on your runs....

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 6:40 pm
by RobRegish
Great advice Draco..

We all have our favorites. I guess you could say I found MASS in 1993 and never really left. Oh, I've "strayed" but I always came back. Why? Because I proved to myself through laboratory diagnostic work and my lifting logs the stuff works.

That and it's always getting better. You rarely see the product of the month here but what you do notice is the formulas themselves get better. Take Adaptogen N. That stuff has been improved so many times I can't count. The key is the formula was changed/enhanced ONLY when something better or more refined became available. And you know what? There wasn't a big promo or whatever when Pantocrine was replaced by Eurycoma Longifolia.

I just remember my first lab test: something along the lines of a 30% increase in test within 55 days. A few years later with Eurycoma Logifolia/higher grade Trib: 55% increase in 27 days.

I dunno. It just gets better over time. Something to be said for that...